>He hasn't taken the /trappill/ yet
Why do you want to be lonely
He hasn't taken the /trappill/ yet
Koakuma kunny
Because I'm already in my 30s. Otherwise I would.
You're all going to get tired of spamming this and everyones going to go back to shit posting
The only thing that has stuck so far is the red pill
>what i want to do to these trap posters
You've already been found out. Move on.
Don't cut yourself on that edge newfag kun
excellent word for the filter user, thank you
Thank you for announcing you filtered that word
BEcause I'm not and I have pretty good success with actual girls who don't have a penis.
But it's okay, though, keep being jealous of actual women because you know that, unless you drop all dignity and start dressing as a woman because you think this is the only possible way you could get attention, you will never have any worth whatsoever. Talk about sad. Good thing I'll never need to play pretend to have friends and meaningful relationships.
also, you're a fucking filthy predator. You deserve death.
Normalfags go back to red dit you aren't wanted here
Suicide rates are already looking bad for a Robot, no need to boost it by 40%. You may as well tell people to cut off an arm for some hypothetical pity sex.
I never experienced literal Jewish trickery until i I saw this shit
that's not a trap you massive fucking faggot, I know the artist, go kill yourself, unironically, now
Yeah because you know your emotional trickery doesn't work on someone who isn't a pathetic sack of shit, right?
Well yeah, it doesn't. You're a filthy emotional manipulator with zero self-respect and it's absolutely laughable that you resorted to becoming a girl because you have such low self-esteem that it'S the only possible way you saw that could save your miserable, worthless life. Traps are fucking gay and also fisgusting. Kill yourself you fucking monster.
you're experiencing jewish trickery at all moments, jews don't like traps because they need roasties to bring the white man down
baby incel rage lol
Imagine being this much of a sperg
Go back newfag
Could never be more of a sperg than a man so dependant on attention that he becomes a girl to get it. Wake the fuck up you mistake of nature. You simply gave up on yourself.
What are you even trying to say you raging autist
I'm trying to say you're not actually a girl. You're a gay little boy who's mad that he's a beta little bitch who never got any femlae attention, so he started dressing up as a girl to get male attention instead, but you're not actually a girl and will never be.
One a scale of 1 to volcano, how mad are you that you'll never actually be a real girl?
Sounds like you're just mad that you're a bitter incel, loving life with my bf btw :)
Its trap shilling that makes the white man subservient. Jewish tricks mate.
Sounds like you're just mad that you're not actually a girl.
lol sure thing cia nigger
I'm not lonely unlike you though :3
Da joos!!! Go back to pol normalfag
>Become a girlman, I swear your life will be 100% better!
>Enjoying life with my bf btw :)
Nice cherrypicked picture btw
Laughing at you pol normies
Because traps are fucking gay
Because im not a homosexual and im not changing that just because some faggot shill tells me otherwise
Fuck off to /lgbt/ you faggot
Fuck off back to pol normalfag / newfag
Shut up, girlman.
Nice thumbnail you fucking retard lmfao
Look at those majestuous feminine features and those child bearing hips. I could never tell the difference between an actual girl and a disgusting girlman goblin.
But I Love trap music!!!!
>all these trap fags hiding behind anime images because they know they look like pic related irl
I sure do love veins on my """"""""women""""""""
mad you're not a cute girl :3
Isn't that the server where they dox and blackmail anons into taking hrt?
im calling the robot police on you guys stop vvith your shilling!!!!!!!
Can traps be magical girls?
what is this GET mania
>Good goy! Don't breed! Dress like a girl and let migrants fuck your ass and country goy!
you just described roasties retard, traps will save the white race
By turning into girls and riding Tyrone's dick?
You trapfags are so funny
They can always go on Grindr to find a trap
wrong. also rude
traps are pro-white because they don't have the sick and repulsive roastie mentality so they won't betray you and fuck niggers