Itt : our guys

itt : our guys
i'll start with the obvious

Attached: PewDiePie.jpg (287x287, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>i'll start with the obvious
>a normie

am i being baited here

pewdiepie is one of the unfunniest losers out there.

its thats niggerguy

lol how is he our guy?
I mean, normies find him hilarious or he wouldn't be by far the most popular youtuber.

Attached: 66gi7qa5b5dy.png (1280x1280, 658K)


Attached: JamesRolfe.jpg (589x589, 353K)

Pewds roasted us and told us to grow up

Attached: image.jpg (1334x750, 119K)

The people who says that Pewdiepie is a normie probably still thinks he's the 2013 version of himself.

Newsflash having right wing views does not make someone a robot
This nigger is famous as hell, makes tons of money, has multiple friends, and a fucking girlfriend he is the god damn definition of normalfaggotry

Doesn't that make him a Chad rather than a normie? He has the looks for it too.

I think the OP means /ourguy/ as like Jow Forums
Otherwise makes no sense

Then why did he post it here? Just because I'm a robot doesn't make me a nazi.

>good looking
>charismatic and outspoken
>been in a relationship for 8 year (so stable mental health)
>comes from a wealthy family
Yeah totally not a normalfag. Also his humor is tryhard /b/ tier trash that appeals to edgy 15 year olds

If that's the case, I think we can all agree who the real /ourguy/ of r9k is

Attached: Elliot_Rodger.jpg (992x744, 86K)

Pewdiepie is total normalfag, what the fuck are you all talking about

Elliot is a cunt, but at least he was actually a robot

I have to agree that he isnt the annoying hyperactive retard anymore. He seems more like a cynical asshole sometimes but in the end he still has a gf, is rich af and is basically the god of youtube, which I guess will only become more relevant in the future

so yeah he's kind of an asshole normie

unironically john doe

Read this

What about pic related?
>no friends
>rejected by girls
>arrested for sexual harrassment after asking a girl out

Attached: Cho_Seung-hui_3.jpg (278x357, 13K)

Definitely /ourguy/

Who can forget this legend?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

I see a lot of Choposters as his birthday is coming

He's still pretty obnoxious and still relies on silly sounds and talking LOUDLY AT RANDOOOOM.

>left a multi million dollar deal just to be alone
>made album about being the epitome of a loser
>female alter ego
>mentally ill
>doesn't want to bring children in this world
>hate fucks women
>substance abuse to reach zen

robots can not refute this only be ignorant to it

Attached: C9E7A7DD-7DAD-487E-872A-163479A9DFC9.jpg (220x194, 22K)

Definitely a robot. Shot about 50 shotgun rounds and only killed 3 people.

he shot up the shelves

Imagine being killed by this

virgin to the end.

Attached: Young_theodore_kaczynski.jpg (640x453, 222K)

>lives with parent
>still a virgin
>anger issues
>receding hairline

He is /ourguy/
>inb4 nog

Attached: EDP445.jpg (940x545, 65K)

but most robots are pro tech
he was anti tech to the extreme

>most robots are pro tech

Attached: 1520759030998.jpg (518x433, 136K)

>doesn't want to bring children in this world

I love Niandra and his other recordings

>no anime posters
Close but not quite

Holy fuck is that the Doe Library at Cal?

Teddy K did everything right except killing those people. I'm 100% sure his manifesto would've gotten out there without him doing what he did. Now it's reached obscurity because people don't want the stigma of talking about a killer's book.

Skippy may be a very strong candidate:

>i'm all of those except nog

Attached: 1505083746761.png (1229x1160, 47K)

Skippy has ascended to the wizard realm, there is no hope for him

make way for the pre robots

Attached: columbine-never-sleeps-03.jpg (2000x1333, 515K)

Nope, they were actually kinda popular

Acidman originally

Attached: 1523055397237.jpg (1944x2592, 943K)

pic related but i'd still hate-fuck him.

Attached: himrrr.jpg (900x900, 98K)

looks like your typical r/hapas poster

He's mentioned it a couple times and some believe that's the reasons for some of his divorces, but this was the only source that came to mind atm.

That's a myth.

You can improve user, pic related is same guy 2 years after working out. He's still an angry virgin though

Attached: Screenshot_20180408-133500.jpg (1080x1062, 528K)

fuckin love edp

not rly

Attached: columbine.png (1160x631, 115K)

I thought he was the butt pirate from The Terror at first.

So.. exactly like Jow Forums?

sick source you've got there, lad

That doesn't prove that they were "very popular", only that they were not bullied

Wow they had one other friend even though the entire school bullied them... they were practically chads

Do you guys really hate chicks that much or is it just a meme?

Attached: 2015%2F11%2F10%2Fcc%2FMark_Corrig.a65bb.jpg (950x534, 54K)

One friend is all you need

yet their high scores were far lower than solo shooters. individually even elliot beats them

Pewdie pie is a fuckin' queer OP. Same with James Rolfe wtf lmfao >THIS is /OUR guy/
Also valid^^

Attached: 1521155536050.jpg (370x493, 22K)

froosh is based

Attached: hideo.jpg (1246x1920, 811K)

I never said they were very popular. Just kinda because of the Trenchcoat mafia.
Jeez I posted the wiki page so I did not had to do this, because is redundant.

Attached: columbine 1.png (628x584, 28K)

do you know what the citation stuff (the numbers with [] on wikipedia) does? When you click it takes you to the source.

replied to the wrong post, meant for

AgentXPQ is the tru r9k ourguy

finally proposal I can agree with.

The bullying is a hoax

>Failed Trap
>Failed Animator
>Failed mass shooter
Definitely /ourguy/

Was young Varg a robot?

Attached: 1523116832552-mu.gif (441x270, 995K)

one of the few true robot musicians

Attached: LAYNE-STALEY.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

fucking normies, you think pewdiepie is /ourguy/? disgusting.

He wasn't robot at all, his only problem was heroin addiction

Tsutomu Miyazaki

Born with a deformity and scorned by everyone around him. The Otaku Killer.

Attached: TsutomuM.jpg (610x788, 79K)

When otakus were not very common

Attached: tumblr_m8vgdk8woA1qkv3fno1_500.jpg (500x385, 57K)

No he had another daughter who is 25 now. He was a normie edgy black metal musician.

What was the deformity

>Wikipedia is a reliable source.

Attached: 1522946335550.jpg (331x167, 6K)

All jokes aside I think technical dave is the only true /ourguy/ that has a decent following on youtube.

Attached: photo.jpg (288x288, 16K)

> (OP)
>Pewds roasted us and told us to grow up

He roasted everyone in the video. Even the nice comments. That's what the video was about.

Do you undesrtand that you can't write whatever the fuck you want in wikipedia, and if you do it gets deleted in 2 secs?
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v

a U shaped penis

>>THIS is /OUR guy/
The fuck are you even saying? That's Styxhexenhammer666

she was our girl

Attached: 1502936023697.jpg (1080x792, 84K)

Was she the first ever certified fembot?