Is Chad just a better person than robots?
Is Chad just a better person than robots?
>parading freaks around for monetary gain, attention and to virtue signal
>good person
You poor naive bastard
>man makes a career out of showing off weird looking people but it's okay because he calls them friends.
its not hard to be a better person than me
No. Chad is often a virtue signaling lying piece of shit faggot who has life on easy mode.
He's a special ed teacher who gives a platform for people who don't have a voice otherwise and doesn't profit from his videos.
Face it, Chad is the kinder, better variety of human.
Chad's got it set to easy mode. Harder for robots to do better and put aside their crippling issues. The worst thing you can do though is blame others for you afflictions, it will get you absolutely no where.
this guy seems like a real cool dude
i'm sure he'd help you get laid if you hung with him
Perhaps he is.
I just cannot imagine he is doing this out of kindness.
Perhaps that is why I'm awful.
Holy fuck who is this guy?
This guys channel is literally the modern day equivalent of a freakshow
first post best post /thread etc etc
No but this is it though, I genuinly hope OP isn't inbred enough to actually think whoever that is, is actually a good person. The first though to pop into someone who have an IQ above 70 mind should be that he's clearly making himself look better because of the contrast. Oh, and the money and fame.
What if you're the one who's just so cynical and beaten down by the world that you can no longer distinguish a genuinely kind person and someone who's only in it to exploit others?
I mean, if someone wanted to bring awareness to the lives, personalities and problems of people who the rest of us are more than happy to sweep under the rug in a video interview format would you really ever be able to tell they're not just being manipulative?
>Have a great home life growing up
>Friends gravitate towards you
>Do well in sports
>Relationships with beautiful women one after the other
>People in general treat you well because you're pretty
Of course someone who experiences this will see the world in a brighter light than a robot who was probably raised by a single mother and abused by normalfags all their life.
I dislike him already.
And yet people think there's a god. Fuck god.
The top left guy's interview is actually really decent. It's not good that this shit happened to him but you can tell that he's happier alive than dead and has tried and succeeded to make his life worthwhile. He also has some interesting things to say.
unironically posts helpful skincare and attractiveness videos. not bad at all.
>Perhaps that is why I'm awful.
there are videos where he mistreats those people and generally acts rude. do your research first faggot before judging people. also, nice people dont exist you fucking dumbass
Seems like a great guy, good luck to him.
Being a nonprofit doesn't actually mean he doesn't profit from it
>nice people dont exist you fucking dumbass
Are you high on Ayn Rand?
>you can no longer distinguish a genuinely kind person and someone who's only in it to exploit others?
This guy is not one of those genuinely kind people you fool
You know this because...?
>'Sup Youtube, you thought last week's guy was fucked up? Get a load of this freak!
He sounds like he's reading from a script most of the time, his smiles seem forced and he's "too nice". It's a facade, he's too good to be true. There's a reason why girls hate "nice guys" because most of them are full of shit. The way he acts isn't natural and he treats the people in his videos like babies.
Go to ~40 seconds in and look at how forced that smile is if you want a visual aid for what I'm talking about.
Oh and here's an example of an actually good person helping out someone who's disabled.
You wanna know how I know he's a good person? Because he's also a bad person.
Think about it. If you were in the deformed/disabled or whatever the fuck's situation would you want mr. goody two shoes reading from a script and nodding politely at you or would you want to be treated like a fucking human being.
If he really is a special ed teacher then that facade may be a carry-over rather than him intentionally patronizing the dude. When you're dealing with the people a special ed teacher deals with(mostly low functioning autistic children) you're going to have to force a lot of smiles and act in a way you wouldn't naturally. Eventually that forced looking smile and unnatural body language becomes the norm for you if you do it enough.
The kindness really comes from what's gotten out of the questions, you can actually learn something about these people from the kinds of questions he asks, regardless of how he delivers them.
not particularty because of op's example but yes chads are generally nicer. same with stacies.
He is good boye
he probably has a retard fetish or something
no the smile seems real because of his eyes. if the smile is real the muscles around your eyes contract to form these little wrinkles
Maybe what comes from the videos is good but the guy's fakeness irritates me and the fact that retarded normies have to watch videos to realise "dey r ppl 2? no wey!" then they pat themselves on the back for being good little saints because they gawked at a retard for a few minutes.
It's robotic as fuck.
