Why the fuck nobody replies to my threads??...

Why the fuck nobody replies to my threads??? serious question tho i really want to discuss about various topics like depression, social anxiety, isolation etc but seems like trap/faggot threads are more important in this decaying board full of normies and ''cyborgs'' (normies in disguise)

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We need to get rid of normalscum.

You are a horrific faggot OP.
Go die in a hole!
K thx bye!

because you're right, this board is turning into a trap/fag board, sad really

>serious question tho i really want to discuss about various topics like depression, social anxiety
then you are a fucking cyborg yourself, real robots do not discuss these things, just like people do not discuss breathing in air and breathing out every second of their lives
also sage

You have to be a LGBT retard to get replies. Said tards are normies in their own standing.

You guys were supposed to not reply you fucking idiots.

>uses @

And the mods aren't doing anything about it. Instead of removing degeneracy from this board, they ban people that actually belong here. Like the robot who poured acid over himself yesterday

I can reply to what ever I want to you fucking limp dick permavirgin.

Next time just click his digits nigger

>i really want to discuss about various topics like depression, social anxiety, isolation
these topics have been talked here over and over 10000000 times. Anyone who has been on board for longer than 3 months usually just skips your "muh feelings" thread because they would just see all the same shit they've already seen before
trap/faggot/gf and other sex related threads will always dominate because this site will always be filled with sexualy frustrated males

Attached: 1503385902235.jpg (1000x1339, 520K)

there is a limit to my frustration and even looking at that hambeast is well outside my limits

This is what the average fembot looks like. No roastie

good thing im a chubby chaser with bbw fetish then

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I see you're new to the internet, please read the faq on our reddit page.

your opinion instantly just became invalid as you proved yourself to be a fucking newfag

your mom disagrees

It's because no one gives a shit about your personal problems. Go get a therapist

So its better that this board goes total /b/ tier garbage with trap threads or gay threads?

They won't magically leave, user.

I'm not saying that. Regardless, no one gives a shit about our problems.

>calling someone perma virgin
>replies to trap threads