Anyone else regret voting for blumf?
Trump regret
I regret not voting for Bernie when I could've.
>he fell for your vote matters meme
Koakuma kunny
And I will be voting for 'blumf' again in 2020
Enjoy the next 8 orange years
saged and is the place youre looking for
imagine thinking that the fat queeny real estate developer who is obsessed with fancy parties and celebrities....
is masculine.
seriously the pathology is strong
Former qumpf voter here, honestly I want to imbleach blumf and finally stumph the drumpf.
I've never regretted anything less. Flermphp has my vote in 2020, and when they repeal the Presidential term limit he'll have it every other election year after Elon Musk makes humans immortal and gives Trump a solar powered cyborg body.
I regret not voting for Trump 2bh. I could've, but my family hates him and I value them more than some politician.
All jokes aside, we can't let slurmpf have the nuclear codes.
i would never vote for that anti-trans baboon
Atleast he's doing something about "free" trade
I didn't vote for him but he's definitely an awful president.
No, I don't regret voting for him, because I wasn't stupid enough to vote for him.
fuck. these are killing me
keep'em coming
>/leftypol/ is back at it again
at least try to make the bait believable
Every fucking day I see kerphlumpf on twitter, sending me alerts with every tweet, getting my day ruined by seeing what durneld schrumphf has said next.
>having enough confidence to go out and vote
You are not welcome here
>He doesn't live in a state where you get your ballot in the mail and just mail it back to the already-labelled address
Haha flyover cuck
o kek magus
what is to become of me
Hell no I don't! Trump Train ain't gonna stop boys! Keep America Great!
I'll say it. '45 deserves the end result of the French Revolution, Russian Revolution, and East Germany.
I regret being born in based Canada
You don't have to tell your family who you voted for, user. My family hates him too, but I voted for him and defend him in family discussions where my dad basically smugly quotes John Oliver and calls me a Nazi.
Nice try N.U.I.S
Canada was good 20 years ago but now it's just gook paradise full of trannies and drugged up natives
He's a horrible president, people only support him still because "he makes the libtards butthurt xdd".
Hillary wouldn't have been much better but at least she wouldn't have destroyed our international relations.
Trumps a Jew shrill who got support by Israel
He's actually proving himself to be fairly liberal policy-wise. Even the social left is getting more extreme because of him.
Its awful he listens to manbaby erlick frumpf and coloneled mump jr, the divorced blump.
>Hillary wouldn't have been much better but at least she wouldn't have destroyed our international relations.
She would've been a much better president
bill was one of the best presidents of all time
Voted for Aleppo man, and I feel better about my choice every day.
Why? The dialectics are in motion
Find another outlet for your autism. Stop making these threads you sad liberal fuck.
>Hillary wouldn't have been much better
The bitch wanted to start WW3 over Syria, I think that's way worse than "destroying" international relations
Trump's not doing much better at avoiding war my dude
Hillary was the ultimate establishment candidate. She had 0 plans on helping the Americans while Trump (although he was a slight let down in the end) did.
If you look back at the campaign all Hillary did in the presidential race was muh first female president and pandering to neo-liberals.
Even though Trump ended up biting off more than he could chew, he DID rally the people behind him - The wall, tariffs, "greatest jobs president", economy.
All this that the average American wants, not what De'lisha the Transgnome Demikin trans woman of color wants.
You mean, am I some kind of fucking retard who didn't realize the media was already predetermined to shit all over his presidency regardless of what he accomplishes?
Why no, actually. No I'm not a brainwashed idiot.
How exactly? He has proposed US non-interventionalist position on Syria and is finally acting upon it.
If you are talking about North Korea then I'll remind you that Kim Jong Un is not stupid. Even IF he does indeed have a nuke (and for all we know he may not even have one) that is only one warhead. The USA alone has 3600 and together with NATO it adds up to 4000 Nukes.
If you are talking about China then you have to know that even though a 'Trade-War' sounds hostile and dangerous, in reality it literally involves economics and pricing of goods. The most that could happen to your Average American citizen is the price of rice packets going up by a few dollars.
