>tfw you will never befriend and save him before he did it
Tfw you will never befriend and save him before he did it
Other urls found in this thread:
>befriend him
he probably would have killed you
Not if I saved him and turned him to the good path first
>tfw will never befriend him and help him enough to get a better score
Burty sure even trained professionals couldn't penetrate his awe inspiring autism
that's because therapists are too impersonal, too distant, too clinical. he needed a friend like james ellis in his life, but without abandoning him
Yeah I traced this ones ip
why user. why would you want this
>you will never teach him how to open a locked door
Are you triangulating the signal as we speak?
Save him from what? He saved himself decades of agony with a burst of autism
What's the deal with the door?
Let's just say the Rodge should've spent more time planning and less time writing a manifesto.
Save him from the hell that he was in so that he would never lash out the way he did. If someone had helped him, maybe he'd be alive now and have a gf.
I see origigigi
Maybe he is having sex in some other life right now
elliot should have just stayed in france. he probably would have become a normalfag
M8 autists can't have or maintain regular friendships let alone girlfriends. His only "friends" Philip and the other chad were only hanging out with him out of pity. He lost them and his childhood friend because of autistic outbursts in public.
If he continued to live he would be a loser 27 year old NEET with no propects in life. And incompetence in doing a job.
>implying Elliot would even let you be his friend
all you Elliot fags need to realize that Elliot would have hate you and think that you are beneath him
You know more OP
share the slippery beans
in my mouth
extra lukewarm
I like it lukewarm bb
Save him? I would've helped him kill more normies.
Elliot was undoublty a Jow Forumsfag, he only ever seeked out for white girls and thought Asians and blacks were beneath the superior aryan race.
Ironically he was half Asian himself
iirc he got the most angry in his manifesto when he saw Pajeet in a car with a white girl
sad part is james prob got laid by now
>This crossover will never happen
I wish Elliot was my friend. We're so similar in our views - minus the killing part.
I've posted this before but I'm assuming most of you weren't here for that thread: My high school roommate was exactly like Elliot Rodger. They both had the same way of speaking in terse, hate filled soundbites and everything. Now Elliot is dead after becoming a mass murderer and my old roommate is in a maximum security mental hospital, where he will no doubt spend the remainder of his life for stabbing three strangers at a bar. Believe me when I tell you there was no saving either one of these sad souls. When you actually spend time around someone this fucked up, it changes your opinion of them real quick. You realize how irreparably broken they are as human beings. Getting laid would not have saved Elliot's life; it might have delayed the inevitable but eventually he'd just have found something else to sperg out over and he'd have had more time to plan an even bigger massacre.
Hop on user.
We are going to the sorority house.
>mfw I don't drink water as I only drink coke and various juices
Yeah it's funny how people on here always feel like weird outcasts and think they can relate to people like Elliot.
In reality you wouldn't want to spend 10 seconds with people like them. They're too far gone and dangerous to be around
Fuck this mutt. Rich people cannot suffer mentally and the ones who pretend they do just want attention because they already have everything else.
>you will never befriend elliot and assist him in making his vision a reality
If everybody was looking at him that way from the start, no doubt he was beyond salvation.
I know a few fucked up, none of them was born like that.
>implying he wanted friends
he was a fucking asshole, only interested in pussy and nothing else
To get thwarted by a door lock?
not that user, but I reckon it was a joke
he wasn't rich. his family was 150k in debt
dont worry bro
even if the door is locked we can still ding dong ditch em'
saint elliots original plan was to shoot up a sorority house in order to exact his revenge on all the women who "scorned" him, but when he arrived at the sorority house the door was locked and he gave up on killing all those girls and instead resorted to just shooting random people in the street. The idiot didn't think to just shoot the lock or break a window.
sounded like a brainlet desu
elliot clearly had no remorse for even his friends as his first victims were his roommates. Also, as someone who championed themselves as some sort of virgin saviour it doesn't make sense why he'd kill his 3 chinese nerd roomates
he never planned to start the shooting inside the house. he wanted to drive people over with his car, he was expecting a bunch of people to be gathered near the entrance to the sorority but he didn't find anyone and it was too late to go back so he started shooting random people.
the "stopped by a door" meme was invented by a journalist who wanted to make St. Elliot look bad
You know who he did kill, besides random passersby? His 3 nerdy Asian boy roommates who didn't have girlfriends. He basically let the roasties get away, killed some literally whos and committed suicide 4 times.
just because they were chinese doesn't mean they weren't normans.
t. went to ucsb and asian roommate got laid on the reg
They look like fuckin dweebs.
