That's it, Jow Forums. I'm gonna pump and dump every woman I ever come across from now on. Fuck the bullshit.
That's it, Jow Forums. I'm gonna pump and dump every woman I ever come across from now on. Fuck the bullshit
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why would you do anything else? they're completely worthless
Can I get source on this girl? What compels a woman to do such a thing?
Lol, you should focus on the chuddy, nerdy chicks.
i know right? if girls were the ones who ejaculated, id never want it on my mouth
Good man. They do nothing but bring drama, financial ruin, and heartache into your life. It'll come to a point where you'll have to care for them as if they're a child. Dumping all of your time, effort, and money into them; and for what? Some sex? A blowjob? Unfaithful promises and lies? Fuck them. They're all worthless but for a quick fuck. You think you meet a good one? Think again fucker. They're all two faced as fuck and will do whatever it takes for them to get what their irrational ass wants in the moment.
Oh man this is hot. I think im going to masturbate
>o-oh what's that honey? n-no i just spilled something on myself a-at lunch, haha. I know, so silly of me!
t. assblasted faggots who are mad they can't get a qt GF
stay mad
she's unironically chad's cum catcher behind your back
You should only treat virgin women, or women who waited until marriage, with respect. Women that spread their legs for just anyone should be treated like the cumbuckets they are.
>implying all women cheat
i've had two LTRs and fucked 46 girls in my life you fucking loser. i definitely say they're worthless from experience. yes the glory days are over because im an aimless faggot who didnt transition into respectable adulthood with a real job but the point still stands.
fucking loser.
>pump and dump
i agree.
>implying a basement dweller knows anything about girls
stay assblasted
>implying they have any ability to be loyal
enjoy being a simp
>implying they don't
stay assblasted
>i agree.
Glad you do. Most women are shit, but so are most men. You can just see by all these beta faggots who want to pump and dump that they are no beta than the whores they bitch about. Noble women exist, but they are as rare as noble men. Before the days of Christ, when the Romans defeated the Teutonic army, the Teuton women killed themselves and their children, so that neither they nor their progeny would have to live as slaves. If the Jow Forums narrative was always true and all women are just whores, they would have submitted to the Romans, but they killed themselves before even considering submitting.
>every woman I ever come across
I think he means that he is going to rape them.
Women will fuck and chuck from time to time too
Like you fuck them and then they kick you out of their house and ghost you
What bullshit anyway? There is a little bit like when she decides to go on a tirade or throw a hissyfit or spend the night being passive aggressive or texting her guy on the side stuff like that. Is talking to her too much of a hassle? Can't commit to one girl? A real relationship too much work for you?
Nah, it's not that I can't commit to one girl, it's the fact that no girl can commit to one cock.
>this is your brain on (((MGTOW)))
Read "The Lady from the Sea," you faggot. A woman will forever seek out the first person that fucked her. Your job is to find a virgin to settle down with.
What's the whore name?
Boyd Rice
what anime is this?dvs
>l-looking forward to it C-Chad bot.
>Using women and tossing them aside, therefore conditioning them to become even sluttier, making the whore epidemic even worse
The absolute madman
My girl is loyal, i keep tabs and have evidence of it, stay mad virgin
Yeah, this faggot OP is just as bad as the whores he complains about.
Women love getting raped
Some Jappy tumblr hoe. She posts facial/cumshot pics with her Jappy boyfriend.
Can't remember her name. But she's got a right butterface.
good lad, welcome to the right side of history
Well, didn't you read my other posts? If you rape a virgin girl, she will forever love you.
areacoco on tumblr
Agree on MGTOW also on virgin gf, but partially only, it gives you huge edge, but I know many wymyn who setup families with 2nd or 3rd guy.
2nd as odd as it is , seems the most common case
That's because first intimate relationships don't work out for a variety of reasons. However, the woman will still seek out a man who has similar characteristics to the one who first bedded her. If the man she married isn't similar to her first partner in any way, then there is a high chance of an affair taking place; most likely a spontaneous, spur of the moment, one.
>she's a chink
Imo the characteristics are defined before the first guy. Later she just follows the pattern.
What grills seem to look for is the chadfather figure, now not sure if for them or future daughter.
Behaving to her like a father to daughter works magic , no idea why but it works.
That depends on her relationship with her father. If she had a poor relationship with him, or if he was absent, then she will go for the stereotypical Chad guy 9 times out of 10. If she had a decent or good relationship, then it varies. Still, she will remain malleable until she beds the first guy. A critical aspect of sex is that the woman submits herself to the man, physically, mentally, emotionally, and arguably spiritually. She is then permanently shaped by this first engagement in a psychological manner.
>But she's got a right butterface.
She doesn't show her face tho.
I looked up her tumblr, areacoco. She is a fucking ugly nip. I was expecting some cute blonde girl. Disappointment.
Same desu famalam. orignal
Damn, that dog's expression mirrored mine to a tittle.