>always thought my dick was 6 inches
>finally decided to measure it today
>it's 5 inches
Always thought my dick was 6 inches
And then there's me, big dicked big boy
>always thought my dick was 8 inches
>finally decided to measure it
>it's 4.5 inches
>always thought my dick was 1.5 inches
>finally decided to measure it
>it's 2 inches
>ib4 another baitfest dicksize thread
>always thought my dick was 24"
>finally decided to measure it
>it's 2.4"
I thought mine was 6 found out it was 7.
A feminine penis is 6.4 to 5.5 a boiclit is below 5.4 you do not have a penis hell not even a femine one go transition already
You know women don't buy 5 inch dildos right?
I thought mine was 6 but it's 5.5. Gonna KMS. Bai bai lads.
>only get off to small penis humiliation and cuck shit
>think I have a small dick
>measured it at 9.5in
They buy 6 inch with 4 inches of insert able length
It's strange how women view anything less than 7 as pathetic and useless. How did women get so evil and why do they have to treat such a large amount of men as non-humans?
Wrong. Look on amazon. Tons of reviews of 5 inch dildos.
lol negative ones and jokes
You know I'm actually having a hard time finding positive reviews for 5 inch dildos.
Virgin detected
All the reviews trash it go look at reviews for 8+
>Marjory of reviews mention how they can't feel it at all
Wow I wasn't insecure of my dick before but damn women really really don't like small penises
Even men (faggots) want large dildos and dicks
The only 5 inch toy they would buy is a vibrator and that is used on their clit
I know. I've always known I was genetically destined for suicide
Well ya would you want half a pizza or a whole pizza assuming its the exact same price
>always though my dick was 6 inches
>measure it
kill me now
I even found one that the girl seemed to like it well enough except "I wish it were just a couple of inches longer." Sorry lad, looks like you're boned.
Fuck outta here with the tranny posting fuckshit. Kys instead of trying to encourage your terminal mental illness in others.
Don't get mad at me that you have a fucking boiclit little girl
Yeah, I also don't get why some people lie about penis size when there is proof everywhere. Like we shouldn't be trying to comfort men like me we should be making humane assisted suicide more regularly available.
Not him but you do have a small penis user they do make rubber sleeves you can put on your dick though if you ever have sex and thats a slim chance
Transition before you suicide you could let robots bottom that boipussy
In HS years ago my friend gotna gf idk how but she was going to give him head and he told me she started laughing at how small it was and it killed his confidence lost his erection and hasnt had a gf since that wqs 6 years ago, his dick is 4.5 inches erect he said so at least you are bigger then that
Hes right and if you are under 6ft you need to be doubling the amount of estrogen for faster results
Just as long as they donate their bodies to science, preferably my university. Cadaver labs are expensive.
Shut the fuck up you mentally deranged tranny freak.
No, I don't want to increase the amount of pleasure big dick Chads get by letting them use my boipussy. I'll transition, but only robots smaller than 5 inches will be able to use me
Thats a perfect solution senpai
Of course that's why we need better assisted suicide methods and not criminalize it. Men like me with 6 inch skinny penises aren't meant to be alive, the way women treat us cements that fact, but because of how suicide is treated many men use method that ruin the body for scientific study.
You know people as angry as you are often closet homosexuals nothing wrong with it its 2018 maybe you should go to /lgbt/ and hop in a discord to get help on comming out
Why would you let chad fuck you? Just have sex with robots even if they have a big dick and I guess thats over 6.5 or 8 inches idk
I'll swap. i've kept the optional foreskin if you want that too
8.5 by 7.2 here its nice having a big dick downside is hardly any anal and blow jobs are rare always scraping on teeth also dont listen to women when you are young my first gf out of spite said I had a micro dick and I thought I was small for years after
>8.5 by 7.2
p-post picture?
Most robots likes traps and are gay just look at the catalog you are most def a normie
>thought my dick was a yardstick
>decide to measure it
I'm over 6 ft, have a decidedly masculine facial structure (not to mention a trim beard) and broad shoulders/muscular chest.
Having a small dick is my only real weakness, overall I'm masculine and above average in the looks department
Def not lol I'm also a old fag if I get drunk enough some day I might everyone ask pics (not gay though) one of my friends said he was 9x6 and another said he was 5 funny part is the 5 incher would pull tons of women and has had more sex then I can even imagine he was also like 5'6 and had a little gut
You're right, it's hard to use the corpses when they have blown their entire head apart with a shotgun
God you are all disgusting back to your containment board
>measure girth with string
>think it's 5" for years
>measure with tape
>it's actually 4.5"
You could always be a dom trap I remember reading a thread where this guy pretty much paid a asian trap to rape him he couldnt even get hard and was abused for like a hour he made a mistake lol
Oh no senpai this is our board
Damn thats small right?
Robots cant go to lgbt let alone robotraps I bet you would cream pie Bailey Jay
>always thought my dick was 2 lightyears
>Decide to measure it this eon
>Actually two nanometres
>Men like me with 6 inch skinny penises aren't meant to be alive, the way women treat us cements that fact, but because of how suicide is treated many men use method that ruin the body for scientific study.
Women werent always this picky about dick size
You need time machine
No they always were nothing has changed you think the queens hand maidens didnt gossip about what chad had a huge cock?
Look it up tribes thousand years ago even tried to stretch their cocks you faggot
>Be me
>Thought dick was small
>Measured it
>It's 7 inches
>I'm a disgrace to nigglets
You're literally saying that 80% of men have a small penis. You must be a cum guzzling whore.
Proof?? Dumping a guy for a something so superficial used to be taboo, now its encouraged.
Yes it is a small penis prove me wrong? 8 inches is large 5.5 is small so the average dick is small compared to 8 you stupid fuck
7 inches is average in the Congo
always though I was four inches
mfw after I measured It was five
>I guess I'm average...
Google it you turd or fuck off you kids need everything handed to you
Whats the girth though are you a pencil cock or thick
its quite thicc
R8 my cock because i feel like a dicklet. 5.75*4.75
These charts are always sketchy
yeah im actually reading that the sources of this graph are highly inaccurate and some even link back to the fucking graph. Waste of time.
So thicc 6+m
Nothing to brag about but its not "small"
Most of the places you read use this over and over again was never even legit lots of doctors contend this
What am i supposed to google exactly?
All I know is that I read that in parts of china where there's more American influence they care about dick size a lot more
around that girth
John falcon of the usa has a 13 inch dick and hes white these charts are highly innacurate M8
I have to do the a ok thing with my finger to go all the way around it and I have rather large hands
Google tribes that place emphasis on penis size tons of info there, dick size based status and women
youre a fucking moron if you think 1 outlier changes the average that much. God youre a fucking retard.
Not a dicklet then gg
Its proven you dumb dicklet
whats proven? speak more, idiot.
He has a 13 inch dick you fucking fag
its nice to be partial chad
This thread is as bad as the trap threads, why are you guys fighting about dick size its hilarious if you are that curious go on Grindr and suck one.
7 inches is the average so you were a dicklet from the very start either way.
You are perfect trap material OP you should become a female and transition already
7 inches is average
... For west Africans.
If a trap has a 7 inch cock does it make her penis feminine?
Either way you are still a dicklet cuck
>not jelqing or manual stretching
user I....
Shilling for the BBC KYS faglord
but they're dick are like long thin tubes, they're not thicc
Umm dif robot why do you know so much about their cocks?
because when I was mercenaryfag I killed off a lot of Africans, I ran into a ton of them running a train on another blackie, I cannot unsee they're long strawlike dicks... it haunts me
*shudders* it still haunts me