>if the smile is real the muscles around your eyes contract to form these little wrinkles
Woah. You're right. That's completely impossible to fake. I forgot that the only way to control the muscles around your eye is through emotion.
>Woah. You're right. That's completely impossible to fake.
Not impossible but very hard to pull off consistently. It means you have to consciously control your facial expression and all involved muscles at all times because if you don't you default back into your natural behavior, obviously.
>let's meet today's friend
this like a preschool show from hell
the dude talks like patrick batemen in scene related. I wonder how much money he makes?
where does everyone keep finding all these progeria children? Isn't it supposed to be super fucking rare?
You're naive if you think that people who can't consistently fake nearly everything they do don't exist, obviously.
>Chad spending a few hours a week virtue signalling online, helping no one, and living off ad revenue for it whilst having qt3.14 gf.
>Robot slaving 48 hours a week repairing roads or hauling boxes, whilst still being lonely and in a bad position in life.
Oh chad is such a great person isn't he?
Garett's having none of his bullshit
Psychopaths are good at that, yeah. But normal people? I mean I guess people like that exist but you only assume it in this case because it fits nicely into your worldview.
If you can't see how obviously full of shit this guy is then you're blind.
Maybe, but if you're claiming he's exploitative instead of being kind the burden of proof kinda lies with you. But you hate him just because he's a good looking guy so you want to spin a negative narrative around it.
what if you look like this but you're extremely bitter and cynical
You're an autistic idiot. It's literally his job to deal with disabled people, and you DO have to deal with disabled people differently to effectively communicate with them and help them say what they want to say. But you wouldn't fucking know that would you. Some brain damaged 13 year old should just be brought to a prostitute by a cool comedian, right? That's REAL humanity and special ed teachers are just Chad sociopaths. Fuck you, dumbass.
Back in the day, they were called freaks and worked in a circus, and although they made a living being gawked at by normalfags, they got a certain amount of respect and were allowed to live relatively normal and carefree lives in their own freak communities. Now it's all backwards, where these disabled and disfigured people are forced into the limelight under the guise of "acceptance" while whatever virtue signaling fuckwad keeps all the revenue before shoving their victim back into whatever basement or hospital room that they call home. It's the opposite of being a good person. It's theft and abuse.
>doesn't profit from his videos
You're falling for the meme.
>declare organisation non-profit
>pay self exorbitant salary
>organisation makes no profit
This is why politically-associated charities are also a meme.
As a rule I never believe anyone is doing things purely out of kindness because humans are inherently selfish. He's in it for himself just as much if not more than how much he's in it for da poor children.
>But you hate him just because he's a good looking guy so you want to spin a negative narrative around it
Nope. I'm not a Chad ree kind of poster. I just know a fake when I see one.
>Some brain damaged 13 year old should just be brought to a prostitute by a cool comedian, right?
pic related
That's not what I said.
This guy right here knows what's up.
It's the freak show circus v2.0 now with virtue signalling!
You realise that charities and nonprofits are used as tax dodging and virtue signalling vehicles for their owns to fund travelling, hotels as well as paying large salaries: there is no requirement for these organisations to give to whatever cause they use, except to put into their advertising when asking for donations.
Chad or not, any mention of charity is self serving in 9/10 times
I hope who ever I have a child with is a realistic person and would not support something that can't live on it's own. There is literally no point from an evolutionary viewpoint. I want my genes to pass on and thrive, not take care of a retard until I'm no longer physically able to.
We need E U G E N I C S
Brap.....stink loveeee....I look..
Perhaps it's easier to be kind when everyone around you loves you than if everyone gives you the cold shoulder? Ever thought of that?
Ever thought that perhaps the possibility of misinteracting with an abomination is even more crippling than the thought of normal interactions to non-chads because non-chads don't easily interact with people in the first place?
Ever considered that bolstering your image by pulling stunts like these is a common deceitful tactic by chads to get bonus recognition in the field, thus increasing success?
There is a very solid reason why Chads are good. They are the opposite of robots. They get the girls, the Friends, the opportunities. They fit in. They don't have reasons to be bitter but many reasons to be happy.
Who is hurt more from this pic? Robots who know they Will never be this level of Chad, or fembots who know they are disgusting to Chads like this? Maybe even invisible.
He fucking does
The bitterness is absolutely beautiful