And not only that but a Trade war with China would be inevitable anyway if the USA did not want China to subjugate the world though its sheer economical ability (which is only allowed because of China's lack of humanitarian laws)
Obese, braindead, corrupt, unfaithful, vapid, orange, flatulent goblin.
Thats it. This post alone made me adament that I will not be voting for gerrumpf next year
Eurocunts are mooching off our military while we don't even have first world healthcare.
It feels like we're being raped.
Fuck Drumpf. Didn't even vote but fuck that jewkike
>actively working towards peace with North Korea, the only nuclear power that openly wants to start a nuclear war
Middle Eastern police actions are globalist shit, I agree, but in the grand scheme of things it's not much. It's not perfect, but after years of hippity-hoppity get off my property I have finally come to believe that due to Russia's aggressive militant imperialism in the area, some degree of US military presence is necessary. Unfortunately for political reasons we can't just come out and say "We're bombing Goatfuckistan because we don't want Russian military control of a Mediterranean port as they've been trying to gain for centuries," we have to make up some "terrorists that totally weren't paid by the CIA just bombed a hospital!" shit.
Bush and his dad going into the Middle East was heavily dominated by oil politics, but not as pop culture wants you to believe - we didn't want to occupy and directly control the oil fields with our military, per se, but we couldn't afford to have any nation trading oil in a currency other than the petrodollar. Every time a country has moved to trade its oil in another currency, usually the ruble and with the notable exception of Russia since they're still powerful enough that we can't invade them, we've made up some humanitarian reason why we need to bomb them into the Bronze Age.
I do wonder if a better solution can be reached, though. Although for half a century America has been the king of the global market especially outside and after the fall of the Soviet Union, I'm not sure that it's impossible or undesirable to attain a global state of rival economic powers competing peacefully.
That's because you have no comprehension of geopolitical strategy. You want some other country to become the dominant power in the world? They aren't "mooching off our military" - we're asserting our dominance by being the dominant military force, retard
>trump is clearly a fat beta dork lolol
yea ok pal
Why do Americans hate free health care so much?
What are we doing that for?
So they won't turn nazi?
Who gives a fuck.
We're not asserting our dominance. Acting like NATO is doing us such a favor is exactly the problem.
We spend over .5 trillion on our military every year. That's more than all other countries combined. We're playing world police, so nobody else has to.
Asserting our dominance is when *we* tell *NATO* what's what and not the other way around.
the fuck are you honestly smoking
I never voted for him and still don't really believe he is the hope we've been waiting for
the system is broken, there is no fixing it because it must be broken to work the way it does right now....
damn what a beast
Yeah let's just let someone else take control
Retard. We WANT to be world police.
Thats what happens to Athletic people when they get old. Look at the footballer Pele for example.
A high carb diet makes fat quite easy to build up in an older age
Reminder that Trump is 71 years old, one of the oldest presidents in the history of America
>even though a 'Trade-War' sounds hostile and dangerous, in reality it literally involves economics and pricing of goods.
>The most that could happen to your Average American citizen is the price of rice packets going up by a few dollars.
The harm of the 'Trade-War', as you call it, is not the immediate market effect. Most products made in the USA are not significantly more expensive, anyway, despite what the anti-Trump hysteria will tell you. Generally when I see two identical items on the shelf made in China and the USA, the domestic one is within 10% or 15% of the Chinese price.
The harm of the trade war is the long-term effects of unemployment, class divide and welfare-state leeches in the US, the transfer overseas of strategic industries (can't go to war without China's approval if China makes our military hardware), the foreign ownership of American industries (which to some extent already exists, many huge and traditionally American companies are now owned by the Chinese government and actively/successfully lobbying the American government) and so on.
I don't give a rat's ass about the price of rice packets. I DO give a rat's ass about 90% of my country's factories shutting down, industry and tech moving overseas, and the death of the hardworking American social ideals which are already habbening.
