>she's virgin
>she's a qt
>she claims to be asexual tho
How do i make her straight so she can be my robot gf and we'll be happy ?
>she's virgin
>she's a qt
>she claims to be asexual tho
How do i make her straight so she can be my robot gf and we'll be happy ?
She's just grossed out by you
Get out of my thread faggot
I know she has confidence in me, but i don't know if she's just faking it because she thinks she's unattractive or if she really wants to
>tfw no asexual aspie e-gf
t. asexual aspie
>asexual girls a meme
Asexuality in general is a meme.
Do some people actually think they can be asexual and try their best to fight their feels ?
>claims she's asexual
>cums multiple times on chads dick
>tfw you can't read the first post
This is all I want in a woman
>we'll be happy
If you need to change her sexuality it's for your happiness, not hers. Don't pretend otherwise.
I'm telling you asexuality isn't a thing, it's a meme to not look like a whore
Great, i needed someone to tell me this to be sure
That's basically any robot's dream
yeah.. take my advice. she's getting her ass railed deep deep deep. run fast. she doesn't like you.
Ok i'll take your advice and stay alone forever even tho i have a chance to get the purfecc gf
she will never let you fuck
Y u do dis jamal
you will do something to mildly upset her, and you will be pussy whipped, and she will say "lets take a break" and in that break she will cheat on you with someone else, possibly a girl, possibly a male. what does it matter, she will cheat on you, and will try to justify it.
OP ive been through this. asexuality is a mental illness. symptoms include compulsive lying, and BEING A CHEATING FUCKING WHORE, and ALL SORTS OF SHIT YOU WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH
if i try to explain that i've had enough experience and experimentation to know that i'm asexual, you'll just say i'm low test or something so whats the point, its just another "everything must be the same for everyone else as it is for me" episode
ps i'm not, i had that checked
So that's why you're this angery
I'm pretty sure she's a 100% virgin tho
What kind of experimentation can you hope from a virgin ?
yeah maybe you and her could get together but there is a chance that she will lose her virginity cheating on you
oh my sweet child.
the experimentation involved losing my virginity, twice, ie both genders.
Some people really are asexual. Please be good and don't try to "make her straight".
Maybe you've lost hope because of jamals, but what about a VIRGIN ?
i dont understand the question user, can you try again
Maybe you're so sad about these experiences that you think you won't ever trust anyone
This girl's a virgin, she don't even knows how it feels, so why would she become an asexual ?
I literally don't ever want to have sex, the thought of it alone, or even touching a dick or vagina that isn't my own grosses me out. I feel attraction solely based on aesthetic appeal and comfiness i.e. if I'd want to spend the rest of my life with that person and enjoy everything we do together. Asexuality is a thing, but it is a mental disorder.
i don't even know what you're talking about so here's a (You)
this user gets it.
t. aspie asexual