Don't become friends with robots

Don't become friends with robots.

>bad at talking
>you always have to message them first
>bad listeners
>short tempered
>"oh it's too late for me"
>won't accept any advice
>every week or so they're gonna break down and cry to you

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Hey, I remember that thread, poor guy his art wasn't recognized.

>>bad at talking
>>you always have to message them first
>>bad listeners
>>short tempered
>>"oh it's too late for me"
>>won't accept any advice
>>every week or so they're gonna break down and cry to you
Yeah that's almost exactly me, besides the bad listener part and sometimes I message first.

>every week or so they're gonna break down and cry to you
So fucking help them holy shit
You sound like a nice user to talk to.
You're willing to put effort in.

almost describes me
i don't bitch and whine about anything irl, i'm a good listener and i have never gotten angry at someone

>bad at talking
I think I'm ok
>you always have to message them first
I'm always at the computer and respond within a minute so I figure it's best for them to initiate when they have time. I message first once every 3 conversations or so
>bad listeners
Don't think so
>short tempered
Definitely not
>"oh it's too late for me"
>won't accept any advice
>every week or so they're gonna break down and cry to you
Don't talk about sad shit when talking with other robots unless they bring it up first, the whole point of having them is to distract myself from those feelings.

im not like this but i am autistic so i'll talk a lot and ask many questions and try to make sure that we both understand each other all the time instead

does that make sense

This. I went through a phase where I made friends with robots and femanons. There were email exchange threads.

The femanons were always fun to talk to. They usually ghosted after revealing whatever sexual trauma they experienced as a child.

But the robots were awful always. Yes dude I get it. Tfwnogf I have the same feel. Dont you have a personality besides not having a gf?

What art did he do?

Wood carving fool read the screencap

>There were email exchange threads.
I remember shit like this back in 2010/2011.
What ever happened to those threads?

I meant asking for pictures desu

>So fucking help them holy shit
>won't accept any advice

it's like you cant read or something

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Everyone started shilling their discords. I just recently started browsing Jow Forums again maybe looking for some ideal qt or penpal threads but it's all discord servers with 100 people in them. I miss those 1 on 1s.

i still promote email exchanges often.
i am not your qt tho
t. used to make the threads back in 2010ish too

Boy start those threads more frequently. I still have great friends from those threads.

i should. thanks for the motivation user. there will be one soon.

I look forward to it too.
Those were the good old days.

Don't forget this one:
>tell them they're not powerless and they can escape their shitty home life if they try
>"no I can't, I'm stuck here because of "

>no one understands me!! i'm so unique, too weird to live to rare to die!!!!1 xddd
>literally devoid of any personality
>ugh people look at me weird/nobody wants to be around me
>literally refuses to fucking bathe or groom themselves

I've never had internet friends so doesn't describe me.

i would appreciate this also

I just blame discord. It seems to attract people with BPD to the extreme.

Robots who have gotten help and are starting to turn their life around are pretty cool though. I used to be that sad sack of shit as well but after getting actual professional help it has helped me become a more interesting person to interact with.

You just have to realise that everyone has positive aspects about them and you need to find and nurture that.

Discord is inherently normalfags and failed normalfags only. An actual robot wouldn't use a cancer platform like that

>normgroids need friends
you weak normalfaggot

>actual professional help
Also how old were you when started received help that you feel worked?

>won't accept any advice
Have you considered that your advice is poor and that you're too unsympathetic to their situation for it to actually mean anything? For example, telling someone to just not think about it, and think about happier things, and belittling their anxiety and concerns, doesn't work so well for certain situations, and it's all more complicated than you may think. It doesn't mean they have no desire to get better, or that your suggestions are too difficult and they're simply more lazy than others who can take your "advice". Maybe you just don't understand their situation at all and it shows through shallow "advice" that you really only shared to make yourself feel better. I'm sure they don't intend to make you upset that your attempt at boosting your own ego didn't work, though if you show that it did and that you resent them for not getting healed by your words that lack empathy, you should not get surprised if they stop liking you or them-self very much

At about 20 I actually got into therapy and it really got me out of being anxious 100% of the time to being within an acceptable range. Things kind of went to shit again this year and I was diagnosed with bipolar but it's all getting better since getting the right medication.

