The day you realized you were ugly

When and how did you realize you were ugly?

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When I was around 10 and no one wanted to my friend anymore

also I'd fuck her right in the pussy

Not with them milkers

i thought i was average until people at school told me i was ugly and then i went home and asked my mom if i was ugly and she said yes and that's how i realized i was ugly

When i found out about lookism

12y old, 7th grade. Overheard roasties in class ranking the guys in order from chad to loser.

I was ranked bottom. They said I was very weird and ugly(at the time my skin was really dark because of tanning during summer and I looked like an Australian Aboriginal)

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when the mentally ill traps convinced me to start HRT


Please dont go there my dude

5/10 guys rated me a 6/10 on /soc/

Maybe 5th grade? My best friend back then was a mini-chad so I noticed how bad I looked in comparison. I was alright looking in high school, but now I'm 20 with acne and I want to die.

6/10 is above average you mongrel

It's just a site full of ugly people no?

>Out with friend at a bar
>Girls acknowledge him all night
>No one even looks my way


When I got alopecia

lookism is purple pill

i am not ugly, just autistic with hot women (not men or ugly women)
I relaized my autism like at 14maybe?

Probably a dumb woman, never heard of a guy mad he's considered above average.

Yeah but it will brainwash you

I'm intrigued, I'm not ugly. Will I hang myself? is blackpilled. One of it's members made this video and channel

Anyone know this girl's name? I like 5/10 girls

See this video

>doesnt include personality

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Hello friends! That is a man. Thank you. You're welcome.

>out with chad friend at festival
>see qts
>they start recording a video of my friend
>my friend notices and looks directly at their phone
>the girls become embarrassed and quickly put it away.
>they ignored me

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When I finally bit the bullet and signed up for an OKCupid account. A few women told me straight to my face to fuck off because I'm hideous. One even tried claiming I was a rapist for even attempting to message her.

were you that awkward and out-of-place friend?

I honestly don't think I'm ugly. I think everyone else thinks I'm ugly, but I personally like a lot of my features.

But I noticed that women find me repulsive in elementary school, when all of my closest friends got girlfriends and were invited to girls' birthday parties... and I wasn't. No girl has ever shown interest in me. And I turn 24 this year.

>No girl has ever shown interest in me.
did you ever ask a girl out?

Yes I suppose

I realized I was ugly when my mom bought school photos of my sister, but never of me. Also there's no pictures of me between the ages of 13 to 22

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people always said it to me for entire life, I don't know when it started.

The day the music died.

You can't say that and not post proofs. This sounds awful.

I can check-off most of the important boxes. But people are generally good-looking where I live. so my height and facial features don't amount to much. Women are also 6'0 foot here. Suppose this vid is supposed to be a blackpill for americans who have more variability in appearance.

No. I would have to be madly in love with a girl before I'd risk asking her out.
And I rarely get to know a girl well enough to be able to make that decision. I've been fairly close once. But she turned out to be bipolar, crazy and ten years older than me... Maybe someday I'll find someone.

>high standards
i hope that they're reasonable ones.

I deleted my account long ago. This was back in 2010, when I still had some semblance of hope that I could find someone who could love me.

I don't know if I'm ugly, or got aspergers, or just boring. no-one talks to me to let me know, and I'm not going to go to a doctors because I don't have time for that. I sometimes think I'm like Don Quixote, who was really mad, but would also mimic men who were madder than he was. I know I sometimes put on my stimming because I just don't want the hassle of interacting with people. Does that make me really mad?

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Maybe if you live in Europe where a 50% is a passing grade.

I don't think my standards are unreasonable.
I would give it a try with almost anyone who asks me out. But in order to make the first move I'd have to either be really sure that she wouldn't reject me, or I would have to like her enough that a potential soul crushing rejection is worth the chance of a relationship with her.

>asks me out
you have to risk it

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tagged photos on facebook.

It went better when I was in college, then I got fat.
Still thought I'm not that bad, until I saw candid photos of my profile.

When the kids were playing kisschase in the playground and no-one would chase me

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Holy shit she's pretty, not usually into white girls, but goddamn who is this.

>Holy shit she's pretty, not usually into white girls, but goddamn who is this.
Just one of our girls abroad

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Pretty sure this was Miss England at one point.

>Miss England

God, bongs are some inbred ugly fuckers. She's a 6/10 at best.

ye she was
>God, bongs are some inbred ugly fuckers. She's a 6/10 at best.
are you actually mentally deficient

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>be on last, second last day of school semester
>lazy day, half the school isn't here
>forced to go
>last period of the day, I've been sorted into a class composed of some older students and randoms I don't know
>listen to music/pretend to browse phone to pass the time
>some blonde from the year above starts loudly trashtalking me out of nowhere
>calling me creepy and ugly, blah blah
>ignore her
>I watch her out of the corner of my eye actually get frustrated and shake her legs
>'oh my god sooooo creepy'
>ignore her
>leave class and school unmolested (physically)
>that night I cry in bed- do so quite a lot, whilst thinking about and hating this girl

And from then on I could notice all the signs so much more, like how hearing a new word makes you notice it everywhere.

