>Have decided to kms
Best ways to do so painlessly?
Have decided to kms
live yourself to death :^)
you should try hooking up with some local guys first.
don't do it dude
you don't want to be stuck in endless blackless for eternity, it won't be fun
get help
Gun ortherwise no.
Read the Peaceful Pill
Part 1: mega.nz
Part 2: mega.nz
2 ugly so not an option
if you're dedicated enough you'll figure it out
really though, it's a total waste
there's a sick trend among youth now of suicide becoming a meme, its not a joke, it will seriously fuck up anyone who cares about you for a long time
make sure it's really what you want
OP here, was thinking of low suspension hanging
After death you lose all forms of consciousness.
He won't experience eternal darkness. He won't be experiencing anything.
Nothing > suffering
1. Nembutal. 100% Painless, you fall asleep and die.
2. Gunshot to the brainstem. 100% painless if you hit the right place, brain shuts down before it can even process pain or even the gunshot itself
3. Jumping from really great heights.
4. hanging. 10 seconds of discomfort at most, the whole "asphyxiation" thing refers to brain asphyxiation, not actual suffocation.
It's 12:30am and I'm feeling shit too, user. Drop email if you wanna talk. I'm not gonna be your therapist, but maybe we can find something stupid to laugh about for a bit.
No one will even know I'm gone so I think it's fine
well that's not painless at all, it's essentially asphyxiation which takes a couple of minutes
Cuts off circulation to brain causing unconsciousness
If you can get access to a shotgun or some powerful gun (idk much about guns) then it should be pretty instantaneous. Otherwise an exit bag with helium done right you should just kind of fall asleep and its lights out.
Just make sure that youre absolutely sure you want to an hero before you do it. Good luck user, and hopefully i'll see you on the other side.
right, you'll go from blue to purple in the face and eventually lose consciousness
during this process your primordial sense of self preservation will kick in and you'll most likely panic
talk to another user privately, there's plenty of people here who feel intense pain and you may find some solace in it
suffering together is still suffering tho, I just want it to end
user, you don't want to die. You want to live. Really live, not keep going on like you have been. Get help, eventually you'll get better.
that's your right, no one else knows but you
it's a terrible thing to do, but if you feel it is absolutely necessary then no one can stop you
this is such a meme, it's LITERALLY impossible to get nembutal. try again user
Detonating a bomb vest in the middle of a large crowd.
Worst case scenario you die instantly. Best case scenario you die instantly and then get 72 virgin qts.
The chinks actually sell the real powder. The internet is filled with scams about nembutal, but the peaceful pill handbook has contact for legit sellers.
Back in the Jow Forumssanctionedsuicide days i used to talk to some people who bought it, one said he tasted just a little bit to see if it was real, he collapsed and slept for more than 12 hours.
shotgun or hanging
everything else is a meme or liable to fuck up in some way
Jump from the 30th floor and you will hit the floor so hard that your heart will literally disconnect from the body.
1. You dont decide to kill yourself it happens over time not in one single thought
2. If you were serious you wouldnt come to r9k for attention you would google it
3. We all know youre not going to do it so fuck off you pathetic cunt
theres still room for error, people have survived falling from planes. once the rope doesnt break youre done and strength rated plastic rope isnt hard to get. i dont really think you can fuck up with a shotgun without being an absolute moron
any sort of chemical is risky because of dosages and the challenge of acquiring controlled substances, self immolation is a meme, bridge jumping is ok but only into water and the possibility of drowning rules it out based on the painless criteria
stop seeking attention, life is worth it
bullet to the temple