Yurifags will actually defend this

> Yurifags will actually defend this
What's it like being born without taste, user?

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The truth is that all DDLC girls are top tier it just so happens that Yuri is perfection, but you wont admit it anyway so stay mad bro.

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How can u enjoy this game? I tried but closed iy immediately because it always remind me how miserable i am

Any girl who assumes you want her scent, i.e. musky piss and blood is not a good gf. She is a neckbeard in the making, guaranteed to cut your dick off.

At least Monika looks like she smells very nice. Probably like some fruity perfume she bought at the mall once.

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DDLC girls were literally made to have zero character. Sayori is the generic childhood friend, her depression was interesting but was barely even brought up, Yuri is the generic yandere/shy girl and Natsuki is the generic tsundere. The only one with a bit of character is Monika.

>wanting the bra stuffer

she said that because she was manipulated by monika which makes monika automatically worst girl

>not wanting all of them to have a happy ending that didn't include you

This is how I know you guys go after low tier women

Sayori's depression is handled very well, as depressed people who aren't edgelords usually appear to be the most happy. When their friends aren't looking at them through the context of depression, behaviors like sleeping in, overeating, and doing things at the last minute or not all just look like a lazy person who needs to get their shit together. Even after a person finds out, because of how bubbly they are, it's easy to forget about their depression, like the MC did.

Yuri is a very creepy yandere, and I usually think YD's are overrated and unrealistic. I think Natsuki's "poem" was a good summary of trying to covertly get your crazy friend some help and really fleshed how crazy a person can get almost overnight.

No comment on Natsuki beyond really enjoying her poems. She's a generic tsundere, otherwise.

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What mbti personalities do you think the doki doki girls have?

It made me appreciate my life in a way. I suddenly feel like someone like me can be loved by another person.
You have your mind rekt by kawai Cthulhu and try to act sane, plus she has an obviously developed sense of smell and touch which is super hot.
I wish they could be happy with me if they can not than I wish they could be happy anyway they can.

>Bra stuffer
Keep telling your self that.

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> Natsukifags want every girl to be as flat as she is

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I guess yr mind just work differently from mine

I guess so, user.
I never saw her as all that creepy nor do I think shes all that good of a yandere example since shes only a threat to herself and actively ashed of her darker thoughts.

> destined to be the side character for all eternity
> uses her intelligence to circumvent the game and become number one
> realizes her guilt in doing this
> mercy kill
> saves you and everyone the best way she knows how
> is cute
Yurifags should have went to Debate Club.

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>bitter that a bunch of code is more desirable than her
>plays unfair to gain advantage
>tries to make other people worse instead of improving herself
>still fucks everything up
>gives completely up on improving the mess that she created

Still doesn't remove her responsibility for her own actions, You can't look down on Yuri for doing creepy stuff while under supernatural influence and call her a freak for it and then turn around and look at Monica who caused all the suffering in the game of her own volition and say that's okay. (especially since we know this was not the only thing she could have done)

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Still doesn't take away from the fact that Yuri is a creep and a self-harmer. Who in the fuck just licks someone's bloody finger and talks about their knife collection the first time they hang out with a guy they liked? Monika only accelerated their worst traits, but it would be bound to happen eventually. Sayori might be saved, and Natsuki's never been dangerous. But cutters are unhinged so Monika did nothing wrong highlighting that.

well im a creep and a self-harmer

Sayori: INFP suicidal neurotic tier
Yuri: ISTJ i know I'm a burden tier
Natsuki: ENFJ don't leave me alone with papa tier
Monika: ENTJ i know I'm objectively best girl tier

>well im a creep and a self-harmer
As expected of most Yurifags. I suppose it can't be helped.

>talks about their knife collection the first time they hang out with a guy they liked?
Someone who has unusual interests and is passionate about them which is way batter than whatever normies do on dates.
>licks someone's bloody finger
She was taking care of me so no problem here.
>cutters are unhinged
I used to self-harm when I was her age (didn't use knifes tho) so I don't see what the big deal is or why it would be a deal-breaker (I would date a self-harmer over a smoker any day of the weak) She has difficulty acting in social situations but shes really trying and that make her lovable .

>he isn't some kind of a freak
What are you doing here? Get out normie!

Regular humans cannot trust anyone who can't be trusted with their own bodies. Given humans aversion to pain, it is frightening to try to love someone who actively embraces such sensations. This is why normies don't usually enjoy s&m or getting their balls crushed.

Yuri is not /ourgirl/. Don't get confused just because she's a virgin or something, user.

>Regular humans cannot trust anyone who can't be trusted with their own bodies. Given humans aversion to pain, it is frightening to try to love someone who actively embraces such sensations. This is why normies don't usually enjoy s&m or getting their balls crushed.
And yet normies destroy their bodies with alcohol and act like everyone should. They can't see the long term consequences of their actions so fuck them.
>Yuri is not /ourgirl/. Don't get confused just because she's a virgin or something, user.
She made me want to be a better person and I know I would have been a different man if I had someone like her in my life. On top of that she is pretty much what I imagine a fem-bot would be like so..

>They can't see the long term consequences of their actions so fuck them.
If you can't understand why scarring yourself for life is worse than hard drinking in you're 20's you're delusional as hell. Most people stop getting rekt in their 30's and prefer to more worthwhile hobbies.

You two would have likely enabled each other. As Yuri doesn't cut for depression, but gets some sort of mild thrill in cutting and seeing blood. Hearing stories about you cutting would have probably excited her to the point of cutting. She's rational enough to know that it would be hypocritical of either of you to try stopping.