>muh geopolitical strategy
This is literally a bunch of gibberish that fat disgusting kikes in D.C. think tanks come up with to justify wasting billions of goyim tax-dollars for a military presence in nations that is totally irrelevant to white Americans lives
> $500 billion military budget
Who else is going to take control, genius? Under what scenario do we have any other choice, and under what scenario does NATO have any leverage at all in telling us how to perform this duty?
underrated post that wont get any replies because leftists cannot into economics or global politics
Except for the obligatory "lol we should just all get along xd" of course
>Acting like NATO is doing us such a favor is exactly the problem
Imagine if the world traded oil in the Euro instead of the US dollar. Our country's currency would crash overnight, we've spent over half a century secure that no matter what fuckery we played with the USD it would be artifically bolstered by foreign oil markets keeping the exchange rates steady.
Republiturds are anti-american
Republishits suck donkey dick
Republicunts are american isis
Democrats are just better
>I DO give a rat's ass about 90% of my country's factories shutting down, industry and tech moving overseas, and the death of the hardworking American social ideals which are already habbening.
This would be happening under a ''''''''''free'''''''''' market though. Face it, for the average production business mogul China is a MUCH more attractive option to produce in.
1 - Workers get paid dirt cheap (completely legal)
2 - Workers can work absurdly long hours (completely legal)
3 - Factories can be as dirty and grimey as you want to (completely legal)
4 - Factories can produce as much smog and pollution as you want to (completely legal)
5 - China has MUCH more workers who would do anything for a job
This (on top of China's geopolitical power and the fact it has billions of dollars worth of rare metals which cant be found anywhere else in the world) has created the Chineese powerhouse we see now. The only Nation that can compete with China economically would be USA or the EU. If the USA bent over for the Chinese Dragon then by the time people realized how fucked over they were getting, it would be much too late
> an example gallery of hazy, unsourced statistical assertions that smell like bullshit.
Based reality poster. Conservative media is largely propaganda meant to feed them narratives regarding idealistic views of conservatism. Democrats know how the world actually works and get things done
Look at these loser conservative flyover states leeching our tax dollars.
>Democrats know how the world actually works
No democrats just buy the MSM's fabricated consensus and delegate all critical thought to some imagined authority and then pretend they actually did the legwork.
I won't deign to explain why your chart is fucking stupid as fuck.
If you vote republican you ARE the problem
Yeah, you won't bother to engage in real conversation. Just claim the chart is stupid as fuck while also claiming that Democrats delegate reality determinance to biased authorities. When you're doing just that, delegating reality determinance to your "common sense" instead of explaining why the chart is bullshit
Republicans are fucking losers without exception
I'm going to stop calling myself an american and I'm going to start calling myself an americuck.
Cause that's what we are, the betabux of the world.
We pay for the worlds military, people come here to buy cheap crap that was made by foreign countries and meanwhile we have bum fuck small towns with tin roofs, low labor participation, our prisons are full and we have a homeless infestation.
I'm seriously considering becoming an expat.
Meanwhile, any time anything good happens under Trump:
> Oh that's actually the residual effect of Obama's policy.
You people are honestly a complete joke.
> he says in the post after he complains about all those lazy flyover states leeching from the redistributed wealth
Are you seeing it yet, retard?
I completely agree with everything you're saying. I think you misinterpreted my post as saying that a free international market is good for the American worker, when really I believe it's only good for the American wealthy.
I don't really care about Trump, as his tendencies towards liberalism are all too encumbering. The next politician that uses similar rhetoric and breaks away from the common norms of the GOP, will likely be more interesting (I would predict that politician to emerge either in the 2024 or 2028 election).
In many cases it's true? Retard. Trump's mere presence in the White House doesn't cause things to happen.
Yeah, flyover states are lazy and completely subsidized by the government. You loser farmers literally get paid to "not" grow corn when there's a surplus. That's welfare.
> he can't buffer more than one post into his working memory
How do I become a loser farmer that gets paid to not grow corn?
That sounds awesome.
>We pay for the worlds military
And we get the side bonus of making the free world our bitch, because Yoorup knows if they don't do what we say we can just up and leave and then they'll be paying taxes to Moscow.
>people come here to buy cheap crap that was made by foreign countries
What are you talking about? Foreigners coming to America to buy Chinese shit with American import and retail taxes slapped onto it? Why wouldn't they just buy direct from the source? Unless you're saying that our own citizens buy that cheap Chinese shit, then I agree. Our nation's greatest enemy is its own citizens.
