Fuck, guys, the Feds just got Backpage.
Now what?
Fuck, guys, the Feds just got Backpage
I don't get it. I live near Minneapolis, too.
How am I gonna nut now?
Is it going to be like the 70's again, cruising the night for skeezy back alley hookers?
First they shit down the escort section. Now this BS. Anything the gov can't tax is priority. How the fuck are am i suppose to get laid now? No fucking way am i going back to orbiting roasties.
taxes are a big deal. they better legaliza escorting so they can properly tax it and protect the trade. "trade".
just go out and find bitches or use tinder
Just happened too my favorite girl is out the game Damm
Fucking pigs
Originality is for Normie's
We wait until that 8 place is done restoring boards and go to tset321 to combat the trap/plan for the future.
pls rubmaps don't go
>tfw live in germany wehere prostitution is legal
>still don't fuck hookers cause no drivers license to drive to them and no motivation
I kinda feel bad for you, but not really
I assure you, another website will pop up
Nice try le Reddit
If only it was that easy
Fucking nigger
Originality is for Normies
other sites plus dating apps
I just checked shit is down and it' so fucked.
You guys should have saved numbers when you could.
Why the fuck is prostitution even illegal in the States? If the women were somehow forced into it I'd understand, but if they give their consent?
I wish rubmaps would go, several of my favorite places keep getting shut down because of retards on that website.
Having to rifle through the regular whores and professional is tiresome work though.
It's illegal in most states. The Feds shut it down because of the interstate commerce clause, ie sex trafficking and such. Prostitution isn't even a Federal Crime.
Read the news. Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division is involved.
They need their cut user. A prostitution charge is nothing but not paying Uncle Sam? These broads will never see daylight again.
>Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division
Yeah you gotta pay your taxes, or Uncle Sam will fuck your shit until you give in.
bruh we live in the age of thot. Bitches line up to fuck whatever they can and you still cant get any puss? lmao
>live in amsterdam
>have hookers on 5 minute walk away
>still don't go because "muh purity"and I'm in love with a stupid girl
Yeah I'm gonna end up being a cucked faggot