/soy general/

Anyone here a soygoy?

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I'd rather be shot dead by a nigger than be a soyfag


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no and im glad the meme came about same with the chad meme has inspired my 16 year old self to never end up like that

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I really do wanna play BOTW

Is that a pipe?
Do soyboys smoke out of pipes now? I have never seen anyone smoke out of a pipe except my uncle and other old people.

Sell drugs young grasshopper
Look up the law and make sure it doesn't go over possesion with intent to sell

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I am smoking one right now but its not some lord of the rings looking shit like that.

>ate some vegetable soup for lunch today
>it contained soy

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ITT neet neckbeards mocking people more successful than them

>most of my roadmen friends already do
if it were to sell drugs it sure as hell wouldn't be weed the profit margin is small and it smells and is just in general hard to sell.
if i were to sell drugs would be crack 10/10 homless market

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Easy on the soy my goy

you sound triggered soyflake

Just giving some context. Used to be a braindead Jow Forumstard myself.

I do have glasses and I'm skinny am I a soy boy?

indeed thay are

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Not if you are high test. It's less about the look and more about how you act and what you believe. making fun of the look is just a meme.

>Jow Forumstard
Okay estronaut

its mostly to be edgy
The money is just a bonus

Says the dude that looks down on us while telling his trans girl about how many bing bing wahoos he's got

So now youre just a regular braindead goy
>just giving some "context"
Im not sure you understand what that word means

Requesting soywebm.

Fuck off already nufag

>bunch of unhealthy ugly virgins with no friends or lives outside of Jow Forums
>thinking they're better than guys who have gfs, social lives and hobbies and are generally happy with themselves
Hey, at least you aren't balding.

Soy never feminised me and I ate soy by the tonne during puberty (I actually ended up more manly than my male peers). Soy is a red herring. It's something else that's doing it to them...

>he thinks you can't look down on someone from beneath them?

I just love how triggered soyboys are about it. They are so triggered by it they think its done right wing propaganda campaign. Typical fucking soy

BLACKED is a good website unironically. They film the porn properly, albeit slightly repetitive, but the scenes are still hot. Acting is obviously bad in some cases and a chunk of the actresses are trashy, but show me a company that does better imagery than those absolute fucking jews.

It's retarded to try and look down on someone when they're better than you in every way though. It's just funny to see a bunch of failures try and pretend they're better than some effeminate guy just because he looks obnoxious.

The only difference between you and him is that you're an anti feminist and probably aren't interested in Mario Kart. Congratulations.

Maybe stop taking HRT, lift some weights and get into a fistfight before you try to call someone else a lesser man.

first post best post to be honest family family

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BLACKED is boring to me. I like hardcore ass porn, not soft, vaginal sex on clean white sheets. I like it when a girl is shooting milk out of her asshole onto another girl's face. Seeing Elsa Jean get back-pounded is cool for like 15 seconds.

>not embracing the soy

I was so close. Should I just kill myself? Obviously since I put some bean juice in my oatmeal I'm a worthless nu-age beta male.

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>all those triggered soycucks that come out of the woodwork in every soyboy thread
>Y-you're just j-jealous I have a gf and a s-social life! Bing bing wahoooo! Have to go now, need to make a virtue signalling tweet and go to work to afford my gf's new face piercing, otherwise she won't put out for another month

Lol, everytime.
Go stick your capeshit tshirt on and fuck off back to plebbit soyim.

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>soyboy gets pussy once a month
>robot never gets pussy

Keep crying. Nobody would care if you didn't keep making this thread on the wrong board. Also you sound like a /v/irgin with all the bing bing wahoo shit. Grow up.

>everyone here is a loser
I mean I get that you a soyboy but for fucks sake man. I don't know where to begin. You look down on everyone here despite both not knowing them and being here yourself. This idea that I can't make fun of someone above me in status is retarded. I bet you make drumpg posts on twitter and you wouldn't even understand the hypocrisy in that.

You have such a retarded hierarchical worldview. Your argument is if your aren't a chef you can't say any food served to you is bad. How much of a brain dead faggot can you possible be?

Thanks for proving my point soycuck!
Back to your capeshit and mario

Every jap porn ever made and passion hd

Oh yeah well your a virgin.

Stupid fucking normies

soyboys are just retards who tried to become chads by trying to change the way society sees men.
>muh toxic mascilinity
>w-we-we can be alpha too boys!!!

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When your arguments consist only of regurgitating memes you heard on Jow Forums why do you even bother responding?

>my 16 year old self
enjoy your vacation

this image is the strawest of mans

the only people who think people like this actually exist are people who spend all day posting on this website

>hur dur you cant make fun of soyboys cause you're a loser
I come here for cheap laughs.
go home normies.

the only people who don't think people like this actually exist don't get outside enough

what the fuck does this even mean?

how does the nintendo switch, soymilk, fruit loops and rick and morty characterize a person? it makes literally no sense

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>Muh Jow Forums
This has nothing to do with Jow Forums nufag. Why do you keep bringing them up?

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because they're grown men who act like children. go to your local coffee shop and you'll see a bunch of fags who are trying they're hardest to come off as cool. its just all the hipsters from years ago joining a new soy movememnt and becoming gay fucking vegans.

