I wrote a book

Fellow Jow Forumsobots, i wrote a book called Obsessive- Compulsive Dramatic. You can get it on amazon. Help a brother out and read that shit/tell me what you guys think

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Obsessive-Compulsive-Dramatic-Borderline-Personality-Addiction-ebook/dp/B07BSTJYS5/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1523220737&sr=8-1&keywords=Obsessive - Compulsive Dramatic

amazon.com/Obsessive-Compulsive-Dramatic-Borderline-Personality-Addiction-ebook/dp/B07BSTJYS5/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1523220737&sr=8-1&keywords=Obsessive - Compulsive Dramatic

Is that the book?

yes that is indeed the book

if you bought it that would be awesome

asking a bunch of neets who never learned to read probably won't work too well for you

Not really expecting it to work, just thought it would be interesting to post it here.

also who else has more time to read than a fucking robot?

bought your book, don't dissapoint me

heres the front and back cover

Attached: cover.png (1159x874, 736K)

Upload it on tbp

someone post the pdf. im not buying it

the ebook is literally 5 bucks, even if it's shit (which it probably will be) who gives a fuck

wow very compelling so far, I LOVE urine.

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uplaod the book mixtape.moe

I didn't buy it, I'm looking at the preview. I'm surprised this sperg has this sort of writing capability. Shame about the mental disorders, it really comes through in the book.

gave me a solid kek, thanks user


imagine being the kind of people who thinks people actually want to read about their self-diagnosed bullshit disorders

nobody fucking cares, and judging from the book jacket you can't write for shit either

saged and reported, advertising is against the rules

nah ive seen your channel dude, its pretty meh and you look like a normie junkie

post it pls, i wanna see it

valid opinions to have. Never claimed to be exceptional, this is an anonymous image board afterall.

im not gonna shill his channel here since its pretty bad, his earlier stuff was way better


post more
this thread is going to be one for the archives

>Publisher: Tellwell Talent

You didn't actually pay for that cover design ect user, did you?

you are cringe as hell, im not giving you my money moron.

I will only buy it if there is more content relating to your struggles with urine and poop.

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