Put it this way, if what you're doing now isn't improving your situation, what's the harm in trying something different?

misery is comfortable
different is scary
most robots are lazy

This. Most robots aren't just boring, they're also mean. See anything women hate thread where they cackle over the charred remains of a person because of their petty adolescent grievances.

There's a few people here who are actually sweet and deserve the world but get shit on because life isn't fair. They get out shouted by malicious failed normie douchebags.

>so help them
OP specifically says he gives advice. I had a friend with bipolar and she would do fucked up shit, then cry to me. I told her to get a job, go back on her meds, move back in with her mom and get away from her shitty drugdealer bf.....and then she'd catch him getting sucked off for money, try to kill herself and show up at my house.

Mentally ill people ARE a burden. Sure, they can be a burden you're willing to shoulder because they cam be valuable otherwise, but sickness is a burden. If the other person won't take advice, won't accept help, and is dragging you down at some point you need to set boundaries. Read David Foster Wallace's the Depressed Person. It opened my eyes to my own toxic behaviour and encouraged me to stop being an emotional leech.

>ghosting after the revelation of sexual trauma
Fuck user, why you gotta call me out like that. And yeah, in my experiences femanons are so interesting. I'm not friends with any maleanons, but femanons are still my buddies.

user, it's other people's job to help me.
>cue screaming shinji in the kitchen

>shitty home life
Or what about when their homelife isn't that shitty or their parents have it worse?

>you always have to message them first
>every week or so they're gonna break down and cry to you
But what if I don't mind these things?

Why though? Surely that's stressful.

That's rough to hear to be honest. I do everything I can to make sure my mental illness doesn't effect other people but sometimes I need a bit of a vent to people close to me. It sucks to think that I'm a burden on people because of something I haven't chosen.

so we all agree the "robots" who use discord are shit but i still would like someone to talk to when i'm lonely. what other ways of contact are better?

Feeding them "good advice" is not fucking helping user. Just be a good friend and try and interact with them positively from time to time if you actually care.

>Just be a good friend
Most robots are edgy little shitheads who 'don't need friends'. They just want someone there to listen to their bitching. Literally no reciprocation

>bad at talking
How do you git gud at communication? Every board I mention I'm socially retarded, someone will make a passive-aggresive reply like
>well if you had actual charisma and could communicate your hobbies to make them sound interesting, you'd actually have friends faggot.
But when I ask how to improve this they always abandon the thread. This shit isn't fun, it fucks with your grades, it locks you out of over half of the job market, and even if you do get a girl she will dry up and dump you once she finds out that you're some loner sperg.

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Honestly, if you're worried about being a burden, chances are you are only being mildly inconvenient and the rest of your personality outweighs it.

My point isn't, "oh my God stop whining I don't wanna read depressing shit when I'm out with Chad". My point is, "stop writing literal essays everyday about how much life sucks and then threaten suicide when someone doesn't respond immediately", and "stop showing up at people's houses drunk complaining about your life" and get some fucking professional help. Those sorts of meltdowns are understandable every once in awhile, but if they're regular you are actively hurting people.

I'm mentally ill, too user. It's cool.

Oh my God you are so whiny.
>advice isn't help
Okay, I'll be sure to agree with all your unhealthy thoughts and behaviours. Boy howdy, I am sure happy when my OCD hit a lick my friends told me that it was NORMAL to spend hours spinning in circles.

>positive interaction
Yeah! Because love is always sunshine and smiles and never telling anyone hard truths! You're such a pretty snowflake.

I get it, sometimes you don't want to hear advice, you just want to wallow and be sad. Sometimes that's good - especially when it IS genuinely unfair. I lost a scholarship because a professor fucked me over and I didn't want to hear about how I should try harder when I did try hard.

However your insane alternative is that advice is never helpful and only saccharine cutesiness and ~*~ positivity~*~ should be expressed.