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Yet another triggered soyboy. Notice how all of them think soyboi is some kind of political thing?

maybe I haven't been paying attention or I go to the wrong coffee shops but I just see regular people getting coffee dude

I really think this "nintendo switch soymilk guy" meme is a projection of all the shit this board doesn't like and not an actual stereotype of people, like the tide pod eating kids in local newspaper cartoons

I like soy sauce and always have it with sushi and some other asian dishes, but don't eat other soy products and have never tasted stuff like tofu and such. Then again, I have no idea if the normal shit I eat contains soy. Whatever the case, I do think my testosterone is somewhat lowered than before, but maybe that's normal for late twenties.

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>because they're grown men who act like children
the irony of saying this on fucking Jow Forums, on the neet board of all places.. and look at this entire fucking thread. Do you honestly believe any of these people screaming soyboy soyboy soyboy cuck are acting mature or seem like mature people in real life?

desuuuuuuuuuuuuugbj jdbdsnsinu

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yeah dude I'm PISSED that soy I don't drink is feminizing my body because that's definitely what soy does

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might be a more suitable board for you.
Jow Forums, Jow Forums, and Jow Forums are natural allies.

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The tide pod guy was the one denying the existence of soybois are as real as hipsters. Maybe you won't find them because you either are one and see nothing wrong with only listening to obscure music with your walkman attached to your skinny jeans with artificial tips in them or you live in a small town. If you live in any city you are bound to see hordes of them

we come on Jow Forums to act like children. don't like this board or its culture? see ya later soyfag

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> the internet is real life

There age are way too many newfags

Yeah pol tards are generally idiots.

>we come on Jow Forums to act like children

I have seen more than enough evidence to suggest for most of you it's not just an act.

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Yes lets focus on the soy aspect and not the actual content. Wow hipsters aren't real because being hip just means popular and hipsters aren't really popular!

We're not here to impress you
>roastie go home reeeeee!

if you think anyone on this thread acts like this in real life maybe you actually have autism and cant tell the differance between internet and reality of how people act irl

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this image is like 5 years old and has been photoshopped 3 times but I'll accept it at face value because there is currently a string of drool hanging from my lower lip

again are these supposed to be hurtful stereotypes? because man I hate gentrification too but there's nothing intrinsically wrong with hipsters

>it's not just an act
>non-whites doing the nazi salute
I wonder if this is all just an act.

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>acting like children

it's like you didn't actually read the post

>Muh Jow Forums muh pol mih pol muh pol
Call someone a cuck faggot hipster, it all rolls off like water on a rain jacket. But call him a soyboy "oh no, I've been found out"

I drink a Soylent every morning for breakfast. I also own a Switch, but prefer my PlayStation. I am subscribed to at least 3 video-streaming platforms. I have also been to the first showings of the latest Star Wars movies unironically.

How soy am I?

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welp there is the answer.
hipsters are obscure emotional faggots
who are more obnoxious than anyone
you probs don't see anything wrong with that because that is how u are

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Pissing off people like you by being deliberately provocative is not an act that a child would do. You're just a stuck up faggot.

That's actually pretty neat. Origami made with rice paper

Are you fucking niggering me?

I thought Jow Forums hates us. Don't we naturally lean towards Jow Forums and Jow Forums?

>baby wipes

It's already too late for you.

I genuinely appreciate the self help attitude that Jow Forums has. Jow Forums's board culture is a different type of autistic.

only the lord can help u at this point

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the gaping mouth is just so weird, I mean at least that part of the soyboy meme seems to be actually grounded in reality

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you're the guy who made a thread on an imageboard crying about how you hate imaginary people. the simple fact that some people enjoy things unironically breaks you down into a sobbing rage. hey dude when I was 14 people bullied me for expressing my interests outwardly too but posting pictures of dabbing pepe didn't help with that. anyways hope you're doing okay bro don't let the other jr. high kids get you down

I know I know user. You're really a respectable lawyer with a loving wife and kids in real life you just spend hours of your life autistically obsessing over migrant statistics and screaming soyboy on the weekends.

Lmao triggered soycuck

I drink soy milk daily AMA

There's no point in pointing fingers on an anonymous image board, user. Reddit-tier insults aren't as effective here.

Holy shit a real soyboy. Bing bing waho

It really is weird as fuck. Why do they do that? It's like the fish lips that SJWs have.

It does when I'm accusing you of hypocrisy tho.

You are a soyboy if you look and act like one!
O-oh yeah? Well you are a virgin! Ha gottem!

>everything I don't like is this
Are we back to this again? Where is the hypocrisy?

>caring about what other people enjoy

Idk what's worse. Being a soyboy or a buttmad robot

You sound cute do u wanna rub penises with me?

>because they're grown men who act like children

says the guy beet red and weeping in an Jow Forums thread

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>not laughing at soyboi faggots because you're a boring passive bastard


Who are you quoting again?
See what I mean? You're a faggot.

Why is Jow Forums there when the average robot couldn't even lift themselves out of bed to go to them gym, let alone lift weights

Jow Forums is glaring in envy at Jow Forums who is looking up to Jow Forums.

You're the one writing angry paragraphs soyboi

Jow Forumstards are subhuman and Jow Forumsizen are hopelessly delusional

t. real robot

>he thinks a single sentence is a paragraph

You don't get bald or beards unless you have tons of test. You idiots have failed so hard at biology that I'm laughing. But continue making fun of the soyim. I guess getting excited at new Nintendo releases is a soyboy characteristic

Can I be a vegan that also hates hipsters/soyboys, loves America unironically, and has felt the inside of a vagina within the last week?

I miss 2008.