
>if you could ask God 1 question what would it be?
>Pic related

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Why is my life shit?

Why do I exist? For what purpose?

are you a black male like the prophecies foretold?

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bitconnect 4 life xd

What is "empty" space?


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Why did you make me trans you fucking faggot

This is a false statement. Correct?

Will I meet my husbando in heaven?

Why did you let me happened God?

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wat u actually real?

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I would ask him what he wants me to do because having god on your side would pretty much be fucking awesome

I didn't, it was a choice you made

what are those bands i heard but never wrote down what their name was?

id ask god what a vagina smells like

Not even I can answer that

God, how do I meet Sandra again?

Is it a good time to invest in TSLA?

Well what the fuck did you think was going to happen? use your brains next time OG

can you annihilate me in a painless way right now please?

Can i be forgiven?

Because I made it that way

If I took off your halo would you die?

it would be very painful


When do we start the Great Crusade?

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whom would it be painful for?

Would you grant my prayers if I gave you 5 yen?

dear God, why is that rich faggot such a dislikeable tool?

how can you be killed?

why dont you make me god?

How much of my life is actually my fault?

thats a good question, ill be stealing that

Space without anything in it.

what's the point of creating us

>if you could ask God 1 question what would it be?

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