Well guess what? 1.) you're not perfect and you need advice and 2.) mentally ill people hurt others and sometimes they need to hear hard truths about how sending someone a million "god I want to die" messages hurts and scares others.

You're a fucking baby. Own your shit or your friends will leave you.

That kind of behavior is not limited to just robots. Plenty of shitty people in the world. You must be a fucking saint then eh?

You're projecting real hard there faggot. Sounds like your the mentally ill one kek.

1.) I literally quoted that user. Quoting someone isn't projection.
2.) I said I was mentally ill. Learn to read, moron. And I have mentally ill friends. That's why I know what I am saying is true.
3.) Nice deflection, faggot.

Sorry I haven't read all your inane ramblings. If you're admitting to suffering from mental illness than you should know more than anyone that people can act irrationally. If it's that much of a burden for you then cut contact and seek more positive relationships. Instead you come here generalizing this board and whining like the biggest bitch of us all. But I get it you're mentally ill.

>you always have to message them first
Fuck I do this a lot because I always feel like a burden and that they probably don't actually want to talk to me.

just from these 2 posts i can tell you're more debilitating to be around than 90% of the people here would be and hide behind it by constantly talking about how you're trying to get better and making real strides in your life in the hopes people will continue to tolerate you.

Ah ok that's fair enough. Bipolar is a tough one but I take my meds regularly and very much try to be a productive member of society.

only occasional thoughts, will never have the guts to do it
>bad at talking
inconsistent, not bad
>always have to message them first
I'm improving.
>bad listeners
usually hear the exact opposite. The few people I've talked to have told me I'm easy to converse with.
>short tempered
only with vidya, thankfully
>"oh it's too late for me"
guess you got me there, I'm at least self aware about my incessant complaining though
>won't accept advice
I accept it wholeheartedly, I just forget it very quickly.
>crying every week
only if the person established they're willing to listen to it.
well yeah everyone here is depressed

they'll also randomly ignore u

Not like this at all guess I'm not a robot

in the usa is attempting suicide punishable by law at all? will they be sent to jail or have to go to court?

>inane ramblings
Again, nice deflection.

>seek more positive relationships
Said that, retard. Again, read slowly and sound it out if you gotta.

You're only bitching at me and gaslighting because you know I'm right, and you probably feel bad about some crap you pulled.

Yeah, I got this too. However you have to think logically. People won't engage with you unless they like you. Pity only goes so far and if someone is still there they like you. They probably feel just as bad as you do about messaging first. Take the plunge.
>people have a hard time being in love without proper encouragement

>all this projection
I used to be really bad. Now I'm in a PHD program, have a job working in a lab, and live with three of my best friends. Sorry my posts skewered you so thoroughly and thanks for the fake concern.

check every box except the part about being short-tempered and breaking down. i really don't let my emotions fly like that, you'd never know if i was depressed or not because i'd honestly never let you know and if you threw that suggestion out i'd shoot it down so fucking fast

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Suck a dick you condescending autist. You're a piece of shit making this thread to complain about others that suffer with mental health problems.

Then I'm sure you're fine. My best friend (not drug dealer gf) is bipolar and she's amazing. She's married and making bank. You can /makeit/.

>shoot it down
Yikes. Although, if you are so good at hiding it, why ask? Anyway, cloistering isn't good, either. Do you talk about your feelings on Jow Forums?

Agreed. Also:
>shitty people
>arrogant as fuck, honestly think they're "above average" intellectually
>deluded into thinking that being internet losers make them better than "normies"
>always complaining
>childish interests

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P-P-PLEASE respond m

lel you did nothing but prove me right. i used to be just like you, telling myself i had everything figured out and so far above all the other people with problems in my life and on the path to true success and happiness unlike them.
it was all bullshit, i was an insecure wreck who emotionally leeched off of everyone around me but never wanted to help anyone else with anything since they'd just drag me down back to their level.

you're a narcissistic fraud filled with false bravado thinking you finally have everything figured out when all you're actually doing is fucking yourself over more and more. the fact you had such an outburst just off of me pointing that out was all i needed to confirm what i already knew.

go get some real help, get serious intrusive therapy, and get down to the real core of your issues and get them fixed. because if you dont when everything crashes down for you you're not gonna make it through it.