>bum fuck small towns
Most people in small towns, even the poor, are there because they want to be. Most of them know they could make more money in the cities, or DO commute to cities for their job. The problem IS our cities, our towering housing projects filled with career criminals where we've created an entire social class that has no family role models and is raised by pop culture and crime as the multinational corporations want, just as our prisons and our homeless infestation problems.
>I'm seriously considering becoming an expat
Haha absolutely nigger tier. If you leave your country to go jack off in another one because memes have convinced you it's 'better' instead of staying true and working to improve it, you're no better than the boats full of economic rapefugees coming to Germoney to sit in stolen apartments receiving gibs and raping teenagers.
Btw, there *is* a website where your shill tactics for stupid people actually work; it's called reddit. You should try going back there.
btfoing Jow Forumstards is seriously like taking candy from a baby
as soon as you start posting data their arguments melt away
The Jews brainwashed them that if they aren't paying thousamds of dollars to doctors and pharma companies the healthcare is not good. If healthcare in america cost 1/10th as much everything would be good. You would still drop a few hundred at a doctor but you don't go into crippling debt from an accident.
I have the second best inaurance my work offers and I work for a public school system and rhise fucks refused to cover a $90 inhaler I need. I pay like $270 a mo th straight out of my check.
> this is the left's idea of a meme
"Job" and "racist" are two completely different ontological categories. Hope this helps you make different images later that aren't so stupid. yw.
Reminder to keep calm, because this is a leftypol raid.
>You loser farmers literally get paid to "not" grow corn when there's a surplus
Fields need to be rotated, we pay farmers not to grow to avoid another Dust Bowl. There are tons of articles about crop rotation and fallow fields you can read for free, my passionate friend.
No. Him getting elected just for the memes alone was worth it. MAGA was just a bonus.
Hey, if you want free handouts for your farms, maybe you should just get out and move to a different country that's good like Europe.
> t.sophisticated leftist
So why don't the farmers do it themselves instead of expecting gibsmedats from the gubmint? Retard
Not even a little. Will happily be voting for him in 2020.
Tfw you remember people on Jow Forums were only pretending to be left wing retards.
How things changed.
Y-you're right, desu, I should just move to a good country like europe instead. You've really made me think.
You're welcome. I'm always happy to see a conservative see the light of good democrat policy.
>tfw you have no fucking argument left so you just meme and use conspiracies instead
Tragedy of the commons, my dude. The small farmer benefits in the short term from planting his fields every year, and normies are too stupid to understand long-term benefits. You can plant your fields every year for many years or even decades, after all. I don't know whether or not it affects a larger area, as well. Does anyone know if your neighbor's farm will be affected by your own failure to rotate fields?
> The manifest structure of society is a conspiracy theory.
Such an amazing display of skepticism and critical thought.
Democratic Presidents usually outperform Republican ones in 'raw data' because they focus a lot more on industrializing centralized areas like cities and large towns as well as investing in things that already make money, while Republican presidents tend to focus of military operations, geopolitical negotiations as well as attempting to stimulate economic growth in poorer areas of America such as the rust belt.
Jow Forumsaks are less concerned about economics than they are on social and socioeconomic outputs. Politics is a lot more than 'muh gdp', it is about people, global image, might (both military and diplomatic) as well as many other non-economical factors.
>twitter meme from 2017
Get out normalfag.
Will it be sufficient to let the neighborhood nigger have sex with my wife, or do I need to allow it to fuck my sister as well? Fortunately my wife and I haven't made children yet, so I'll be able to raise her bull's offspring without worrying about whether they feel awkward in the same home as disgusting white children from my own seed.
>Jow Forumsaks are less concerned about economics than they are on social and socioeconomic outputs. Politics is a lot more than 'muh gdp', it is about people, global image, might (both military and diplomatic) as well as many other non-economical factors.
yup. they are right wing SJW's but even more obnoxious. identity politics is literally all they have
Europe is good, but everyone is brainwashed which is pretty creepy.
I'd rather make less and not live an anti white cult country.
I don't understand why you're concerned about all of this social policy instead of focusing on the dry economic statistics like a good liberal so you can call out people for mooching.