Something tells me that robots who ended up in jail served their sentences to come out as functional members of society...

Something tells me that robots who ended up in jail served their sentences to come out as functional members of society who have toughened up, socialized, built some muscle and learned new survival skills with which they will start new fulfilling lives somewhere instead of being imprisoned in front their computers the entire time, see in five years that you spent in jail you could have made much more progress, someone could've beat the autism out of you and turn you into a Chad out necessity instead of having spent endless days harming yourself more than fists and knives could ever do, also having a criminal past with jail sentence is quite the pussy magnet I can imagine

Maybe the rest of us should also rape someone and post about it here

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I have been to jail several times. It is horrible never going outside. Mostly just slept and read. Played a lot of scrabble with a pakistani PhD getting deported. I worked in the laundry. Got put in work release in the end (minimal security and got to leave for school) and one time my gf gave me a footjob under the table at a visitation.

This is severely incorrect. Going to jail made my life even worse. It wasn't jail so much as the felony conviction. Can't even get a job washing pots and pans.

I was actually raped twice by a robot. It was great. I didn't report him or anything and I'm telling you because you won't believe me.

What do you do for income?


I'm actually tempted to get myself sent to prison. It would mean staying alive with no effort.

Occasionally I donate plasma, otherwise I live with mommy and daddy
It's hard being a grown ass man who can't even buy his own food

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>Played a lot of scrabble with a pakistani PhD getting deported
seems like a fun story desu
i bet you met many interesting people there

I've been to prison, I got out like 2 weeks ago...
I mean I'm not going to be an asshole to some random person but I know what to do if a nigger tries me I guess.
I'm not sure if I feel more comfortable talking to women now since talking to a female officer back then got you sent to the box and beaten up or pepper sprayed...

He was a great player and english was his 3rd language. Not too many interesting people. A 16 year old was in their for murder facing the death penalty. He went pretty insane and eventually got put in the hole for calling himself the underdog and putting socks on his ears and acting like a flying dog or some shit. Saw a black tranny beat the shit out of her boyfriend for breaking up with her. Had a black muslim as a cell mate and he was cool as fuck told me that whites are racists because they were ostracized in ancient africa and forced to move into the deserted north. Makes a lot of sense desu.

I'm sure it's real fantastic place.
Getting raped beaten stabbed having your family members threatened for protection money guards who beat torture and throw you in a holding cell for 23 hours a day constantly on suicide watch never seeing the outside world again having to shit and piss in the same spot you eat your mystery slop sleeping on a concrete slab.

If anything it will destroy a robots mind and body
it will leave them an empty completely dysfunctional husk of meat that is if they don't find a way to kill themselves or end up dying inside.

Never been and don't intend to either i'd rather die then be stripped of all my humanity.

How many levels of BLM are you on, my dude?

Honestly everyday life is so much of a hell that when youve been in jail for like 2 weeks you are already used to it.

You're already in house arrest my friend.
You might as well risk it.
To the system you're invisible. They don't have your finger prints, face or dna.
If you play your cards right you can get away with it for a long time, forever.

Koakuma kunny bar

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I'm white dude.
Yeah because they've stripped you of any humanity you had left.
So i can end up like the guy above just a husk who's life is forever ruined? Nah i'll stick with being a neet and just die in peace that way.

What did you do?


>I'm white dude
This doesn't change my question, libtard.

Breaking and entering first time, DUI second. DUI jail was more fun (if you could call it fun)

>be even more ostracized from society than I already am
Yeah no thanks. Girls already want nothing to do with me, why would I want to extend that to any potential employers?

If you want to get toughened up real quick, just join the military.

I'm not a libtard you fucking idiot.
Niggers belong in there
If you're gonna nig then you belong with the nigs.

>told me that whites are racists because they were ostracized in ancient africa and forced to move into the deserted north
sounds like bullshit to me but still it's a fascinating concept

Let me give you some advice.
Fuck with credit cards.
Get you a card encoder and look up those russian forums.
If you get caught all they're going to do is give you probation.
And like I said even if they got you on camera they won't know who you are. You're invisible.
And you can try buying things with credit cards online. Its just more of a pain in the ass.