Tfw no cutie pie asian fembot gf i can fug

tfw no cutie pie asian fembot gf i can fug

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Why the fuck do girls take pictures like this of themselves?

AAAAHHH I want her
You'll find out if you ever get into a relationship

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I will never understand yellow fever.

butthurt white girl detected

lmao obv not original

why does she say "tfw"? Is she from 4-chan?

I go to a majority asian university and I swear half of the guys browse Jow Forums. On our official subreddit half of the comments you'd swear come from Jow Forumsincels and Jow Forumsasianmasculinity

yes there are a lot of asian fembots here right now.

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post leddit link


Jow Forumsuwaterloo

Do asian girls like white cock?

White guy here. Why does my asian gf say she doesn't like asian guys? I've always been chill with asian guys I don't see what's wrong with them. I tried to set up my asian friend with a white girl who he was crushing on. Asian guys are bros.

I'd sooner believe there are reptilian overlords monitoring this thread

No asian girls love bbc.

spic here, are there any Asian fembots I can add on Discord?

Why one of you autists is u/IWannaREEEEEEEEEEEEE

can an asian cutie give me a (you) then?

why won't asian girls date asian guys like me anymore?

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you originally called?

called what

I would gladly trade all white women to asians in exchange for their women. Create a planet dominated by crazy hapas. But unfortunately women of both races decided they have "rights"

Based delusional poster

iktf baka desu senpai

She looks really familiar, I think I went to church with her

god damn she's so cute. asian girls have such cute cheekbones

lmao how did I know

Because of bad experiences. An asian guy has probably hurt her in the past.

>tfw qt Chinese girl in one of my courses
>she likes video games, complimented me on my Majora's Mask shirt
>we've talked a couple times and it wasn't awkward as shit, her English is pretty good

Should I go for it lads? I'm apprehensive about dating an international student; I've heard they tend to keep to themselves. Not sure if she'd be interested in an American boy

Because you'd rather fuck a white girl or you have no preference, you probably fap to white girls. So it'd be better if you date a white girl instead, girls don't like to feel like a second choice.

Seriously. Why do all of us whites fetishize Asian women? They're so fucking cute.

Why do we """fetishize""" thin women or women with big tits? It's not a fetish if they're objectively better.

It's really simple. Very simple anyone could understand. Cute= marriage material. Hot= fuck material. You want an asian gf to marry because their looks make you think they're sweet and good wives. When you see a cute asian girl it evokes an emotional response from you. Some might feel the same way about a "cute" white girl who is more adorable than hot. but asians are obviously cute more often since they're youthful and neotenous.

Hope that helps you to understand your yellow fever.

Fair enough. I'm now waiting for the azn qts to enter this thread.

Males go for more feminine females, and Asians are more feminine on average. But Whites and (east) Asians are both pretty middle-ground, so the differences aren't so wide to the point that it becomes off-putting. Unfortunately this subtle difference has an overpowering effect on female behavior, hence asianmasculinity, insane hapas, etc. Basically social instability is all women's fault, as usual.

They're probably taken. Do you think you could be a cute asian girl, walk outside, and not get desired by every guy?

Everyone's single online.

I'd say the opposite. Online, it's easy for anyone to get into a relationship whenever they want. When you're a girl, and even asian on top of that, they'll never not have a guy that desperately wants to be her bf. Have you ever noticed that everyone mentioning that they're a girl get dozens of replies?

Lol I was mostly being sarcastic.

>Have you ever noticed that everyone mentioning that they're a girl get dozens of replies?

This is the blackest of black pills. Every decent girl out there has at least a dozen guys gunning for her. Why the fuck would she choose me over all them? Women are so saturated in attention. Feels bad bad

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That's why you have to be a hot guy, tall, smart, and successful. But she might value an obscure thing you have that normal guys don't have.

Dozens is a pretty low estimate. I know I'll never bother talking with any women as I'm just simply too low-value of a human

That's a guy loI.

But i'm not white user.

Everyone would be fine with this scenario except white women.

Would any cute asian girls like to exchange discords with me?!?!?!

that bitch ugly as hell, fucking chink women are shit but atleast they obey and serve.

discord boys are sluts no thanks

i get dry skin on my face too but any lotion i use makes me have an itchy allergic reaction. what do i do

Superior Skypeboi here, be gf

You're not even Asian, roleplayer.

>tfw all the asian girls I chat with from here are underage

Where are all the 20 something asian girl???

This will be incredible bait.


what is with this board and attracting all the underage children

Really? How old are they, usually?

like 17 or 18. Way too hard to relate with them...

How is that underage you dipshit?

damn it thats wwaaaaaaaaaayyy too old man waaaay to old.

All teenagers are basically underage if you are still in high school.

whoo hoo here you go

nice larp faggot
comment not original unfortunately

okay, if you say so

What the hell?
Mind passing me that contact info?

Protip: the white guy thing is a phase, by thier mid 20s they alll want to date people from thier culture.

Gr8 b8 2.0

but im black


I can tell this is an asian girl because she makes one word posts. Why are asian people so boring?

Contact info?
Those comments profile

>tfw cutie pie asian gf i can fug
Haha fuck you robots I made it. She's not a fembot though because they don't exist

you'd just be wasting your time talking to me, sorry. good luck finding someone else

Post contact info now. I'm not asking

>Post contact info now. I'm not asking
this made me laugh so much
go go alpha robot

>period and not a question mark

He indeed isn't asking. You better give it up.

o-oh wow thats kinda hot, user. sorry i made you upset, here you go
go fuck yourself you desperate piece of shit


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You need to stop acting like a faggot then.

How about dont tell me what to do cunt

actually im pretty bored so if you wanna drop a throwaway or something, ill get in contact with you.

Not the internet tough guy, but you can hit me up too.

[email protected]

No thanks I dont want to anymore

Is that Shrimp? Pls be shrimp

sent over a lil something

suit yourself then

serious Q? she knows it has a sexual connotation but as soon as someone points it out she will REEEEEEE at them. gives them satisfaction to destroy "creepy" guys i guess

Can confirm that "she" did. Good job, you faggot.

>Suit yourself
I always do

Youre welcome chink chaser

It is. Haven't seen her in a year...

I just want to see that velvet lipstick one more time. Where have all the blackbots gone?

Oh wait I have it

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Do you actually find these attractive? Goddamn get some higher standards

Yeah, if these are what you guys are into I can see why people say yellow fever fags are a disgrace

you fags just have high standards even though your shitty robots with no personality lmaoo
give one reason why have lower standards is wrong

>tfw cute Chinese girl in my cognitive psychology class
>she laughed to herself when she caught me staring at her in the beginning of the term
>always sits in class by herself
Yet when I try to sit next to her, she either stops coming to class or comes to class later than me and sits elsewhere

She skipped last week's classes too, but I caught her studying in the library on weekends

Her looks are literally kpop tier, she looks like a cuter version of Han Sun Hwa

Are you ugly? She could be a "fembot" and feel autistic and uncomfortable when a weird guy/ normalfag tries to talk to her.

Eh she actually followed me into class and sat next to me one time. But I didn't talk to her

She studied in the library on weekends alone too, so I don't think she has a lot of friends

I can post my eye for you to judge how attractive I am

Yeah sure, also try to get to know her more then ask her out.

Here are my eyes user...

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>I can post my eye for you to judge how attractive I am
Is this how you rationalize being unattractive? Delude yourself into thinking that an eye picture can prove that you aren't?

You look like an average asian guy. Just ask her out I guess.



This isnt asian masculinity kiddo

Go cry because women will never see you as a man somewhere