femanons, why don't you just settle up and date a 5/10 guy? All you have to do to end your loneliness is lower your insane standards.
Femanons, why don't you just settle up and date a 5/10 guy...
>that's considered a 5/10
Lol are you even trying right now?
a 5/10 male, from the female perspective, is a literal 7/10 male
newfag kill yourself immediately with a dull knife
>tfw I look a lot like that
Feels good he's a good lookin dude OP
Why? What did I do wrong? Whoever is in that pic is a fucking 10/10. Stop lying to yourself
Why settle when I can fuck someone better? I'm a femanon but that doesn't mean I'm a robot.
lurk moar.originaldo
cause all you'll do is fuck them and then when you're 35 and your ovaries are drying up you'll cry about how there are no good men available
>I'm a femanon
Sure faggot
That's a long ways away, user. Not to mention I'm Asian, so I'm not worried about it. I just want to have some fun before I settle down. Also
>ovaries are drying up
I don't even want kids so....
What's with that guy's face? Is he shifting his jaw to make one side of his face a chad?
his face is asymmetrical due to subpar genetics
Oh, well the left is pretty cute, I'd say he's a 7.5/10 overall.
You can do lewd things with me :3
Are you a cute, drug addict alt right hungarian boy?
femanon's tell me why this guy has to live a life of sadness and loneliness just because his face is slightly less than what you want? He's still a human just like you are and he has feelings.
He snorted some mystery drug he got in the mail and died instantly.
No one can outsmart drugs kids.
>He snorted some mystery drug he got in the mail and died instantly.
was he a Russian spy
Just thought he was too smart to die to drugs - murdered by his hubris
why are you asking femanons? he should be loved by sexy boys.
I bet it's gonna be some average-looking betabuxx husband. But if you're asian and 7+ you could still get a chad I guess.
Hey, I kinda look like that (especially the eyebrow region).
And I have a gorgeous wife. It's not such bad news.
if this isnt a larp pls be my asian femanon friend. ;o; i need other fem asian friends to talk to...
w-what? he's dead?
when? how? can you provide evidence for these claims?
are you willing to cheat on your wife with an autistic robovirgin?
>this is a 5/10
the meme is that people on here post 8+/10 girls on here with the caption "why don't you just lower your standards and get a 5/10 gf?" and OP did the same thing but with a handsome dude
now do yourself a favor and don't post here until you have lurked for at least 2 years
How did you get a wife?
hey cutie wanna free gf
Discord: QAJyt7j
yes please how shall we do it
i spoke to his dad over discord.
I told her we would get married.
yo is that doughy daniels?
whats up dude!!
How did you originally get "her"?
uncle fucklerino
I charmed her on the train. Why are you putting "her" in quotations?
Why don't you just tell me how you got her?
Yeah femanons, just settle for a 5/10
jesus christ what a faggot
>jessica still at it
I gave her some sort of challenge based on the book she was reading.
She conceded and asked what I wanted in return for winning.
I told her I want one year to change her clothing tastes from dark to bright and to get to know her better than all her friends. She accepted.
The clothing thing is still a struggle, but I definitely know her better than everyone.
That looks like a nice girl.
She is. I get to wake up to her sitting on my face every morning.
How old were you when you met? Is she a slut?
>pic related
broski tha'ts at least 9/10
I, 24; she, 23. (Three years ago.)
And no, but I know the board I'm on and what reaction to expect.
>stop being dead
She looks like she has fucked over 20 guys.
>that nose
reee I hate you. I like long noses on qts so much..
cute, do you have other pics?
Is she aa Jew?
It's an adorable button.
Yeah, lots.
Polish (Krakow),
why is she not wearing a ring?
So she is a Jew? Well you are a Polish monkey so it doesn't really matter.
Lol i'd "settle" for that any day.
And I'm not Polish.
That photo is pre-marriage, but even then, I didn't buy her a ring. Our wedding cost fewer than $300.
What are you then? Also more pics please.
I have seen this pic before. You like to brag, don't you?
3.5/10 as best.
not gonna lie, i'd be bragging if I were him too
>tfw your about to take your rage out into your school halls with an mp7