Do women like men with blonde hair...

do women like men with blonde hair? in the past they did but it seems now that blonde men aren't found attractive any more . if femanons exist please tell me what you think about blonde men.
i'm blonde by the way

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Are you hot/a Chad or not?
That's all that matters.

Depends on where you live. Women want to try new things all the time. If you're in Norway or something and you're blonde, women won't pay attention to you because you're common. If you're in Japan, however, women will flock to you because you're uncommon.

It's not about not liking blonde hair. It's about not liking white people. Hating white people is the new and hip thing to do so that's what people will do.

i do have nice face and a masculine jawline but no i'm not a chad. i would be if i workout but i'm to lazy

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>any more

Blonde men always looked like overgrown babies

Fuck you pink pig bastards for destroying Rome

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I'm a med bull/euromutt from Albania, according to my own distorted self perception I look like a literal Middle Easterner, coal burning sluts from Western and Northern parts of Europe seem to like it and always confuse me for a Spaniard, I desperately want to be white so I considered dying my hair and putting blue lenses on


are you jealous that roman women love BIG BARBARIAN COCK

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just be yourself my dood

Difftent women like diffrent hair colors, just like men do.
I have dark blondr hair and ive been complemented on it several times

i know different people like different things but i just seems to me that blonde men aren't liked. i'm probably just being paranoid


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Yea this here.

I had a blonde friend who went to Brazil and he fucked over 30 bitches there in 1 year. People saw his blonde hair and related it to wealth and status (he is from EUW). And those 2 things are the only things Brazilian women look after in a man.

Blonde aryan chads score tons of pussy hair color isn't shit

I like guys with blonde hair.

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Moral degeneracy at its finest. God have mercy on your soul.

You say this when kpop stars dye their hair blonde lol

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but do you like natural blonde hair?

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Y'all jealous

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why the hell do asians dye there blonde

Brown > Black > Blond > Red

From data analytics of some online dating website.

>jealous of kpop soy boys with dyed hair

>from ONE online dating site
i'll need more then that

Fembot here.
Blond men just seem less manly. I prefer brunettes the most.

The media push the 'blond is unmanly' meme. Older women who grew up when blond was the ideal have complimented my light blond hair, whereas the typical young roaster does not and only wants a shady creep like the media says she should.

Those are girls idiot

There are two types of blonde hair.
Shitty dark poop blonde and Aryan blonde. Everybody loves Aryan blonde. Poop blonde is basically brunette.

The problem is they are often ugly, but I'd rather date a good looking blonde guy than a good looking dark haired guy

one hundred keks

i don't know why people think blond men aren't manly. the vikings were some of the most manly men ever and blond hair was seen as a very masculine trait.

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It's not just blonde desu. It's all colors of the rainbow

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asian kinda-feminine boys with dyed hair is the superior look

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why do they this natural hair looks so much better

All that matters is the face
When Chad has blonde hair
>Omgggg guys with blonde hair Omgggg guys with brown hair Omggg guys with green eyes Omggg guys with brown eyes
Doesn't matter unless you have a good face.

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Do women really find us attractive or is it just the kpop brainwashing working?

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Do betas who dye their hair not realize that they look like huge fags?
Bleaching hair is the only non-faggy thing to do, and even that is pretty gay.

And why, actually?

Better than being a fat baby

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>Do women really find us attractive
Yeah, I guess.

Most women prefer dark men, true.
I think it's the same with men's preferences over women.

I mean dark haired men of course, not dark skinned.

Yes, everytime I see a good looking asian cutie in the street I turn my head and keep staring for a few minutes

Men don't really have a set preference the way that women do. This is evident by how there are guys who like 400 pound hamplanets and guys who like skinny 5' girls.
Women for the most part always do like the "dark (white) and mysterious" alpha.

I think it helps differentiate groups and members.

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why do asians reject they masculinity. they could look like this but they choose to look like women

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nobody cares about your hair color as long as you have good bone structure, faggot

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They like Chad
Chad can have a fucking afro for all they care, it's not about the hair, it's about the facial aesthetics and the confidence.

It doesn't because they change their hair color every 2 days .....
It's just because fans love it

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Of course, need more of it

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Yeah well they haven't been brainwashed into thinking otherwise. Those are kpoop stars. Not normal every day people of America.

But why though? I don't think there has ever been a girl who has yellow fever without being a koreaboo or weeb.

though I kinda want someone to talk about weebshit though desu

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Honestly, I think it depends on whose doing it. Taeyang still looks masc as fuck.

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>The vikings were some of the manliest men alive
They were about 5'9

Cuz they look hella cute when they go back :3

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It might be because of K-pop because before my K-pop phase I was never attracted by any asian boy, but now I stopped listening to it and I still notice them, so I guess K-pop just helped me discover them?

Are you sure about that? What about Beyonce?

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but everyone was shorter back then

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blond hair are unique feature of europeans, everywhere but in europe/usa/australia you will be seen as exotic. bitches love exotic men

Wish we had Bruce Lee again. I guess, it's cuz Jackie Chan and Jay Chou weren't able to make a splash in the US. At least BTS is slayin'

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what about in italy do med women see blond men as exotic?

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Well in mainstream media the asian guy is usually depicted as the side kick or an unattractive nerd. Only koreaboos and weebs see us differently, so it's nice.

Hopefully it changes but at least we got Steven from Buzzfeed. (Blondes are hot)

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I'm ash blonde
what is the general consensus on that

>pic related is obviously not me lmao

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Probably not Italy seeing as they're part of the EU.

lol I don't know if you live in Europe but we don't just freely travel around to different parts of the EU. When I go to places in Spain with fewer tourists people stare at us, we all have light blond hair.

Ive had girls compliment ny hair colour a few times. Its like a very unique kind of blonde, like a strawberry blonde.
Ive done pretty well for myself

I think the theory is that men with blonde hair seems too 'generic' in this decade, why do you think most women go for non-whites? Variation of course. I wonder at some point that blacks and mutts will become the new generic and women move back to whites again for nostalgia reasons.

>the myriad Brian Coxes of uncovered multiverse

in my experience, the darker a woman is, the more attracted to blonde features and hair she is, the whiter she is, the more attracted to dark features she is (dark meaning darker hair, skin tone and the like, not cuck shit)

asians and nignog women love blondes, but white women tend to find them too boyish looking

They naturally do, but don't ever force them to either publicly explain or express it due to zionist conditioning

It's not my thing but I have seen some hot blond guys. Like that dude from the Guest. But yea if you are some pendleton ward looking mofo you are probably beat.

It's hard to fetishize your own approximate racial subgroup. It also doesn't help that blond guys all see themselves as muh proud aryan stronk men.

Like 80s action movie villain, Malfoy blonde? kek

Women like all hair colours, sure there are preferences, but the preferences vary.

its all about the face you moron
hair color does not matter in the slightest

I think blonde men with blue eyes are the most attractive, but not when they're weak looking and dyel. Aryan chad is the supreme chad