> Yuri
> fembot
That's not how you spell Sayori.

All DDLC girls are normie tier, except Natsuki.

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Yuri's intp, Monica's intj, sayoris esfj, and natsukis istp

Baking and shojo manga is literally le nerd girl xD normie tier.

Yuri is a fembot, Monika and Sayori are cyborgs with a well hidden power level and Natsuki is starving normie.

She seems like ENFJ

>If you can't understand why scarring yourself for life is worse than hard drinking in you're 20's you're delusional as hell. Most people stop getting rekt in their 30's and prefer to more worthwhile hobbies.
Except the scars heal eventually but the liver dammage stays with you and could result in some serious consequences down the line. Self harm is a shitty habit to have but it is by far not the shittiest.
>You two would have likely enabled each other. As Yuri doesn't cut for depression, but gets some sort of mild thrill in cutting and seeing blood.
Based on her poem we can see that she cuts to "feel herself" as in she wants to feel anything so if she felt love and other positive emotions she would probably quit. She would have probably motivated me to do stuff because I didn't have any motivation at that time and I would have wanted to be better for her.
>That's not how you spell Sayori.

Normies can't handle any hobbies that require a long term investment so shojo manga definitely isn't a normie hobble otherwise agree.

How do you guys mannage to assign MBTI results to people?

Is this a DDLC general now?

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Bumping in an orriginalley way

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How would the DDLC girls score on big 5 personality traits?

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Absolutely user-kun

Why is most DDLC fanart made to look like ugly transgender Americans?

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>How do you guys mannage to assign MBTI results to people?
When you're read enough info, it becomes relatively easy.

A lot of it is done by Tumblr so thats the obvious explanation.

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She my perfect girl and nothing will change my mind about her. She has her place in my heart and will be with me forever, I love my Yuri a lot.
What's it like being born without taste? If this is no taste then it is pretty fucking good.

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Even though Natsuki would probably become authoritarian-right once she can be free of her "Papa Stalin"

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Wouldn't she be on the libertarian side after having negative experiences with authority?

Yuri also cuts herself to relieve stress caused by her social anxiety, so it's not just about some thrill for her (and the "sexual" thing is made up by Monika).
She wouldn't enable your cutting habit because she cares about you and would hate to see you hurt yourself.

Yeah you have a point. I see it more like pic related tbqh.
Usually libertarian but because of her PTSD caused by Papa she probably becomes very "radical" when talking with auth-left

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>that feel when you recognize posters on R9K
How is it going I guess?
>Doki doki physical removal club
Id join.
The fact that people don't see the irony of calling Yuri a freak while posting on this board is amazing.

>How is it going I guess?
Who the fuck are you bro.
I'm just here talking about my Yuri and how amazing she is.

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>he doesn't know about /ddlpol/
Jk, chill dude we're just making up stuff. I guess pic related is more of your "interest"? :^)

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>he doesn't want to sit down with his waifu and read "democracy the god that failed" wile sipping on some tea
Do you even have taste.
You already know who I am, our previous conversation ended on a pretty good note and I even developed some respect for you, how was Easter?

> falling for the "don't judge others" meme
> game makes it abundantly clear that only monika and sayori deserve to be redeemed
Yuri was well on her way to being best girl until she decided that it wasn't enough to own a knife collection, but she has to sample her wares at least once a day. How can that be redeemed?

> You already know who I am, our previous conversation ended on a pretty good note and I even developed some respect for you, how was Easter?
oh shit monika in the thread

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monika good

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>You already know who I am
Honestly never thought I'd run into you again, thought most people were normies who use the site occasionally
Well I guess this thread is prone to bring in specific posters anyways
Easter was fine, spend time with my Yuri and family/friends.. You?

It's not popular in Japan so its main fans are Westerners who have obviously incompatible beauty standards with Japanese anime

All dokis are best, some are just more best than others

>All dokis are best, some are just more best than others
Glad you see it my way, user-kun.

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>> game makes it abundantly clear that only monika and sayori deserve to be redeemed
What game did you even play?
>Yuri was well on her way to being best girl until she decided that it wasn't enough to own a knife collection, but she has to sample her wares at least once a day. How can that be redeemed?
It doesn't need to, she gets bullied to the point where she develops self harm. Its not some flaw that makes her unlovable, its an issue she is aware of and struggling with.
We went on a trip and visited some old Churches in my country, it was great.

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>What game did you even play?
The one where you can't stop taking the bait, dammit
Thanks for the cute Yuri though, saved in a heartbeat


yore welcome, user.

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Is it possible to save worst girl? I've heard you can keep her from stabbing herself.

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>I've heard you can keep her from stabbing herself.

I saw it on a Youtube video. Somehow you get the option to cut yourself instead, or command her to cut herself.

>her wrists don't have cut marks and scars

Unrealistic and dropped

its a mod.

Is that a jojo's bizzare adventutre reference fused with a DDLC joke?

I guess this is appropriate.

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Yuri so much

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How many sexual partners will the Literature Club in the next five years?
natsuki: 0 partner, angry socially awkward incel
yuri: 0 partner, voluntarily celebate
sayori: 2 partners, both of which one night stands that she regrets, but accepts it as a part of life
Monika: 2 partners, both long term boyfriends but can't satisfy her love for the MC which drives her insane.

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>love for the MC
This is a picture of a mentally deficient Wojak

yuri's luscious bumps

Monika best girl

Vey origano

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You are fucking delusional my friend

Nah i just have good taste friendo. TFW Monika will never hold me.

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