Will you be voting in the upcoming 2020 election? If so, who will you vote for?

Will you be voting in the upcoming 2020 election? If so, who will you vote for?

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Trump got me an extra $80 in my paycheck. I know some people have gotten hundreds more, but I don't make nearly as much.

Why would I vote anyone else?

I'll vote for Tulsi Gabbard if she runs

Ronald Rumpf probably

Bernie or

Bernie Sanders or whoever holds similar views and has a similar history of integrity.

>Will you be voting in the upcoming 2020 election? If so, who will you vote for?

probably just whatever dem candidate the dem party runs desu
at the end of the day they are all going to be effectively the same, and, well, I trust the dem party to make good decisions

it would be interesting if Tulsi was chosen, especially more so if she was to make Bernie her VP, which would actually give her more of a fighting chance with Bernie's brand

The dem party will probably run someone more boring, more predictable though, last I've heard Cory Booker was on the shortlist, who seems like a decent candidate

Bernie is probably too old to run at this point, even Trump may not run again

>having faith in the american political system

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Well, I don't even know who's running in 2020. It's not for another 2 (short) years.

adam kokesh

I'm voting for Zachary Marduk.

whichever candidate causes the most butthurt. Trump's true test.

>voting for a literal commie cuckhold

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He's a social democuck

Ben Shapiro, Rand Paul or Donald for me

>thinking we will be alive in 2020

Jefferson Davis if you could resurrect him

Dunno yet but I seriously hope the Dems can do better than fucking Bernie and Hillary this time, they're fucking abysmal.

big man bern if he doesn't die by then

nice samefaggery you autistic fucking cuck.
go back to whatever hole you crawled out from and stay there.

Hoping Arnie will run desu. I know I know the Constitution... but maybe? Somehow? Someone who isn't a democuck but not a walking meme either. I mean Jow Forums memes are funny I just don't want them running the country, and it's scary when the president sounds like he takes cues from us.

>21 / 3 / 20 / 1
drumpftard is a brainlet, surprise surprise

john mcafee, the true robot's choice
>made a fortune selling meme software to normies
>killed a guy and got away with it
>has multiple girlfriends but doesn't fuck them; gets off by shitting in their mouths

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Joe Biden if he runs.

Donald John Trump Twenty Twenty

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>voting for an 80-year-old

Probably Ben Shapiro if he runs.

>has multiple girlfriends but doesn't fuck them; gets off by shitting in their mouths
big if true

Really? I haven't seen a goddamn dime and I know that assfucker is about to crash the market.

the goodest of goyim

>yfw the S&P500 is up 20% since the beginning of the year and unemployment is at the lowest rate since 1965

Not even American but I'd vote for whoever protects my NEETbux which is usually a Democrat


No one considering we don't live in a decent democracy. Also, the state should be abolished and I don't want to perpetuate it.

Oy vey!

Trump all the way here, already have my Trump 2020 sticker!

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this is why Republicans win. Idiots see the spare change they get when they could have free healthcare and/or free college education thus saving them thousands upon thousands of dollars.

oh and I'll be voting for Bernie :^)

Corbyn. They can't stop the workers.

The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to gain.

2020 will be my first national election, and since IDK who's running besides Trump, I can't say. If Bernie runs, probably him though.


You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.

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Michelle Obama I'm not a poltard

I'm not an oligarch so I don't see how it wouldn't be free???

Placing your bets on an election two years earlier than it's supposed to be, huh?

What makes you think that he'll win the next one when he couldn't win against an incompetent campaign?

Bernie will destroy Drumpf if they let him actually run.

But it will most likely be Joe Biden who will still win

>implying half the posters here are even old enough to vote

It's literally mostly underage fags now-a-days. Source: age strawpolls.

>i want to pay taxes
>and on top of that i only want my taxes to go for the military killing desert people that don't want anything to do with me or my country YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAW
>i don't want my taxes to benefit me at all
>i want my taxes to go to subsidies for giant corporations hell yeah


>implying most of the people here won't be of the legal voting age by 2020

lol brainlet

>Bernie voters

>People who don't like my communist kike are rednecks!
>I want my taxes to go to multi-trillion dollar jew corporations that have managed to so deeply-embed themselves into western society that retards think taxes should pay for them!


Also who in their fucking right mind actually supports the military for anything other than defense of our own country? You watch too much MSM if you think it's a good thing to fund a military that's only business outside of the US is to help Israel.

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Confirmed for stupid retarded American. Go back to eating steak and sugar and shooting your retard guns.

>the jews

Really confirmed for retard. I'm legitimately surprised you've capable of breathing (anything but mayonnaise).