That's just part of being asian, user
honestly the only thing relatable about him is his struggles with women and socializing in general, otherwise he's clearly not someone you'd want to hang out with. The guys was an absolute narcissist and didn't care about anyone, not even his family. In his manifesto he talks about killing his little brother in order to prevent him from "surpassing" him.
honestly, this makes me think he just said those things about women in order to justify his hatred of the world.
didn't he stab one of them 100 times? it makes me think it was a reflection of his self hatred, specifically his asian side
>didn't he stab one of them 100 times? it makes me think it was a reflection of his self hatred, specifically his asian side
never thought about that before, its such a specific thing its like a metaphor someone would write in a book
Most of his family, besides his biological mother, seems surprisingly okay when you look at the leaks that show the reality Elliot either lied about in his manifesto or didn't mention. I'm kinda glad Elliot didn't hurt them like he planned to do.
Elliot reminds me of my brother and my dad in a way. Someone will do something that they don't like and whether or not it was intentional and regardless of if they talked to the person about it they'll demonize them, act personally offended by the supposed transgression and exaggerate it. To the point where they're both just fuming over these non-existent, demonic strawmen versions of people.
I care more about Shuaiby 2bh.
It amazes me that he stabbed them to death. It's not like the movies where the victim gets bugged eyed, gasps and falls over dead- stabbing is a long, slow, ridiculously violent and personal way to die. He didn't have the guts to ask a girl out but was capable of something like that?
That sucks. Have you tried fixing your appeaeance and stop being such a pussy to talk to people?
Maybe because you're a literal faggot
His family still seem like assholes to me. At least all the adults do. Incompetent father, crazy bio mother, bitch stepmom.
The sister's relatively innocent besides being a roastie with a piece of shit boyfriend.
>tfw you will never befriend and save him before he leaves for England
One of the leaked email/online shit videos made Soumaya come across as really sympathetic and his dad seemed at least like he was trying. I believe it was this one.
The entire series is worth a watch if you want to learn more about Elliot's fucked up background and ways of thinking. The Yahoo answers one is probably my favorite.
I get hype af when I see this
Didn't he kill his three friends first?
He hated his roommates. In his manifesto, he said he wouldn't have trouble killing them since he disliked them so much.
>elliott wrote a long manifesto detailing his entire life, took some cool selfies, and drove around town taking revenge
>shuaiby dooby doo wore some faggy-looking neckwarmer and blew his head off, alone and unloved
>save him before he did it
Fuck that, I'd be joining the little autist in his rampage.
He'd turn on you like he did his roommates.
Isn't that simply the way of the misunderstood geniuses of this world?
>tfw ywn have joined up with him and busted down that door.
6 wasn't enough. It should have been the entire sorority.
I get that he was autistic and shit, but desu he doesn't look all that bad.
10/10 would rape
They didn't know he had female autism.
>minus the killing part
wow you have shit views mein friend
And mostly hated his Asian half.
He also called him (or some other non-white guy) a disgusting-looking loser in one of hidms videos.
Rumor has it James is or was married.
Post the full BUS, please.
Have you read his manifesto? Was there any figure in his life that he liked?
At least the sister has had the same bf all this time.
She's still a roastie, though.
He liked his friend James, and was devastated when he left. He also said he liked his brother but planned to kill him, so who knows. He loved his mom but I think it's more like he loved her spoiling him.
I wonder if he just snapped on one of his roommates, and once he realized what he had done he just ran with it since he knew his life would already be ruined. Is there a lot of evidence the entire spree was premeditated?
Yeah, he planned out his spree for a year. In his manfesto, it was actually much more elaborate than the final product. Sadly, a door stopped his plans from coming to fruition.
Ah damn so he was just legitimately nuts.
Everyone says that after the fact to jerk themselves off. No you wouldn't have "saved" him. Your patronizing "concern" for him would have angered him anyway.
>turbo social retard with inflated ego and narcissism
>also manlet mongoloid
At least robots kbow they arent worth shit unlike this spoiled brat
Idk if he could be fixed though ...
>tfw you could never bang him in his sweet bmw and be that beautiful blonde he needed, while probably being showered with expensive gifts he paid for with daddy's money