None of these properties are necessary to critical extents: suicidal can be just sad, bad at talking can be just bad at approaching people and able to hold a conversation otherwise, they could message first but be too shy to do it before knowing you, if anything, bad listeners is what they would never be, being short-tempered is COMPLETELY disconnected from being a robot, you're just repeating suicidal, maybe your advice is vague, generic stuff that doesn't apply or worse, you're saying suicidal yet again, and yet again you're saying suicidal

>suck a dick
Feisty! I didn't make the thread though, honeybun.
And is that why I'm being perfectly nice to anons that are trying to get better? I'm only being a dick to anons who were a dick first, and that's completely fair. Sorry for not coddling you, fag.

Oh my God, yes. I hate how some of these users get all of their information from five sources, and then repeat it as if it's the most revolutionary thing in the world.

How to get better at socialization? Honestly? You have to learn by doing. Although some therapy programs might have some tips for you.

My boyfriend's brother has autism and his mom went through socialization exercises. Things like, "when someone is looking around or rolling their eyes or talling their feet, they probably aren't interested in your story or need to leave". You could also ask people to be direct.

Online is a pretty good arena to practice skills, especially if you're not anonymous and so there's consequences if you flip out at another user. Maybe join a forum?

Common interests smooth over a lot. What do you like?

Also consider social groups where he tactfullness is alread pretty low and autism very high. Tabletop games are perfect for that shit.

Exactly the kind of """advice""" we all expected from you. >>>/normalfagbook/

Yeah. Haven't made any attempts though.
>bad at talking
Being a shut-in can do this to you.
>you always have to message them first
That's usually the case with me.
>bad listeners
I wouldn't say I'm a bad listener, but I suppose I could work on my listening skills.
>short tempered
I'll admit I have some emotional issues.
>"oh it's too late for me"
I know my situation and place in the universe and have accepted it. I do complain, but it's almost always to myself. This makes me realize how little I actually complain on here or to people IRL.
>won't accept any advice
I'll accept advice, I just have no motivation.
>every week or so they're gonna break down and cry to you
Ugh, I'd actually hate to be the friend that does this. I rarely cry or talk about my problems to people.

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Kind of. Not that I'd tell you this, however.
>bad at talking
Yeah, you got me there. Although I'll counter that it's due to a lack of practice. I learned to do my old retail job well enough and could talk to the customers rather easily. The difference is that they gave me the chance, whereas people usually don't. So keep that in mind, yeah?
>you always have to message them first
Not always, but I can see your point
>bad listeners
Not true
>short tempered
Not at all. At least, not outwardly. I tend to get into my car and scream to relive stress nowadays. It's probably not healthy for me, but at least it won't affect you, right?
>"oh it's too late for me"
It's complicated
>won't accept any advice
Usually because the advice given is what I've already tried.
>every week or so they're gonna break down and cry to you
Fuck no, I learned a long time ago not to reveal that weakness to anyone else. They never help you, they just kick at you and leave.
Yes, I will admit that I am depressed. Although I will say that I'm very good at hiding it, and that it could be helped if I had anyone to spend time with, but the cycle perpetuates itself, I suppose.
So what's the point of your post, OP? What should I realistically do? Because I've tried to help myself, and to an extent I did, in that I've lost weight and given myself a direction, however arbitrary, but the mental aspect I can't improve on my own. These issues are caused by my isolation, OP, and now you're telling people to isolate me further. I suppose I'm meant to give in and eat buckshot?