>No arguments

Wow, can't expect anything else from a brainwashed, brain-dead libtard.

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>jew jew jew kike kike kike
>retard fanfiction

piss off, you have no argument to being with

>He can't read either

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Communism works in countries like Denmark and Canada

i will once again not vote because america is the great satan and you cant vote you way out of a demonic pedophile ring

you are a braindead Jow Forumstard who believes conspiracy theories


>the most socialized western countries are also the ones with the highest standards of living


>the most socialized western countries are also the ones with the happiest people

>becoming a citizen in a couple weeks
probably Trump, but I live in CA so that won't make a difference. I need to start looking up local politicians and ballot issues, there my vote could actually count for something

I'll be voting for my dog or pepe.

Probably Trump. Although I'm less enthusiastic about him than I was in 2016. I'm still hoping he'll kick the beaners out.

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>contemporary burger politics

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>Hi, I set up a spreadsheet where I arbitrarily assign happiness values to welfare state features

>Then when I look at the totals column on my arbitrary spreadsheet, it says that European countries are the happiest!


My happiness would be greatly enhanced if I knew that NEETS were starving, as they deserve.

Your spreadsheets do not properly account for the opportunity cost of all of this lost "justice happiness".

I'll vote for Trump probably. No guarantees. He will probably win as long as the left still fails to appeal to the greater needs of the nation, and keeps failing at character assassination.

I only vote to prove that I am on the same level of thinking as our AI corporate overlords. I have voted for the winning candidate in every governor, senator, and presidential election since 2012. I have never been wrong in my predictions, yet.

In a nutshell voting matters, but it also doesn't. It's like the market, it reacts to what the people want, but also has limits that it cannot allow people to cross. Our entire economy and political discourse is decided by predictive AI who follow trends, then groups who disseminate information in order to push people toward a desired political stance.

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Bernie Sanders is a legit, no-joke, no-hyperbole Communist.

I live in Vermont, and the guy is practically my neighbor. The political community of out-and-out Communists here is actually quite large and influential, and a history of Communist activism does not disqualify you from seeking public office.

Bernie spent decades as a Communist activist, believes in the labor theory of value, believes in eliminating "wasteful competition" by allowing only one producer of basic goods to exist in the market, believes in the nationalization of all industries, etc. He is as much a Communist as you can be without a party card.

His conduct as a US Senator has been limited to what he believes is politically possible in the United States at this juncture. (Even with that limit in place, most of what he calls for is absurd.) In his private beliefs, however, he is an unreconstructed and unapologetic Communist - for which the average Vermont Democrat *applauds* him.

Are these supposed to be citations or something? Lmao, I was fucking right about you from the beginning! Sorry champ, but you'll have to pull some statistics from less globalist, corporation-backed, obvious agenda-driven sources before I believe anything you spout.

If you really wanted to benefit the people, you'd realize how much money universities and medical facilities charge for their services, and look into regulating those costs at the source. Instead, you'd rather charge all of America for their ridiculous overcharged expenses and act like you're somehow benefiting anyone but the pigs you complain about always fucking over the poor all the time. Don't worry, I know capitalism is a flawed system! But how is further fueling an already corrupt system by making EVERYONE pay out the ass for this shit any better?

>CNN and NBC statistics said Drumphy wouldn't win, but he did?! How did the statistics fail?!

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NEET's, real ones are statistically an extreme small number of the population in all of those countries.


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>If you really wanted to benefit the people, you'd realize how much money universities and medical facilities charge for their services, and look into regulating those costs at the source. Instead, you'd rather charge all of America for their ridiculous overcharged expenses and act like you're somehow benefiting anyone but the pigs you complain about always fucking over the poor all the time. Don't worry, I know capitalism is a flawed system! But how is further fueling an already corrupt system by making EVERYONE pay out the ass for this shit any better?

Who's saying Bernie wants to do that?

>His most ambitious policy calls for the government, rather than private insurers, to pay health-care bills.


>history of integrity.
>Bernie Sanders
>Pick one

You mean like strongarming a small bank in Vermont to give his wife a "small loan of ten million dollars" as head of a university where she crashed and burned the entire school and left hundreds of students with insane levels of debt and no degree and then she made out with a golden parachute exactly like the bankers he rails against?

>The government
>The body primarily funded by tax payer money
>Who's saying Bernie wants to do that?


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>Muh free college and free healthcare gibsmedat

Pay your own way, soyboy.

Well certainly not Trump. The democrats are going to have to work real hard to find a worse alternative.

