>Jow Forums: Cryptocurrency shilling platform >Jow Forums: Platform for uneducated people to talk about politics and to drop unsourced infographs >Jow Forums: blue-pilled ugly people thinking getting fit will solve al their problems >/mu/, /v/: my taste in music/video games is the only objectively right taste >/soc/: catalog for dick pics
And of course: >r9k: circlejerk for closet faggots, NEETs and other losers
>Jow Forums: Shilling for large companies, haven for autistic man children and paranoid nuts >/sci/ & /lit/: The only good boards on this site
Brandon Edwards
>Jow Forums. losers and assholes that spread hatred and hate
Alexander Stewart
>/b/ traps
Parker Nelson
t. Nigger Originality
Dominic Myers
>Jow Forums: r/the_donald >Jow Forums: /lgbt/ >/his/: actually pretty good >Jow Forums: generals are cancer >Jow Forums: I'm a nocoiner but I keep collecting pink wojaks
Andrew Hernandez
>Jow Forums-enlightened philosophers >Jow Forums-enlightened bantmasters >/his/-redditors and communist shills for the most part except for some ok people
Aiden Cruz
>/his/: Occasionally decent/interesting threads that are often marred by nufags and Jow Forumsacks
>/lgbt/: A cultural Marxist plot to destroy the west and turn kids into mentally ill sex maniacs.
William Mitchell
I didn't spend a single penny on shitcoins but I have over 200 pink wojaks. Jow Forums is a pretty good board when there's something big going on on cyrpto market. But 95% of the time it's pajeet shitcoin shilling.
God i hate r9k right now, trapfags are even more annoying than normies.
Austin Butler
>/tv/: pol-lite, sneed, gabagool, and rampant misuse of the term 'kino'
Julian Miller
>/h/: footfags and trap threads >/d/: makes the traps on /h/ look like normal porn
Caleb Sanders
80% of posts are normies, faggots, "femanons" or """""femanons"""""". If not for the extensive filter list I wouldn't even bother coming here.
Liam Morris
Oh and I forgot about orbiters jerking off to some flavor of the month whore.
Connor Lopez
>>r9k: circlejerk for closet faggots, NEETs and other losers that was the original r9k well maybe without the closet fags part.
Luke Long
this was always the fucking worst daily threads about some attention whore """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""fembot""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" who no one gives a shit about now every other thread is about trannys or some stupid fucking shit
Alexander Gomez
yeah i hate how his has been infiltrated by pol and leftypol.
Carson Bell
>/vg/: 10/10 for some games, 0/10 for others >/a/: same as /vg/ >/mu/: only good for ez album dl's
>/tg/ Why make a thread for something? I'm sure there's a general for it >/a/ & /jp/ : The last bastions of Jow Forums culture still around >/ck/: I didn't know you could shitpost this much about food.
Tyler Peterson
chart and occasional industrial threads are nice too. shame it's unusable without filters.
Kayden Myers
I have no fucking idea how kpop and grimes threads are still around. That's fucking nuts. Even waifufaggots should get bored by now.
Christopher Baker
kpop guys don't even talk about music, it's just pics of attractive koreans. the fact that there's always more than one kpop general going is ridiculous. at least they stay there and not entirely shit up the board.
Jace Young
Then wait at "tset321" on 2^3. When the boards are fixed we will plan.
Easton Gonzalez
We should adapt an upvote system. People who get a good amount of upvotes get rewarded with a star next to their name in a thread, and those who have a certain amount of downvotes get kicked from a thread. This will get rid of derailing faggots and promote actual discussion.
>/sci/, /lit/: mental children who would get laughed at if they ever tried to act like they're intelligent
Blake Rodriguez
>>r9k: circlejerk for closet faggots, NEETs and other losers I wish, but it's actually >normalfags, pretending to be losers, because their gf sucks them off only 3 times a day and not 5
Gavin Butler
/v/: the latest AAA trash game and mobile games are the pinnacle of (((gaming))). Vidya? Videogames? Grampa, those aren't words! Jow Forums: consumerism and tech support (note how that's literally even against the rules!) Jow Forums: stormweenie recruitment center, underageb& 2edgy teens, and world news propaganda repeating engine Jow Forums: fag spam and normalfags bullying actual robots.
Landon Nguyen
/s4s/: sleeper OC board with actual lulz to be had more random than /b/, more original than Jow Forums
Noah Hall
>/f/: WHERE DA HOOD WHERE DA HOOD WHERE DA HOOD AT and the doctor's recommended daily dose