Change My View: Slavery Edition

I believe that slavery should be legal, and would be acceptable with the following provisions:
>Slavery may be punitive in nature; citizen criminals, depending on their crime, may be sentenced to a term of slavery. Either to the aggrieved party, or if the aggrieved decline/no individual victim exists, auctioned off at a state auction.
Really, we sort of already do this with penal labor. The main difference is that we'd be letting wronged individuals benefit directly from slave labor. As an example,
>Non-citizens unlawfully in the country (illegal migrants), if discovered, may be kept as slaves by the party that captures them. The capturing party may keep them for 5 years, and at that point is obligated to offer them a choice of being deported to their country of origin or remaining a slave.
If your argument for why we should have them is because they do the jobs we don't want to do cheaply, then you should love this.
>Slaves are tattooed/branded to mark them as a slave, and chipped to keep track of them.
Owner of the slave pays this cost at auction in the same way that you pay for a dogs vaccinations and so forth when you buy one from the pound.
>Slaves have a few protections/rights.
-They can't be maimed or killed without due cause (escape attempt, physical violence toward the owner)
-If they die while in servitude the owner is obligated to notify their next of kin and allow them the chance to have a funeral.
-They may have some personal belongings (but not own land),
-Master is obligated to provide enough food/water to sustain them, basic shelter, and basic medical care. These shouldn't be withheld unless as punishment for insubordination.
>Slaves can work for you directly as a whore, house servant, or laborer. You can also make them work at a job for you and simply garnish their wages where their pay is paid directly to your account.

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Example scenario of above:
>A negro robs a liquor store.
>He is caught, tried, found guilty, and sentenced to 10 years of slavery.
>The owner of the liquor store opts to retain him as a slave, has him branded and chipped.
>Owner of the liquor store has a shed built for the negro to live in, feeds him an adequate meal of 1700 kcal rice, beans, and frozen vegetables once daily.
>Puts the negro to work at a friend's hog farm. Owner is paid directly for the negro's labor.
>Owner is a kind master, and allows the negro small luxuries like sweat pants and a radio.
>When the negro is bad, owner gives the negro a whipping and restricts privileges by removing his radio and forcing him to wear a potato sack rather than people clothes.
>Eventually the negro learns to behave.
>10 years later, the negro has served his term, has his chip removed, and is free to rejoin society.

Another example:
>An illegal alien roastie is caught shoplifting makeup from a drugstore
>The pharmacist who owns the store opts to keep her as a slave for a term of 5 years.
>The roastie seems mostly harmless, so he permits her to live in his basement. She is branded and chipped, and provided with a cot.
>He allows her three meals of gruel a day.
>Since she is a thief, she can't be trusted to work in his shop. Instead the pharmacist, a lonely man since his wife passed, decides to keep her as a bedwench.
>Once, sometimes two or three times a day, he has anal sex with her.
>He is a kind master, and allows her luxuries like television, internet access, and human clothes.
>When her three month term is up, she roastie decides that she likes the arrangement and decides to renew her 5 year term of slavery rather than returning to her home country.

If only.
Maybe after society collapses, we might actually see this come into play.

I was expecting pure autism but this actually seems pretty reasonable/workable. Basically what the Romans had going then?

More or less. Obviously some of the stuff then doesn't apply, like forcing them in to gladiatorial combat is probably a non-starter.

I thought the idea seemed cool until you started up with this. Now I see it's just some bs Jow Forums power fantasy.

I think for this to even be considered you have to have the slaves protected from rights such as rape/physical violence unless the slaves infringe a contract made between the slave, the owner and the state.

It seems fanciful to you that a negro might rob a liquor store?

Slavery is a massive negative to the economy, because just like unrestricted immigration it increases the unskilled labor pool massively and drives down wages for everyone, which further enriches the upper class at the expense of everyone else
so sure, slavery is great if you're actually retarded and want to be a slave yourself

There already are a shitload of illegals in the country working for next to nothing. We have cheap labor. Then there are the dregs that don't work at all and drain gibs instead. If they did slave labor, and their wages were paid to their victims/people who capture them, there is no net loss.

you have literally no idea what you're talking about.
>There already are a shitload of illegals in the country working for next to nothing.
Adding more doesn't make the situation better.
> Then there are the dregs that don't work at all and drain gibs instead. If they did slave labor, and their wages were paid to their victims/people who capture them, there is no net loss.
No, adding more unskilled workers to the economy IS a net loss. Besides this problem of "dregs that don't work at all" both being massively overstated and a non-influence on the economy because they aren't a part of it, you're now advocating enslaving people not based on criminality but on being people who don't work
maybe you should go take a look at societies that relied heavily on slave labor and see how well that worked out for them. the answer is not at all, they're poor almost africa-tier shitholes, you completely uneducated moron

Nobody said "add more." If anything, they're more likely to self deport if they know staying means slavery.

Honestly it sounds like you're a salty criminal that knows they'd wind up someone's butt slave.

You're also failing to consider the savings to the taxpayer. I'm willing to bet I can keep a slave for a whole lot less than what we pay to house inmates.

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I like that robots have such a poor understanding of economics and history that they think slavery was abolished because muh feelings and not because it's an archaic economically unviable concept that directly goes against the consumer capitalist model

Because people shouldn't own other people

you don't understand economics retard.

In my opinion, slavery took away what would've been paying jobs from hard working white people in America, and created an incredibly rich upper class of plantation owners with too much power. I'm not a fan of class differences.
Some of the founding fathers weren't fans of it either, stating that it weakened white people, making them too reliant on the labor of others.
Also there's the fact that there will be a bunch of niggers around even in your scenario. A better solution would be to send them out.

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A few videos to back up my points.

And I think you're misinterpreting what's being proposed. Nobody is suggesting slavery as our primary economic mover or regressing to an agrarian economy or anything like that. This is punitive slavery, for criminals that we'd otherwise be spending big tax dollars supporting for the duration of their prison sentence and the gibs they might be receiving for food stamps, etc if left free.

The wages they earn (if they work a job) are paid to the person they aggrieved -- overwhelmingly not wealthy persons, but everyday people.

Too much like American slavery. Lets make it a bit more humane it's more acceptable for the masses:

-You cannot be a slave more for that, say, 5 years.
-No permanent branding of a slave.
-More restrictions on how severely you may punish a slave and why.
-Slaves can leave you by selling themselves to someone else, should you mistreat them (historical precedent exists for this).
-After the 5 year term if over, you are expected to gift your slave with something to help them start a new life (this has historical precedent, and could be as simple as arranging for a proper job for them).
-Illegals can apply for citizenship after their term is over, if their master vouches for them (vouching can count as a "gift").
-Slaves have a right to their personal belongings, taking them away counts as mistreatment.
-You are obliged to feed your slaves healthy and sufficient food: 1700kcal/day or just gruel does not cut it.
-You can't rape your slave. If they don't want to be a "bedwench" they are allowed to refuse.
-If a slave is injured while working for you, you must care for your slave or arrange for a master who can.