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When I was in elementary school. Damn near every other kid was adorable but I was an ugly mofo.

That's why I hate taking pictures of myself, because every time I see one I feel crushed knowing that I have atrocious genes.

i just re-realized it recently.
I thought I used to be good looking as a teen, and would lament how i wasted my looks and chances for girlfriends,
but I just found an old video of me from that time and I looked like a weasel.

when I was about 16-17 yo a lot of schoolmates told me dead serious in the face stuff like "how can you be so ugly" or "your face looks so disgusting user, i'm getting sick"

this might sound like a joke, but this was bitter reality for me

I did not deserve this, nobody deserves this

schooltime was a nightmare

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Everyone was always telling me how beautiful i look as a child, and that the girls would i quote "Be running to me"

Turns out puberty ruined that one for me, or im really beautiful and just have really low self esteem, but i doubt that.

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Noooooo! ;_;
Why did you have to kill my dream gf like that

Befriended a group of chads when I was about 15, and one of them kept remarking on how good looking I was. After a few years when we were actually friends and I was less of a jester I noticed him talking to ugly spergy kids, talking about how good looking they were in an obviously snide and mean way. Guess I was clueless

Although when I was thirteen I used a second mirror to look at myself in profile for the first time and was genuinely shocked by how ugly I looked compared to straight- "is this how other people see me?"

If you cleaned up you could be a 7/10

id say shave and lose weight and youd be back where you started

If that's your photo you look absolutely great

Just took a 360 video of my face and doing various faces and looking around.
Jesus fucking Christ
Absolute rope fuel

>middle school
>Playing spin the bottle
>girl had to kiss a guy, she did it with tounge
>next turn, same girl had to kiss me
>i open my mouth to kiss her, she asks me loudly to close it
>everyone laughs

same girl actually complimented my look before though
i think it's more about being a beta than being ugly, girls have a sixth sernse for it

I think I realized that I was ugly the first year of HS. I had never thought about it until I overheard a couple of girls behind me say something about it. This was also about the time I fell victim to crippling socially anxiety. Now I can't even look at mirrors or pictures of myself

I was just sitting around in class with other guys in middle school, and this black girl starts pointing up and walking up directly to the guys saying lpthings like "cute, okay, ugly." She went up to me last and said ugliest.

When I decided to muster up the courage and show myself on omegle. Every single person skipped me (I'm a girl)

In 4th grade, I was extremly fat and pale, I was very quiet, had zero friends and usually avoided any interactions with people.
One day my teacher took me and another kid of my class to show the differences between a healthy body and one that isn't, she berated me in front of the entire class for being a "little boy with bigger breasts than any of the girls" I was literally being laughed at by the entire class, I remember the girls making forced gagging expressions, one even let out a loud EWWWW.
I was the butt of jokes for many months, I was usually called "hippo" and other vile names, school, highschool, it was all hell, but that is the moment it was clear to me I was an ugly bastard.

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I was 6 years old.

You were just fat you retard. There's still a chance you can become good looking once you lose weight.

I lost the weight, didn't help, otherwise I wouldn't be on this board with the rest of you retards

when i started getting compared to this guy

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When people used to joke and said I looked like a younger George Zimmerman.

Post pics. Use imgur and link it if you're worried about the rules.

you're cute, do you need an ugly-average gf?

fuck you man, your genes are actually pretty great. Just shave that shit and start lifting.

When all my friends had gfs and were speaking to girls while I was ignored or hated by them. When I realized that, I truly changed from a happy kid to a introverted depressed loser khv that gave up on women. I was 14.

thats rough, man
you have been muted for 2 seconds

>tfw just fat, not ugly
Cute eyes are the important thing I think. That and a good jawline.

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>girl invites me to church meet up
>says this other girl likes me

>meet up
>we chat awkwardly
>she's out of my league

>we all go to an arcade
>turns out her ex showed up too

>leave her to get water/soda
>come back
>they're holding hands

>awkwardly look around as if I didn't notice
>start sweating
>absolutely humiliated
>drop spaghetti and leave
>rest of the night is awkward

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When I first noticed the mirror, but as I grew I realized it wasn't as bad as I thought.

>says this other girl likes me


Wanna sex user?

When the girls at hs did this thing where they chose what guy would they kiss/date/whatever. Everyone got at least one vote except me.

bump origianally edfsio