>The Sanders Medicare For All proposal would save the average family more than $5,000 per year. It also would increase, not lower, incomes for 95 percent of Americans, according to Professor Gerald Friedman, Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Professor Friedman writes that if Medicare for All was enacted "we would, as a country, save nearly $5 trillion over ten years in reduced administrative waste, lower pharmaceutical and device prices, and by lowering the rate of medical inflation."


The opinion of one man, ((Friedman)), who's salary is payed with government funds and would largely benefit from a larger government, acting as a proponent to vastly increase the size of government and give control over the health and well being of every citizen in the country, cited in a huffpost article, is supposed to change the way anyone thinks?

I know, I know, you Jow Forumstards are beyond help and reason. You're above listening to a fucking professor of economics, you'd rather trust your own retarded gut feeling and ignore all the data.

I already posted sources stating that the most socialized countries in the west are also the ones with the highest standards of living. Literally all you can do is REEEEEEEEEE and say every source is wrong and continue living in ignorance.

But again, the 0.01% of the country are the ones who own and control the Universities and healthcare systems. Why not punish them directly for their greed as opposed to the rest of that 4.99% that, in many cases, simply make more money because they work harder? Lowering the prices of healthcare and University would directly benefit everyone immensely more than just taxing the people richer than you and I. And guess what? The (((non-whites))) at the top of the University and Healthcare systems would still make way more money than you could fathom!

Also this: >This one guy who would greatly benefit from taxing everyone for private companies "expenses" says this tax plan is a good one!

>Directly funded by the rich billion-dollar asset owning people you're against
>Somehow trustworthy

Come on man...

>But again, the 0.01% of the country are the ones who own and control the Universities and healthcare systems. Why not punish them directly for their greed as opposed to the rest of that 4.99% that, in many cases, simply make more money because they work harder? Lowering the prices of healthcare and University would directly benefit everyone immensely more than just taxing the people richer than you and I. And guess what? The (((non-whites))) at the top of the University and Healthcare systems would still make way more money than you could fathom!
So you want communism? I mean there are a ton of arguments for not breaking the law you jackass as well as all the moral implications involved in that and the devastating results it will have.

Again, like I said, capitalism is a flawed system. Every system is flawed to some point. With that kind of argument, and the amount of regulation already in place on our economy, it would already be considered communism.

I gladly support regulation where it's needed, but certainly not too much of it. Taxing everyone to benefit the 0.01% that would kill everyone against them if they had the opportunity is not something I think is warranted. You of all people should agree.

>Taxing everyone to benefit the 0.01% that would kill everyone against them if they had the opportunity is not something I think is warranted. You of all people should agree.
The point is that it would benefit everyone, not just the top 0.1% who aren't really hurting to begin with. Do you honestly think they're the ones pushing for Bernie Sanders and his ideas and policies?

Your solution is just idiotic, extreme and will do more damage than good.

Trump, any other option won't be as good. Anyone who votes Dem is basically retarded.

FYI, legit communists hate Bernie and his supporters for turning "socialism" into a meme word: youtube.com/watch?v=yMEt7ISPU6A

>legit retards hate bernie

/leftypol/ and Jow Forums are equally dumb and autistic

Wrong, not everyone would benefit. Remember the 4.99% of people you mentioned earlier? Compromises have to be made somewhere, and I agree that what I stated is extreme, but blowing up taxes further than they already fucking are is insane. I can personally vouch on that.

And yes I do think they would back his ideologies.

>Making it the law to supply money to multi-billion dollar corporations

Where is the disadvantage for the pigs at the top? The amount they get taxed just goes back into their business!

You can believe whatever the hell you want, I support that right, but I really wish you would consider that the people that say they want to help you and feed you the information you consume daily maybe just want what's best for their paychecks. Completely unrelated to the Jew idea.

from a few posts back

>"we would, as a country, save nearly $5 trillion over ten years in reduced administrative waste, lower pharmaceutical and device prices, and by lowering the rate of medical inflation."

how would this not be beneficial even to those 4.99%?

Just because my plan doesn't have "this one dude who would greatly benefit from such a setup" backing it doesn't mean it wouldn't also have similar affects.

The 4.99% can already afford healthcare, and given how much they make, probably don't need to go to university. Hiking up their taxes would only disadvantage them.

I'll write in Walter Ulbricht.

>implying a presidents age has any effect on their policies or ability to run the country

Sanders going to be like 100 years old on 2020

actually perfect choice

Sanders and Corbyn are the closest the mainstream will get to actual Socialism so we'll take what we can get.

>I trust the dem party to make good decisions
Why? Why would you place blanket trust in a political party ever? That's so fucking dumb.

Ajit Pai, he'll take Jow Forums down

He at least got his wall built.