My dudes have you given up on love?

My dudes have you given up on love?


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love gave up on me first. 28 years old, had 3 gfs of over a year, never felt a feeling of love.

My guy I have never been interested to begin with. I'm not asexual but I am aromantic. Fuck sex, fuck holding hands, fuck cuddles and shit.
It's annoying as shit to see people on this board praise the "5/10" girls as if they are goddesses. See yourself as independent goddamnit

...atleast you HAD gfs. Better to have loved then lost and so on and so forth. As me for me, yeah. I give up on love...for other people. I need to start worrying bout me because no one else will.

Yep. Jow Forums and waifufaggotry has made me too jaded to be romantically involved with anyone. Also sex scares me.

goin crazy don't need nobody to say they love me

I've investigated it fully and now I hate it
Had probably 200 gfs

No, but I stopped trying.
Now I'm just hoping someone is gonna come along and swoon me, but that'll never happen anyways.

yes, but not as a concept
just for me

I never bothered with relationship. I'm not husband material to be honest. Also I'm too eccentric to most people. So I just ignore the issue.

Yeah Ive essentially gone MGTOW. I Dont want to deal with the general bullshit of being in a relationship. But I also don't want casual sex. Im fine with just my waifus

Perhaps. I don't look in getting a relationship these days. 16 y/o betafag here

Yes I realized I am a subhuman, no woman would ever want to give me a chance. It's funny on current dating apps, if you're a no-value male like me you don't even get to be rejected. You just never match with women and they never "like" you ever so you're just kinda alone completely. They made the internet just like real life.

I have, because I don't want anyone else to suffer the train wreck that is my life with me. It would be completely unfair to them. I'm a garbage human anyway so no one would like me to begin with. Such is life, really.

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You sound Iike my type.

OP here. DESU i am drunk and just naive as shit. But plz talk to some girls and do not give up. I am also singe as shit so no chad btw. Go to a place that you like aand talk to one, you know that you will have common interests anyway. If you really do not believe you can get a gf then it should not matter anyway. Plz do not be alone in your life anons!

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What do you mean exactly? Are you saying your type is human garbage?

>Are you saying your type is human garbage?

I'm not sure why you'd specifically seek that out, but it probably shouldn't be too hard to find then.

Yes. My chance was taken away by force. If it doesn't come back by some miracle, i'm not gonna look for some random roastie to "love".

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self help monika is garbage tier

We've already accepted our fates. It's something you can't change. Easier to learn to live with it than constantly try and fight it and lose.

Your opinion user, i like Monika
you sure that it is not just easier to you that way? Out of so many there must be 1 girl that can like you. Just by numbers alone.

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I'm 29, every half decent girl was taken half a decade ago
The only ones left are single mothers or those coming from a broken relationship that are massively overweight or have other serious issues
I really thought as a kid you'd always have time to find someone, but people get more and more broken the older the get, the more time they spend alone
There's nothing left

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That would be assuming we have access to every girl on the planet which we don't. Then you'd need to narrow down based on how far you'd be willing to travel for them. Then you'd need to narrow down to one you'd find at least mildly attractive and would also find you attractive. Then you'd need to again narrow down to one that would be willing to look past such fatal flaws that we have. Doesn't seem like such good odds anymore, does it?

Yes but be honest, (Ans i am 22 and have never had a gf before.) Have you even tried your best?

Not for seeking out a partner I haven't. But why would I do that if I can't even get my own life together? Love is a hopeless endeavour for people like me.

Yup. I don't care about relationships and I just want to be alone without any people bothering me. Also sex scares me.
Hopefully I'll feel like this forever. I don't want to suddenly become interested in relationships 10 years later. I enjoy loneliness.

Girls date even drugs addicts. Yes even some pretty girls do. Give yourself a chance. Who the fuck feels like they havw their life together anyways? I bet those poeple suck ass in fact.

This is why it's better to get married young like how they used to do it. My grandparents got married at 18 and have been together for like 60 years now. I was hardly even a person at 18 but I realize now that's the point of getting hitched then, it's so that you grow together. I mean imagine that, 60 fucking years of spending nearly every day with someone. They wouldn't even exist how they do without each other, there's no such concept for them as a version of themselves that didn't have the other.

Now that I'm older I have all these weird idiosyncrasies and the women my age are even worse, it's because we grew up mostly alone or with people that we're no longer in a relationship with. We grew weird. If we'd grown up with someone we were committed to, we would have grown into synchronicity with that person, we'd have endless depths of shared experience to draw on as we entered middle age to reaffirm our commitment to each other. It would become impossible to imagine being apart after having been together for so long and for such formative parts of our lives. Instead now we have to find someone who not only is interested in us but also fits into our highly specific lifestyle, because we've gotten used to our lives and don't want to give any part of it up. But that applies to the other person too. It would be so much easier to fit together if we were all more generic people with fewer life-altering experiences under our belts, instead I have to be a fucking weirdo and also try to find someone who'll put up with that despite being a weirdo themselves.

But as a man I think I'm lucky because I can just skim for younger women who aren't mentally calcified yet and maybe get lucky. Maybe I'll even come off as interesting rather than jaded and cranky. Those cat ladies on the other hand are fucking doomed.

