I should face fuck a trump supporter with my fist.
I should face fuck a trump supporter with my fist
voting for our president again.
good luck on making america great again
I'm not the OP and I actually supported him, but why?
He repeatedly caves in to Dems. No wall, Omnibus, turned soft about anchor babies, etc. Fraud.
I wish Ben Shapiro would run
because its my choice. ben shapiro im not voting for that tranny
>because its my choice
Right, then my question would be why use your freedom of choice on a fraud who repeatedly betrays his base?
>unironically wanting (((Ben Shapiro))) to run
get off my board Shlomo
what a loaded question, you must be a tranny loving lawyer.
because our glorious president is a true bi-partisan.
no poor people for president.
What on Earth are you talking about? Trannies are mentally ill retards.
Why can't you answer a simple question? Why is someone who lied to his most ardent supporters worthy of a vote?
you didnt deny the lawyer part.
>hur not my president
If youre a us citizen hes your president you treasonous pos
I just work in accounts payable.
Why is someone who lied to his most ardent supporters worthy of a vote?
you forked tongue lawyer
ESPECIALLY not fucking lawyers. never voting for a lawyer for president again thanks obama.
i fucking hate fascist pigs like him. they honestly think transgender folks shouldn't have any rights. impeach now
ok just make sure your thumb is on the outside, faggot.
I'd like to see you try libtard. Address is 11678 suckmydick dr. in Yoauafaggoot, Hawaii. Come get me pussy. Trump 2020
>fascist pigs like him
>being this delusional
Kys degenerate
Shapiro sounds like a spic name to me.
you have forsaken us, fake robot
Hiw have i forsaken anyone, i was never a robot to begin with.
>caring about politics
sheep get out
Same here my dude. Are we considered Chads for voting for a strong and great president?
I will be voting for Trump 2020