Women who use retards and autists as props

Memes aside, I don't hate women as an absolute. A lot of them (probably the majority) are vapid trash, but then so are a lot of men. People in general are shit, you know?
But there's one type of roastie that IMO, deserves to be gassed on sight. Girls who ironically flirt around with legit retards or autists to be funny, or worse use them solely as a virtue signaling prop. Normies actually praise them for this, reasoning "well at least someone went to prom with him, that's better than going alone or not going it all. It helps them feel normal."
No the fuck it doesn't. Two scenarios. Either:
>they're smart enough to realize what's going on and feel used
>they're oblivious to what is going on and think that the girl is actually interested in them. Only to wind up confused, heartbroken, or wondering if they did something wrong.

The girl, by the way, knows damn well that she isn't doing it to "be nice." Like most things the roastie does, she's doing it for attention and the boy involved is either an afterthought or not thought of at all. Every time one of them does some shit like this, I really do hope they get raped by the retard they're trying to use.

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a girl at my high school did this shit. Not a retard but like a really gullible autist kid. When the night started he looked like the happiest boy alive. By the end he was crying because she abandoned him most of the night to try to get Chad dick. Gave Chad the last dance, and he had to watch Chad squeeze his dates ass.

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So how is it different from men doing the same thing?

Is there a personal reason why you feel like this?

Men don't do this

Poor guy :(, this is why people like us exist

In substance it isn't. In practice, other than a celebrity male going to do like a make a wish come true thing, I virtually never hear of this happening. Chad taking an ugly girl to prom as a goof is shit that almost never happens in the real world. In contrast, this shit happens all the time.

There was a severely autistic boy at my HS who befriended the church staceys. It kind of back fired on them because he never left them alone.

Men are the exact opposite. Maybe they'll fuck an autistic girl, but they aren't going to parade that shit around in public

This. I never saw a guy do this at my school whereas every year at least one roastie thought it'd be funny to get a "special guy" as an accessory.

N why do u care again? Mentally retarded people should have been killed as soon as they are still in mothers womb. Stupid people deserved to be exploited and one day you will look back realizing you have done pretty the same thing but brushed it off because its you and not someone you hate. There was a retard in my class and everybody but me bullied him till he went fucking insane. None of my help did any good and at the end of the day he just forgot all of it. All of it. Let it be, the only thing you could do is daydreaming about killing everyone in your school while raping the fuck out of those dumb roasties one by one

I doubt the guy with down-syndrome is feeling either of the highly-generalized responses you suggested. in fact, his state of mind is probably so child-like that the attention in itself is a highly enjoyable experience for him. stop being a whiny faggot just because girls don't want to talk to you.

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My boy is scoping out those titties in that picture

Some guys will bring a girl that's beneath them status wise thinking she'll be an easy lay, but that's a far cry different from using an actual down syndrome person as a prop

>comparing retards to autists
Well don't I feel completely dehumanized...

>le ebin if you criticize any behavior any women does you must be an incel meme
I'm married.

>never said incel
>thinking getting married means you cant be a bitter loser who projects all his insecurities on women
Your "wife" is probably an average loser like you with nothing really stand out physically and socially. Lol!!!

to a dog or what?

Said the white knight so pathetic he's defending the honor of roasties in the abstract.

>tfw you realise this is why all those girls liked you
do girls pity fuck autists and retards?

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women don't have much of a choice anymore. most guys are sleeping with each other instead of talking to roasties.

>lol hes calling out on my bs so it must mean hes a whiteknight
Fucking double lol xd!!!

But we are retarded user

Just not intellectually

Literally have an literal stranger!

Edit: wow gold! Thanks r/9k

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Some of these subhuman are just lost hope. Again retard, just because i think you are a dumb nigger doesnt mean im from reddit.

Don't worry partner, some day one of the internet maidens will reward you.

No, the fact that you're from reddit means you're from reddit.

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So what if I am from reddit? I'm not allowed to use other sites?

You are dumb beyond words user, i feel bad for yall. Your brain is do one demensional its unbelievable. Are u sure you are not jusy autistic?