Is the world getting better?
Is the world getting better?
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teens are getting better at lying
>actually believing those stats
People had no choice but to be normalfags in the 70s. Today you can easily be a shut in with the internet plus gen xers were way too coddling with millennials like not letting them out of the yard without supervision. Hence why so many are emasculated and afraid to take any risks.
My high school was the first school in the it's history to completely ban dances because of the drinking and fighting that went on.
Because we try those things as early as 11 years old and stop giving a fuck about them, except for sex.
The reward part of the risk/reward equation is missing.
I should rephrase that
>in the history of the schoolboard
Generation NEET is upon us. By 2040, being a robot will be the norm. Look to Japan and their hikkimori men if you want to see the future.
I experienced two extremes when I was 14-18 years old
Some constantly denied any alcohol no matter how light, maybe tried it when they became 18, hated it and never did it again
And then they were the legit alcoholics that had no brain cells left anymore when they managed to barely graduate middle school
The west is turning into japan 2.0 due to capitalism
Africa and central asia are the next big players
No. No it is not [blox].
Not true. I did drugs when I was 14 had my first bottle of bailey's when I was 10 and forced myself on a girl when I was 15. Only thing im missing is a job by im going into the air force soon
Women don't want sex as much cause they're afraid of getting unwanted pregnancies and having a child be born in a pleb home and having to work two jobs.
>like sex, drinking
this is because of millennial men(robots and cyborgs).
women are far far worse and getting even worser.
Kids lie these kind of studies are pointless.
unironically this
sadly, society hates children and your social life and job opportunities are gone with a kid
I wish it wouldn't be this way
>japan 2.0
Go capitalism!
>more teens are losers
you know this shit corrects itself after a few generations right?
>this makes the robot angry
How does it feel to know that men have less problems than women?
That's not a bad thing. Traditional values are good for a woman's self esteem.
because it was easier for teens to get alcohol back then...
bullshit, I'm 18 and that's all they fucking do where I live, of course non of it's for me though, and of course, it's aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalll my fault and I'm evil yadayadayada
good. i enjoy my mental fortitude and being able to walk alone at night without shitting myself at every shadow.
oh and i enjoy the ability to enjoy solitude and not resent myself and others just because i have to be alone.
i enjoy being able to accept anything within reason and integrity.
More like, women have so few problems to deal with, they have to invent themselves depressive episodes whereas men's legitimate depressive episodes are ignored because they're men and are "supposed to act like one" and it's not manly to be depressed.