Friendships got me fucked up

Nobody Ive known in my life seems to put the same effort into them that I do or cares about me like I care about them

I hate seeing them become friends with other people because it makes me feel like Im losing them when they can talk to other people about their problems

I recognize I have a pretty neurotic and unhealthy obsession with my relationships but recognizing that doesnt help stop me from feeling like fucking shit when my attention isnt returned

>get therapy they say
>it won't be a waste of money they said
>it won't make you feel like a waste of someone else's time they said
>it won't take up time which you could be doing something else, they said
>that person no longer says anything to you

I guess the only good thing out of it, is I am not suicidal, i love to hear other people talk, I don't cry anymore.
I have no future, but apparently since many others don't either, I should make the most of what comfort I have.
Alone. Discord, social media, phones, public environments are not my thing. I cannot reconnect with people I knew from school, I have been held back, I graduated with students i didn't even know, because its quite obvious the teachers made me pass when I should have never done so.

My past friends have moved away, never considered to keep contact with me, or search me out.
My older brother and cousin fucked up college, so much that I was afraid I would fuck up too, so I never bothered, because it would just be my hell of high school all over again.
My first job was temporary, and of course, it showed me the manipulative nature of my coworkers, people I never knew before, making me do their work, while they get paid for my actions, when it should have been theirs.
I never got a phone, because I had no one to talk to, never learned to drive, because there is no where in this world I want to go when everyone, and everything will judge you for being different, and will even make you miserable if they know you exist.

I have no reason to call my self a robot, or defend other robots, but it is likely if you don't want other people to be their friends, you are such a product of dying society for alienating others who could need someone in their life.

Yeah man I really feel you on this one. I really care about the people in my life to the point of wanting to make them happy no matter what. It's tough when you don't get that back but there are people out there willing to put that much effort in as well, you just need to keep looking.

This, this right here is exactly me. I've always wondered if it was because I was a clingy person, but the people I've talked to say they enjoy it... but it always just feels like they enjoy it because its free attention and at the end of the day, they dont even have to attempt to care about my existence

Now THAT'S an inane rambling. At least when I ramble, I make an effort to make it legible. Capitals are your friend, phoneposter.

>never wanted to help anyone else
Uh, you see my other responses to people that are decent? You ARE bad at reading.

It's nice of you to parrot my own advice to others back to me.

>it was all bullshit I was
Jesus, I knew I was right about the projection, but this is ridiculous.

Anyway, get fucked dude. This is why no one likes you.

Socialization is super hard. I know Peterson is a meme but he's right when he says some kids are so poorly socialized that by grade school they're fucked. I don't think that's entirely true but my point is this is a hard problem to solve. I don't have all the answers, but user wanted advice and I tried my best. The fuck did you do for him? I don't see any other (You)s his way.

I get this 100%. When I went to college most of my high school friends dropped me. I also would haul ass for my friends and do anything for them (ex. The night before an entrance exam I stayed up all night with a friend who got broken up with because she was hysterical) - and then they'd flake out on trips or not lend me some money when I lost my wallet and they spent over a grand on Stacey.

However, I have absolute faith that people like us - provided we keep trying - end up doing better. All my high school friends that flaked on me? They all flaked on each other, their romantic partners, etc. They go to work. They come home. They sit.

Things aren't perfect for me but I'm starting to invest in those who invest in me. My brother was in a similar predictament as us. He got fucked over a lot but now he's got one or two friends that are devoted to him.

I can't promise you this shit will stop sucking, but I encourage you to keep trying because I think there is payoff. However, you could be coming on too strong.

>People won't engage with you unless they like you.
I know this rationally but then I'm fairly sure I'm also a boring person and they're better of interacting with others. I feel like a backup at best.

OP's pic really made me laugh, thanks for that.

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>discrepancy between what you know intellectually and you feel
That takes time.

>feel like a backup
What would make you not feel like a backup? What sort of person do you think is not a backup?

I ask the former because you might have unrealistic expectations for others and then feel sad that life isn't a shonen where friendship is loudly appraised.

I ask the latter because this could just be a manifestation of self hatred. The antidote is better.

Why do you like your friend? You might feel bad because you're not The Coolest Guy but is your friend? Do you like them because they're a dork? Maybe they feel the same.

> no matter what
That could be the issue. People don't want to be the focus of your world. It's a lot of pressure. You probably come on really strong. I've been there.

