Why do f*males always wear clothing that hugs their body and is extremely tight, isn't it uncomfortable...

Why do f*males always wear clothing that hugs their body and is extremely tight, isn't it uncomfortable? how stupid are they?

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not all of them do
it's just that you don't notice the ones who aren't wearing extremely tight clothing because you see with your penis

It's pretty good senpai
I wear long underwear at work because it gets cold, and the snug sensation, especially after a shower, is pretty up there.

Nice job evading the filter, useless faggot

No, they all wear either tights, leggings or very tight jeans. when they go swimming they wear tight swimsuits, all of them, I don't believe there is an exception.

long underwear? what are you talking about?

what filter? am I too original for your filter faggot?

Yeah a lot of people aren't aware of it, luckily for you I have a picture saved.
I have this on right now under my shirt and safety orange pants.

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the charlie kelly undies

You're more stupid for assuming they're uncomfortable.

Swimsuits are meant to be tight fitting.

I have tried wearing clothes that didn't fit and were tight, guess what? they felt uncomfortable, I'm not unassuming shit, it's just an obvious thing.

ever seen sweatpants? dude

Thanks for admitting you're fat, fatty. Something that's actually obvious is people clearly aren't uncomfortable wearing fitting clothes or they wouldn't wear them.

Shut up and enjoy the view faggot.

I'm not a fatty
My theory is that it's like getting fucked by their clothes for women, that's why it feels good for them. f*maloids shouldn't be allowed to choose what they wear

how can a man enjoy constantly being teased? it's a human right violation you bastard

what if you have a flat ass and small titties? would wearing tight clothes be a big deal? i feel like no one would even notice so its fine

Your theory is stupid, just like you.

But I do understand you're a fatty and need your baggy, childish clothes to feel comfortable.

I'm not a nigger, small titiy ass women can be hot

even if I was fat that wouldn't change anything, feeling of tightness would be the same for everyone,you are just retarded

oh well i guess its good i am ugly

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t. stacy rtghtpants

that's literally what all the f*maloids say. dieeeeee

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bitch I'm an ugly ass jew and plus i wear bigass shirts when i wear yoga pants anyways because i dont want people to judge my pathetic assets. just take the leggings pill

Your entire stupid premise is based on being fat and uncomfortable. Try to understand there are literally millions of people who aren't uncomfortable wearing fitting clothes

are high heels also comfortable, is that why fee-males wear them?
just because people wear them doesn't mean it comfortable

Perhaps comfort is not the most important factor in fashion. Who knew? I mean, other than adult humans, obviously.

you stink of norminess, you fuucking piace of shit, I hate you. get out of my thread

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Heels are designed to be as comfortable as possible while accentuating womens legs. Sure, you're not going to run in them, but they're objectively not uncomfortable unless you're literally on your feet all day.

i've heard of mountain jews and beta israelites but ass jews are news to me.
that said, you ought not to worry since you'll always bee someone's fetish bait. shack up with a Jow Forumstard or something.

Shouldn't you be doing your homework or tidying your room, middle schooler?

fucking redditor, gtfo.

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I personally buy guy clothing, just because the entire female section is devoted to tight hugging weird shit. Uncomfortable as hell and feels slutty.

>actually larping as male in the most awkward way possible and thinking it wouldn't be obvious because you're getting BTFO in your shit thread

Wow. Suicide tier.

you sound very grown up
what kind of music are you into?
we don't like children's music

I don't but i feel like people judge me for it

>feels slutty
WTf, I have a boner now

Then stop listening to it. By the way, who is we? Are you honestly trying to pretend other people share your stupid opinions?

Why are you people accusing every single poster here of being me? I'm the OP, they are not me

I don't believe you, post your clothes

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>using the default theme

>are you honestly

fuck sake man for your own good reformat these sorts of sentences. do you speak in these snarking cunt cliches as well?
i was insinuating that you are a tryhard teenybopper because teenyboppers like to call people immature.

>Why are you people accusing every single poster here of being me?

But literally nobody said this apart from that one post where you pretended to be a girl and got rekt.

You know being this defensive for no reason is a sure sign you're guilty as fuck, right?

Are you honestly going out of your way to prove how utterly BTFO you are, middle schooler?

I am directly telling you with absolutely no insinuation whatsoever that you're a stupid fucking cunt and if you aren't underage, you're quite possibly the dumbest adult alive today.

fuck thight clothing. might look good but it sure as hell is uncomfortable. fuck that shit

>repeating the same thing over and over in your shitty, awkward manner of typing and thinking everyone doesn't know it's you!

>meep meep meep

you keep flinging shit around and you keep slipping on it.
get a grip on yourself wee man, spouting these stock insults is a waste even of your time.

>tfw always wear a tight lycra body suit under my clothes at all times

I don't feel right without it

>projection - the post

I know you're sobbing hysterically, but stop trying so hard to pretend you haven't been completely destroyed.

no, i didn't pretend to be girl, i already proved you wrong, only another girls was the jewess who was against me.

not me again, filthy roastie. you are getting desperate. I will bring honor back to women and you can't stop me. .

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>this much painfully obvious desperation

Try not typing in exactly the same style when you're pretending to be someone else, autist.

I am a nigger, small tits are hot , what the fuck do you mean I don't like them

>he hasn't taken the tight-pill
Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all nothing at all nothing at all...

Heels are a dress up item that a tiny portion of women ever wear regularly to accentuate their legs and complete an outfit. They are worn for a maximum of 2 hours at a time unless seated. Totally incomparable to normal everyday skinny jeans.

Dislike of and sensitivity to tight clothing is a symptom of autism.

r*ddit plz go

a lot of what they do is to appease men and vice-versa
we all learned this in primary school, I don't know why we have to keep regurgitating this simple fact