Why are women such whores, r9k?
originally original of course
Why are women such whores, r9k?
originally original of course
how do you know she is a whore? Maybe that is her boyfriend who she lost her virginity to and is planning to marry?
but they're not in missionary position for the sole purpose to procreate
>capo on guitar
that should have told you she was a talentless "not like the other girls!" roastie to begin with
don't even know who that is but i saw her posted on /tv/ and here before
I'm ok with capos but she's got it at like the 5th fret that's some strait pleb shit
What's wrong with capos? Some songs sound nicer with higher pitch.
At first I thought OP was a complete moron but you are a big whore if your naked body is filmed/photographed and posted onto the internet.
You know what has a higher pitch? women. And women are fags. Don't be a fag, use Standard Tuning like a real low-pitch man.
Is that from a video? Where can I find it?
Johnny Cash, the definition of manly outlaw man, used a capo. Tons of guitarists have used them because there's more to experiment with other than just standard tuning.
I always tune down. When I play in standard I always found myself wishing I could go 1 or 2 notes lower, but I never got to the top end and wished I could go higher. Or even ever really used the top end.
No, this is fake. First clip is some user and his girlfriend, second clip is some random girl. Just like 90% of these splitscreen videos you easily manipulated retards.
She's awhore to record it and post it online you dumbfuck
A combination of lower tuning and capo is ideal for me, can always capo back to standard if you need to.
I remember you. You spamed this shit on KC before dergeneral took the site down.
yeah well fuck johnny cash, I'm going to put a mix of his on and pitchshift it down by 3 notes
yes, yes
I like to tune down too, but I also like to mix it up with higher pitch sometimes that's why capos are fun too.
You're gonna fuck Johnny Cash?
That's kinda ghey man.
Keep Yourself Safe nignog
Ever consider her boyfriend posted it without her knowledge genius
It's only gay if he gets hard too no homo
This is one of the things I love about Jow Forums: threads getting completely derailed. Like that one screencap where it's a thread on /v/ or something and 150 posts later they're arguing about 1930's politics or something. You go into a thread and never know quite what you'll find.
It's unique to chan boards as well, since you don't get "Thread derailed, locked" from mods.
i have no idea what KC is, i found this on /gif/ yesterday and got mad after watching it
As long as she's not playing Wonderwall.
hell, at least there's more music discussion here than the entirety of mu
That's another thing, because the boards end up dissolving into a mess of memes and 'board culture' you almost always get better discussion of a given topic on a board that's not dedicated to it.
tons of guys record themselves banging girls without them knowing