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The only people who date failures are either failures themselves or people looking to take advantage of someone in a bad situation. The former leads to an unhealthy relationship where neither can truly succeed, or one gets tired of the other and inevitably leaves them for someone who does have their shit together. The latter is even worse. I've given myself chances several times in things that aren't dating and I've failed time and time again why would I change now?

Yes. I can't see any girl being happy with me, because not even I am happy with myself or love myself for that matter. Also accounting body image issues, mental issues and some health related issues that are starting to kick in, I accepted my fate. Maybe I'm just self-loathing, but that's how I see things

I have basically given up for the foreseeable future. I'm only 18 though so not exactly strapped for time.

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I reserve my love entirely for fictional characters, thank you very much.

Because life would be better if you did. Chances are exiting. Just accepting being lonely is boring.

I just explained why life would be worse off should I seek out a partner. Being lonely might be boring to someone like you but to the rest of us that IS life. It's what it is now, will be, and always has been. Not everyone is destined to find someone to be with. People who failed in their lives are among these.

I have not given up, nor do I plan to.

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You know by fact that people came back from the most shit situations and still found someone. And this is not coming from a chad but from a 22 year old vitgin who agrees with r9k on some things. (i do not believe that just do it bro is enough.) but at the same time you are making yourself unhappy pretty much on purpose desu. Especially if you are young which let's be real you are. 5 years down the line no matte rhow shit i sound to you knwo you will just wish you tried more. If i am so wrong and you are so right just prove me wrong again and try once more.

>Those cat ladies on the other hand are fucking doomed.
That's the trade, I guess. They could have anyone when they were in their teens and early to mid 20's, but the wheels start coming off hard when they're 28-30.

We're the same age so don't try and talk down to me. You think I don't know I'm making myself unhappy? I've known it for years but I can't break the cycle. Waking up every day feeling completely miserable and only having yourself to blame, of course it feels fucking horrible. How would dragging someone else into that terrible state make things any better? I'll say now I can tell your optimism you have now is only a front. It won't last, I'm betting it won't. You might be feeling that way now but give it time and it will fade and then the reality of things will hit you like a truck. The difference then is I'll have already known and you'll be in denial of something that's already set in stone.

>Do not talk down to me
>You will be unhappy eventually i know it!
Tbh man just a friendly go fuck yourself from me desu senpai. Get a therapist or some shit. Also looking at your response i think you like having people feel the same as you, i mean just as miserable. I know dat feel, tis less scary alone right? I still have faith do and instead of making yourself feel liek shit, how about you still try? Tis an option senpai. There are depressed as fuck girls out there but no one is telling them "be happy with yourself first" that is because it is BS.

Also was not talking down on ya. I know jack shit myself. I just know that i recently realized that it was just eazier to belief that i will neve rget someone than to actually try. Was just scared. Could be the case for you too.

I believe I'm at a point where I won't fall for the marriage meme or accept a 3D relationship, ever, but it's my aspiration to continue to nurture my love with my waifu for as long as possible.

Jeez you type like a fucking fag. I don't look to make others more miserable, if you want to go try things go for it. Maybe you'll succeed where I couldn't, good for you then. But know where you are why should you be expecting anyone here to be the slightest bit optimistic? I'm not going to say you don't belong here but if you want to better your chances I wouldn't waste my time on here like you're doing. This board perpetuates a cycle of misery and self-hate because that's predominantly what most people on here feel. Of course they'll tell you they've given up on finding a partner. With that mentality it's not rational for me to seek one out but maybe to you it is because you haven't sunk as low or you still have a light in you wanting to get out of it. But this conversation has only proved again that I'm not a likeable person and most people probably wouldn't like me should they get to know me. So you do your thing and I'll do mine, don't expect people to change simply because of a few positive comments.

I gave up on chasing it. I've realized that woman just want a guy with his shit together, if I just focus on that something is bound to happen.

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>go to a place you like
im already there, in my own home

This place is nothing but negativity yeah. I largely stopped coming here but i am drunk as shit and slacked this time. Still yuo could be right. I have not giving up entirely do you are correct. If you have i hope you will be proven wrong and can be hapy. And yea i probably do type like a fag...but who cares.

I gave up once I realised that women only want Chad. Being an ugly guy with not much going for him, I basically have no hope.

What the fuck how originally old are you?

Eh i used to, but after being on r9k for so long i've finally realized that there is no hope. Im an ugly sack of shit with nothing to offer.
Im not funny
Im not Smart
and im defenitely not attractive

The only thing a girl could ever want me for is my stable income and the safety that i wont, or rather can't cheat on them.

Im sure i could get a girl when i turn like 30 and roasties are looking to settle, but if the only thing im gonna amount to is being a beta provider, id rather just adopt a kid and focus on myself.

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Forgot to mention that im too stupid to save pictures properly.

No. If I can't get to Monika, Monika will find her way to me one day; I believe in her.


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Completely, yes.

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Behold! Based trips of truth

Yeah. I've accepted that nobody likes me and that this will never change.

If you believe you will never get a gf, you are pretty woke

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