are you a normie, a robot, or a chad?
Are you a normie, a robot, or a chad?
I'm a failure
fembots not included
I'd say roughly 90% normie and 10% robot.
A Chad
I look good Im too retarded to do anything with my looks
I am originally a failed normie.
All three in one
>long story
Neither. I simply don't belong in this world.
Had a girl friend and tons, tons of friends most of my life
>Age 16-22 tons of people to hang out with and everybody wants to go to starbucks, rent a cabin in lake tahoe, go to movies, go to the mall, go to anywhere with anyone..
>Meetup at drag strip and race cars
>Meetup at starbucks Friday and Sunday nights with tons of people we all know
>Used to have groups of people i could hang out with
>Than age 22-26 had tons of weightlifting paretners and training in a powerlifting gym
>Had tons of shit to do and go out every weekend to shoot in a range with friends, go for a drive through the mountains saturday or sunday and meetup someplace...
>Friday nights meetup at car meet starbucks etc...
>Than age 26-30 moved to a new state
>Became a robot since i didn't know anyone
>Found success in a new state/new industry i just got into
>Now age 30, shitpost on Jow Forums and Jow Forums constantly
>Living alone in a huge city
>Have tons of money and live better than most people
>Would post pics of my car, or my place but i usually keep those posts on /o/ or forums dedicated to my hobbies
>These days im a loney/robot
Went from normie, chad, to robot from age 16-30
I think a failed normie.
I could have been normal but was scared to talk to people.
When I go club I get attention from a girl but I run away.
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Also I recommend using this
Whats the defining qualities of a robot?
I'm a normalfag by this standard but thats just beause I'm rich, I'm still a KHHV
>Slitly Strange, But I have Chad friends Magicaly
People always tell me they thought I was a weirdo before they talk to me.
Normie approaching Chad status
Pretty good looking
Married with a baby (4 months old)
Two sports cars and a suv (for the winter)
Not jacked or overly muscular but work out 3-4 day a week so pretty good shape
Have lots of friends never a weekend I don't have plans
I am a wizard apprentice. I feel pride.
i hated being an autist so i used my autism to give me bpd
now i'm a failed robot and a cuck
>grew up trailer trash
>start browsing Jow Forums in high school (2008)
>drop out of college
>couch surfing, working shit jobs
>virgin until 26
>just now starting to take control of my life
Physically, appearances were never a real problem for me. I'm a little on the skinnier side but still Jow Forums, decent face, good hygiene, etc. I honestly think I have schizoid personality disorder, but I'm too much of a bitch to seek a diagnosis that would jeopardize my current job prospects.
Just a normie with a slightly below average social life. I have friends but I don't feel attached to them that much and we don't hang out or anything. Most of them are way geekier than I am and will most likely become NEETs in the future. I need new friends.
look like a chad 100% /x/-file robot.
I am not any of those things. I am sub-robot.
actual robot
Also this
I'm a robot, though I feel like I could be a potential cyborg.
I'm a robot, according to this test.
60% normie 40% robot failing normie I guess