Do you think a girl has ever masturbated while thinking of you?

Do you think a girl has ever masturbated while thinking of you?

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No. Unless if she was thinking of Chad beating me up and then riding off into the sunset with Chad.

i mean I dont just think so, i know a bunch have
feelsgood to be chadly

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Maybe once or twice

Most girls were probably disgusted by me though

nope, im still pure

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hardly. All the attention I ever got was from whores who'd have people waiting in line to give them attention.


one girl from higschool i dated

and probably some girl that has a crush on me over the internet

thats about it

Nah , I'm pretty young and not so good-looking. I'm technically a Chad but still.

DefiniteIy not

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i'm going to masturbate to the thought of all you anons gangbanging me

unless they have a fat fetish, no.

Do girls even masturbate to boys they know?

This made me laugh. Thank you!
But seriously, no way.

The only way that would ever happen would be indirectly through the "Chad tackles the school shooter and saves the day and chokefucks me afterwards to celebrate" fantasy

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She admitted to it yeah

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I'm going to masturbate to the thought of you masturbating to the thought of all us anons gang banging you.

It's a lovely thought and if someone told me that they did I would be flattered as all heck. My personal belief is no, I don't think anyone has.

All I'd really be happy about is a superpower that enabled me to see if there are any women in my life or those that I see were or ever have been the slightest bit attracted to me in any way. The answer would be none though, I'm quite sure.

Yeah. A girl on discord masturbated to the sound of my voice.

Nope. Orgiknallyolo

>i want you bad.

how romantic.

Yeah I was a cringy little sperg back in hs

Probably some sjw anorexic girl when I was in high school I already knew she had a crush on me

Yes, I'm very sure about 2 at least.

I know a girl has because she sent me videos of her masturbating while we were sexting

Yes, in the same way that I'll be fapping and then think of that ugly chick with three missing teeth and instantly loose my boner.

Pretty sure
No one knows I exist

I don't think any girls have thought about me, let alone masturbated while doing it