If you use this, you're a faggot

If you use this, you're a faggot.
If you let your girl use this, you're a cuck.

So why do you do or allow this shit?

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why is that tissue calling me a cuck?
i dont get it.

Because you're a faggot

I'll keep using it now, thanks

Degenerate filth at its finest.

>pathetic incel calls slightly less pathetic incels faggots
You're mad because people on snapchat have at least a shred of a social life and you don't. Grow up.

what are you using i really dont know.

That carries a lot of weight coming from a faggot.

Snapchat users have a very set way of life.

Tinder then snapchat, then they will text, and finalyl bang once and never speak to each other again because degenerates didn't learn social skills.

It's Snapchat, OP/faggot is just moaning about normies enjoying themselves while he can't


Do you really think that word has any weight here, normie? You're not on faceberg anymore

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Then how about "faggot"?

oh snapchat. what do you even do on that isn't it made for underage kids to send nudes

Women use it to boost their egos and men use it because they have no social skills.

and if you dont use this, then youre a fucking faggot cuck to normies

Something like that, it's just some social media app like Instagram except you can caption your photos and they're not actually posted anywhere online, I don't think

Literally just chatting via pics

Well desperate betas like to worship and encourage degenerate attention-whore behavior, this is because it makes getting "laid" seem much easier when in reality they will never find a stable and healthy relationship because of it...now women and cucks alike think its normal and a-okay to be complete whores.

I don't need to use it, I know how to speak in public. My mom made me play with other kids when I was growing up.

Normies don't use "cuck", that's just something Jow Forumstards do

I have snapchat but I fuckin hate it. I think I'm decent looking yet every girl I have leaves me on read and I hate it so much. It pisses me off

Well it triggered you. So much for no weight ( unlike you, fatass)

>calling people cucks for letting their girl use Snapchat

Don't you have an anime convention to attend, neckbeard?

you are never going to find a respectable girl on snapchat you know that right? why do so many of you idiots think snapchat and tinder are the way to go when its roasty central?

Why are you here defending this shitty app? I bet you wait in line for iPhone releases, you waste of air.

how is my boyfriend a cuck for "letting me" use a fucking app

I have an obedient wife. You have pictures of girls that will give you nothing worth remembering.

How should I explain to people I don't use snapchat or virtually any other social media platform? I don't want to sound like a pretentious prick about it either

Nobody even knows what roastie means, you know

It's just the Jow Forums equivalent of cuck

An anime body pillow doesn't count faggot

oh. sounds fun if you're a normie.
go away
it means whore, newfag

Because you're an attention whore, you won't stay with him. You'll speak to other men and disrespect your men till you finally cheat or he gets tired of your lack of loyalty. Nothing about you is worth keeping around for any man with dignity or confidence.

Be gone, roasty.

"Sorry, I don't like using social media."

I don't speak to people who use social media anymore. The conversations I have with people are much greater in value now. Social media makes people dumber and less interesting. Be proud of yourself.

They always push the issue though. Nobody ever stops there, they always insist on knowing why.

you made all that up though. that is a story you invented in your head JUST this minute and you think it's true. Does that freak you out to think about it like that?

It is true. You have no reason to live, you have nothing to offer.

>found the delusional social media attention whore.

Just tell them you're not comfortable with it. At the very least, it'll make them look like an ass if they keep pushing after you say you're not comfortable, so that usually shuts people up

I use it to keep in contact with my friends

Well the girls give me their snapchats and they never fucking respond. No I don't constantly say hey all the time to them only like once a week when I'm feelin confident. Some of my Chad friends are trying to help me

Go to their houses or call them on the phone, you fucking degenerate.

it's not true. it is your imagination and emotions getting the better of you.
Is it scary to realize how easy your mind is to manipulate?



Stop pretending to be smart, roastie. You use social media.

>Your girl
Eat shit and die, I'm sick of reading this fucking garbage.

Better than being a faggot, faggot

I get to do that because i message them quickley through the app and they either say sure or no

why make a phone call to ask a question retard

This is some next level normieposting, wew lad

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I'm sorry, robot. I did not plan to offend you. Your kind is pure.

Because you should have the skills to hold at least one basic conversation about the thousands of things happening each day at your age.

At least I'm not a frogposting faggot.

How about you just cut out all girls that use snapchat? In fact just uninstall it.

Find girls that aren't social media whores in the first place and then you'll have better luck.

I am smart. And I use snapchat. I use it for the camera because the low quality photos take up less space in my phone.
That your pea brain can't comprehend that you can use an app and also be smart is really freaking me out.

You know when you go to someones house that is the exact reason why

Who are you really lying to here?

Yeah why simplify and kill conversations? No wonder so many people have either 0 personality or no real social skills...let alone relationships

i thought only 14yo unironically used this masonic disney satanic piece of shit app

As you can tell by the responses, plenty of sheep here use this filth.

ya whore you need the filters to make you look hot, dont lie :)


>App is suppose to delete your pictures after a certain set time
>Adds the ability to allow screenshots.

What's the fucking point? It even tells you when someone screenshots it.

Do you not care about their day or what's going on with their life? You selfish shallow piece of filth. You don't deserve any friends.


This is the problem. You're conditioned to be this way by social media.

the government.

actually the filters make me look uglier, it's a bit of a downer.

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oH my fucking god the whole point of messaging them is to go to a location to meet up and to spend time together and talk

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You're really that far gone that you don't see a problem with this at all. Sad.

i only use it to troll normies who i know from work and post stupid shit

the absolute state of the youth.
Hope they go bankrupt

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found the underage weirdo.



Are you /thatkid/
original pepperoni pizza

I don't have any contacts on snapchat to give me attention user

Why are women even allowed on r9k? They can't be real robots...stupid whores pushing snapchat and other cuck-enabling degeneracy. Brainwashing the betas...
>its okay! I can be your friend user tehe x3 >just look at me! I am cute!
>am totally not just using you for attention and possible e-fame! tehe

likely original story

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i am not normal user

>I am not normal user I sweeeeaaaaarrrr

the kid that wanted to shoot up the school but couldnt do it because he had no access to weapons?

yes i am

face it m8. would you be here if you were normal?

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I don't use it and neither does my girl, because she doesn't exist.

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Because half of the board is underage and the rest are millenials

plenty of normiefags lurk and post on here, ruining the board, so yes actually

i can't imagine having the tools to have a good life and choosing to come here instead.

well you are incredibly ignorant and naive its ok u will figure it all out eventually

okay thanks for the advice user

>tfw i don't even know what i don't know

but how will i message her if i get rid of the app we message each other on?

You can pick up your phone and speak like a real man.

If she isn't comfortable giving you her phone number that means she doesn't want a relationship with you at all.