Heavy post, user. I'm glad you're not suicidal. Are you comfy?

you're not helping anyone in this thread. every post you have made is simply you validating yourself to yourself. just in the

>What would make you not feel like a backup
If I wasn't a boring nobody with nothing to say

>What sort of person do you think is not a backup?
A person with interests and the ability to show passion, emotion, and a bit of humour.

I used to engage heavily in the ronery threads here back in 2010 ~ 2012. Ever since I transferred to uni around that time, my activity here in Jow Forums dwindled off. Dunno why I stopped, but I'm kinda thankful now, fast forward to 2018 and I have a solid career and a fiance. These days, I come here to remind myself hom easy it will be for me to lose what I gain and return to becoming a nihilistic fuck hell bent on destroying myself. I wish I can tell you guys to never give up to your aspirations, but I know and you all know, that will simply fall on deaf ears here.

>However, you could be coming on too strong.
Yeah I don't know man. I try not to, I don't think I do, but it's really hard sometimes. I think I'm just starved for attention or something because I've never had a friend that cared about me or my problems before, even though a lot of them say shit like I'm their best friend and I helped them a lot which really pisses me off.

So once I get close to someone new I think I get too clingy because I'm desperate for them to return some attention to me.

Right now I'm being ignored by someone I thought was a really close friend who confided a lot of stuff in me and who I helped through a lot of shit but he doesn't seem to give a fuck about me lately. It makes me so anguished I feel physically sick on the verge of vomiting. I know that's not healthy or normal, I think I have some kind of attachment or relationship disorder but I don't know what to do about it and I hate feeling like shit and I hate working hard for people who don't give a shit

You get the death penalty for it

user, I have passion, emotion, and quite a bit of humor, and I can tell you that I feel like a backup for most people.

I'm sorry you feel that way but I don't even have any of that, so I can't convince myself that I'm being hard on myself.

Art has been corrupted fuck this person. They want you to hate art because it will override their dogshit ideology. I need to drink more and write more and maybe I can Bukowski myself because we need more revolutionaries. Don't be afraid anymore. Love yourself. Hate the world.

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If you hate working hard due people who don't care, just stop talking to them. It's understandable to act like this early like on when you're trying to break into a group of friends, but don't remain on a one sided endeavor low this. You don't need to waste your time on someone who won't spend theirs on you.

Just stop talking to them.
I literally want to just star answering every affirmative with "uh huh". Good advice?

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Yeah I know that but i don't really have anyone else to talk to. If I stop I'm just going to feel lonely and emotionally unfulfilled.

I'm starting to feel angry and resentful toward him and I want to stop talking to him to see if he cares or responds but i know realistically he won't and i'm just going to be hurting myself from shutting myself off from one of my only sources of socialization and emotional connection right now. I hate that I'm so autistic about this too I just want to be normal.

I'm gonna say something you probably get a lot from people : Read at 12:22 AM and leave it at that. Thanks for the effortpost! boring nobody
These things aren't concrete. They're your emotional evaluation of yourself. I used to think of myself as boring, then I'd be goaded into talking about my hometown and people would be enthralled and actually say my life is like a movie. There's a huge disparity between your self-perception and what is.

So who are you? Legitimately longpost some stuff about you and I'll read it.

>no interests
If you genuinely have zero things you're interested in, that is depression 101 and you need to consider therapy and medication.

>limited emotional expression
So? I think some people are too expressive. Be stoic if that's your bag. Stoicism is only bad when you can never express your feelings when you need hell (which isn't true since you're in this thread) and when they can't express affection to those they love (possibly your case).

We're similar. Freakishly so. I used to post on Jow Forums about getting ghosted by friends or guys (I always gender flipped back then) four or five months after it happened. My heart hurt and I couldn't eat for two days because a single date ended badly.

One solution was that I made a lot of acquaintances. This made it a little easier when one person didn't talk. It also made it easier for my friends because I wasn't going strong on one person, the force of my personality was spread out.

This seems like a peak normie solution, "i know you're having a hard time with one friend, so just make more friends". However, I'm using friend differently. You sound smart and sensitive so "friend" has value. I mean lots of acquaintances.

