if you're not attracted to asian girls you are mentally ill
If you're not attracted to asian girls you are mentally ill
>you are mentally ill
Look where you are fucktard lmao
>if you're not attracted to asian girls you are mentally ill
being gay isnt a mental illness user
i could post all the cute white girls i have and ask you "how do you compete?"
but i wont because its not worth the time to.
You're fucking mentally ill.
Why would you want other men to have the same taste in women as you unless you're a cuck?
>i could post all the cute white girls i have and ask you "how do you compete?"
even a 6/10 japanese/chinese/korean is better than a 10/10 white girl
So most women and a good size of men are mentally ill?
>So most women
He was obviously addressing men
>good size of men
fags aren't that common.
>implying you aren't OP
You don't have to be gay to not be attracted to a specific race of women btw
Not if you have an emotional connection to the white girl, you spastic.
How is he a spastic you fucking retard
Nobody was even talking about emotional connections, just physical beauty
>ywn be personal property of a shorter azn qt living in her room forever
it's not fair
I'm not OP. But I do question the heterosexuality of someone who's not attracted to eg
you have autism
Ew, left looks like a child and right's teeth are fucked up
fuck up, Satan. bih
hes trying to trick robots so he can have all the white gfs.
Those are top tier qties fuck off
How the fuck are her teeth fucked up at all???
literally kill yourself you like men
I'm bi, I like guys and girls and the picture you linked shows 2 very average girls
>literally admitting to being mentally ill
wew thanks for proving OP's point.
> going after girls of other race instead of your own
good goy
>rallying under race and nationalism
good goy
Eh, I'm a Jap so all asian girls just remind me of my sister. I've only dated white girls and one arab girl.
I wish I knew you IRL so I could knock your teeth out
Post them without makeup, and you will know why I am not into them.
i agree completely famalam
This is so caked in makeup that it can bounce off headshots.