I am becoming petersonpilled. no one has better explained my own psyche...

I am becoming petersonpilled. no one has better explained my own psyche, internal emotional life and motivations than prof. Peterson. I idolise this man. I am actually using his teachings to get adequate revenge on those who have wronged me. I am in the darkest of dark places he warned against. iwas in it before I discovered his work.

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you shouldnt be using his words to enact revenge user

>I am actually using his teachings to get adequate revenge on those who have wronged me.
Define revenge.

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but I am. I'm smiling at how grandiose it shall be

Yes. Develop your shadow.

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resentment based action used justifiably

The beauty of it all is that Darth Vader was saved in the end.

You know what I meant, bucko.

youre probably not able to judge whether or not its justifiable

because youre a dummy

hes on antidepressants and forced his daughter on antidepressants when she was 13

He lost me when he said that watching a Disney movie was like watching a religious film.

bump for love of peterson

Peterson is self help bullshit; a hack.

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Watch this video and try not to rage


Theres no debating with roasties at this point folks. They're just rabid dogs.

Peterson wants you to betray your ra-- I mean slay the dragon, bucky
like and subscribe, and if you like what you see consider chipping in a couple thousand to my patreon

Peterson is retarded except I didn't care enough to save all the dumb shit hes done. Think for yourself user.

>peterson is shill/retard/jew/etc.
this site is inhabited by subhumans

>canadian Kermit
It was great watching him get all that right wing support from being pseudo-transphobic then get blasted for thinking that ethnostates are a bad idea.

Say what you will about the guy, he can keep his composure.

was his daughter a depressed faggot?
if the answer is yes, who cares.

I joined the cult after the disaster meeting at the LGBTQA+ center (I'm transsexual female) started talking about him, and calling him a Nazi sympathizer. One other trans woman, a smarter woman in her late 50s (I.e does not truly pass - - I do, but amongst trans "inclusive" "safe spaces" I'm usually kinda spottable) was defending him up and down and I was like "idk who he is" and someone said "he teaches at Harvard" and the older woman said "no he doesn't. You don't even know what you're saying. He hasn't been there in over a decade".

So I went home, did some research and exact like OP I found myself just enamoured.

I've now watched and I'm currently rewatching his 2017 lectures on personality development.

I find I'm able to articulate myself better, more concise with my motivations and thoughts, more willing to listen and hear people out in discussions, and better over all mental health.

If I lived in Canada, I'd be counter protesting and volunteering as an openly and proud transgender woman to help support Peterson against the mindless hoard of indoctrinated youth literally banging on the windows of his public speeches.

I hope he wins election.
I hope he turns out not to be a true lenninist totalitarian tho :P but even so I wouldn't bitch much.

he's depressed and doesn't take medicine anymore, he could probably stoneface his kid dying

see: Also who cares, if he's dead inside he could risk being shot in the face and smile, like anyone else. Doesn't change the fact that his talks are great and that he understand people.

I feel like some autist said "oh he's a bad person" and you blindly followed them like the retard that you are.

ahh yesss, he's a "good person" because he can debate cable news anchors without getting his feathers ruffled

not all professors and evangelists are capable orators

>I am actually using his teachings to get adequate revenge on those who have wronged me.

I don't think you've really absorbed his message then. Peterson has talked for literally like 50 hours you can watch online about why getting revenge is the wrong path to take in life.

Is this one of those reverse psychology things where someone acts like they're a crazed fan to get others to look down on the person?

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He's not a politician, he did say he would consider running after Trudeau once thought but its far from being done.

i listened to peterson and now I'm no longer an independent musician with an active social life living off autismbucks, now I work a shitty retail job and hate all my friends

kek subverted af

Is this your first self help book op? They are designed to make you feel they understand you.

Define justifiably

What is the argument against him?
Do you disagree that "nice guys" need to be more assertive, and potentially dangerous?
Do you think it's ok to be lazy?

99% of arguments against him, at least for discussions on psychology/behavior/values, are by people who legitimately can not / do not understand his statements. The type of people who complain that he is "purposely talking too much" and "diverges the conversation too much" - aka can't keep up with him

He uses "big words" a lot which a lot of people interpret as unnecessary and confusing (because they have never heard the word before), when in actuality it is used because it's a precise descriptor, so if you know the words meaning you will obtain a MUCH better understanding of what he's saying than if he used a more commonly known similar word

You will literally never find anyone in his field who completely disparages his statements on psychology/behavior/values. At most you will find pedantic nitpicking. Because the guy actually forms his opinions on the matter solely through reading and rationalizing empirical studies

I literally think he is too smart for most people to understand

I understand him, but I could never come up with his ideas on my own. I feel like such a brainlet.
Do I just need to read more, and expand my vocabulary?

if you read enough books you don't have to come up with your own ideas to sound smart to normies