Another thing that blew my mind is that other people have lives too, lol. Your friend could be genuinely busy.

I feel you so hard right now man. I've been talking with the girl who I met while playing Overwatch and became good friends with and we both had an interest in each other. Right now she is ignoring me for no real reason that I can tell and I'm feeling so torn up about it.

The main problem is that we think we need people or other people. Even if they show interest in us, it's fake, it always has been. Even the families you see. It's just convenient for them in the moment and beneficial for now. We all have problems and we will always share them, human nature has brought us to a technological age and as a youth I never anticipated this. I hate and love all of you, just figure it out for yourself, but don't lose courage in asking somebody for help. Even if it hurts, it doesn't matter much anyway, have fun, don't fret, just LIVE. It's a life that MUST be lived even if it leads to suicide in the end, COBRA CUPS. RANGE ROVE.

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there are some nice robos just like there are some nice normies

>So who are you? Legitimately longpost some stuff about you and I'll read it.
I really can't think of much I do outside of working, browsing Jow Forums, and working out at the gym. Nobody wants to hear about that shit. I have a few things I "enjoy" but doing them two or three times a year barely counts.
>If you genuinely have zero things you're interested in, that is depression 101 and you need to consider therapy and medication.
I'm severely depressed and I have been for as long as I can remember. I tried antidepressants for a while and they worked but once I tried weaning myself off them I slowly slipped back to my old state.
>I think some people are too expressive. Be stoic if that's your bag.
I have a lot of people come up to me and say I always seem so happy and calm and ask me how I do it. The truth is I want to kill myself most of the time but you just can't go about society acting miserable, so I act happy instead. I think this plus my lack of expressiveness provides me with an outwardly calm demeanor.

Thanks for at least taking the time to converse a bit

>are you comfy

Can you link me to this place tread in archibe

>Have you considered that your advice is poor and that you're too unsympathetic to their situation for it to actually mean anything? For example, telling someone to just not think about it, and think about happier things, and belittling their anxiety and concerns, doesn't work so well for certain situations, and it's all more complicated than you may think. It doesn't mean they have no desire to get better, or that your suggestions are too difficult and they're simply more lazy than others who can take your "advice". Maybe you just don't understand their situation at all and it shows through shallow "advice" that you really only shared to make yourself feel better. I'm sure they don't intend to make you upset that your attempt at boosting your own ego didn't work, though if you show that it did and that you resent them for not getting healed by your words that lack empathy, you should not get surprised if they stop liking you or them-self very much
unironically this in a not ironical way.
t. aspie

i am a robot that is not a "robot" and i use discord. feel free to gib yours or an email, or don't, but i'm here.

i legit wish i could talk to you but i don't suspect this is likely but i just wanted to let you know, at least.

I remember trying to talk to some people through the steam threads one time. I only found like two people who were alright, the rest were very hard to talk to for some reason. They would give very short responses and acted all pissy, it was like talking to mad women.

Attached: 1520895826806.gif (487x560, 898K)

>the rest were very hard to talk to for some reason
It's mostly the case of well what the fuck do I say to this other person?

I was trying my best, its never easy talking to new people but short one word responses and not really saying anything back doesn't help.

I do the same as you but I never feel like there's any connection. It's so frustrating.

>tfw can talk and ask questions forever if i'm allowed
>tfw not a sadbot
>tfw being aspie compels me to try to understand things
>tfw nobody to understand

Yeah that was pretty much how I felt whenever I tried doing it. Sucked since those threads were my only chance of ever making any meaningful connection with someone who browses the same website that I waste most of my life on.

>friend with robot, listen to his shit a lot
>something big happens to me for once
>tell him about it
>he talks about how something similar happened to him and keeps relating it back to himself

Biggest pet peeve. Legit he just had to see what I wrote and say something like "Fuck man, that's rough."

I do that sometimes, but only because I'm trying to show that I understand how the other person feels. Does it really just come across as self-absorbed?

I think some of us really are just broken socially

iktf, from both sides. i got better at it though. but now sometimes i have to remember to stop asking so many questions before i'm accidentally annoying or nosy or something