I dont get it

I dont get it.
Can you explain it for me?

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let me guess
most girls like older men

girls mature faster than boys, sweetie pie.

Age gives a man confidence and maturity. It's like height - a man their age is a manlet, a man 4-5 or even 10 years older is a tall man.

Also the money thing - a guy aged 20 will probably be living with his parents or in a dorm and/or working a shitty job. A guy in his late 20s will probably have a nice(r) job, a car, a place of his own, etc. Obviously a 20 year old girl would prefer the second guy.

>In what reality? You cuck

tfw agelet

what about older women seeking out younger men? what's the deal with that

who are you quoting?

don't misuse the quote function

I fking have this problem
Every girl i like, likes guys that ar like 3/4y older

That's a negligibly small percentage of women. Those are middle-aged women (with money) who just want young men to fuck them, because the men their age and 1. Not interested in old women and 2. The young ones fuck better.

In middle school and high school? yeah, I can agree with that. In uni and so foward? No diference.

Women think men their own age resemble Canadian toddlers.

Everyone has/had this problem. The girls in high-school almost always dates older guys, the same happened in university and the same happens in their 20s.
But it all gets better. I'm 30 years old now and I've noticed girls in their early to mid 20s are much more attracted to me than when I was their age. And that's alright with me, the women my age generally look as shit compared to younger women.

Usually older men can differentiate girls from women and thus treat women like adults, whereas men in their late teens- 20s or even early 30s see women as girls and treat them like they're still on the playground.

Women are hypergamous children and want a nice strong daddy to take care of them

Women are so fucking stupid. They think they're special for saying they like older men or saying they're a little masochistic. No, you cunt. You're just a fucking whore.

Girls learn how to ape authority in their social environment and reap approval as like the first thing they do when born, and they confuse this with being an actual thinking non-retard.

>girl i work with is 35 and doesn't want kids
>whines about not being able to find a man
>refuses to date anyone younger

enjoy dying alone!

>refuses to date anyone younger
She's lying, this is the roastie's way of preemptively saving face. When a girl is single she'll make many rationalizations as to why, "oh I have high standards, I don't date ___ guys, I'm picky, etc", anything to put the onus on someone else and not the fact that they're undesirable. If there's a young Chad interested in her, her legs would spread faster than open sesame.

I had a co-worker in her early 20s, divorced already, with a small boy, she claimed she wanted a rich man so she could stop working. She looked alright, but I sometimes wonder how that worked out for her.

I have had a lot of interest from girls younger than me. I get 23s, 24s, etc on tinder. Although in person I have been approached by random teenagers. Fucking weird man.

Girls like old men who've already earned money.
I mean uhh are mature and dignified, yeah.

>enjoy dying alone!
We are all going to end like this.

Why would you settle for a fucking ex-whore with 35 years of age that just wants to suck off your resources and doesnt even want kids?

Money and status are important, yeah, but (most) men do become more "mature and dignified" throughout their 20s. I saw it in myself and others.

>and doesnt even want kids?
Give it to me straight, do non-whorish women who don't want kids exist or am I hopelessly delusional.

Im sorry. All women are whores regardless of their children preferences.

I'm not quoting anyone, the double arrows means I'm quoting.

girls mature a lot faster than boys. until after college, most girls are going to be less emotional or awkward about relationships than guys. but if you have facial hair and are tall, then it doesn't matter how old you are.

you wanna know how i know your either a girl or like 50 years old?

Older guys have more money and cars. When I was back in high school shit loads of the girls aged 14-16 had 18-20+ yo bf's.

>someone with a valid perspective that disagrees with me is on the boundary between a little girl and 50 year old man

i know you would suck any guys dick, but the very existence of Jow Forums shows how many young lads exaggerate and overanalyze even their parasocial relationships with women. they confuse fear/insecurity for romanticism.

women play victim and attention whore because they are assholes. but more often than not, they are going to be more emotionally mature than guys their age up until 21-24. this isn't even really a debate, some guys just think their "intelligence" is what makes them mature, when really they just spend more time on homework and have no intelligence at all when it comes to serious relationships.

Young dudes are very emotional. You think you're stoic, but you have no idea.

They want someone who will be superior to them, not an equal. A correct male version of it, how guys see women their own age, would have the woman be some kind of obnoxious monster or something, because we generally want someone who would respect us and not be neurotic about equality. Making teenaged girls illegal to date goes against what both genders really want.

this is 99% of girls in miami

It means they underestimate us. They don't take us seriously. Unless you want to prover her right, take advantage of that.

You are such a fucking newfag

When i was in an internship, one of the other interns i met started a relationship with her supervisors boss. Guy was around 15 years older than her.
I think we were 19. When i asked her why she said older guys are more mature.
Dude looked like if cesar from gta san andreas and homer simpson performed the fusion dance

Girls literally stay children their entire lives, that's why they're always looking for a new daddy

Women seek superiority in men, and that applies to age too.
Women want a boss, an owner. An authority figure (which's why single ones are for strong state).

So do insects, you fugly cunt.

Lol you realize this is a reference to their physical sexual maturation. All this phrase means is that nature prepares them to be baby making factories as early as it can. At no point in their development do women's brain have more neurons than men's.

then go after women 3/4years younger than you

There may be, but it is very VERY rare.
Most decent women like to have kids at some point of their lifes, its like a biological thing, in this case it affects more women than it does to men. Dont be so afraid of having kids at some point user, most people only decide to get kids by late 30s when life is stable and very little couples at that age say they regreted having kids. It gives life a new meaning.

Girls like guys around 5 to 10 years older. It's pretty common duder

Nothing more funny than a 30yo woman thinking a 30yo man takes her as his first choice

>ends statement with sweetie pie



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>men are less mature than their lady counterparts
Explain statutory rape, what's the logic in that? Other than that the laws are written by men trying to protect their daughters

>girls mature a lot faster
Then why don't they legally get treated differently before 18 or 21 than males. That's bull shit. You're full of shit.

how about my cock -> your mouth

It's this concept alone that's led me to believe that r9k's real problem is being fucking underage. Don't get me wrong, there probably are so legit incels lurking around here, but for the most part it's just late teens to mid 20 somethings that don't understand that women just really like older dudes (for reasons probably already posted in this thread). One average across all cultures the male is older than the female by 2-5 years. Men don't reach their peak sexual market value until thier 30s.

Bet. No but when I was a freshman, some of the girls would secretly date seniors and juniors.

So basically, girls dont want anything to do with babyface weirdoes. Not now nor ever. Bitches love bodyhair and beards. Thats a fact.

Thats why when I was younger and lowkey tried to hit on older women, I would always be treated like a kid. Too bad Ill never be able to fulfill my personal shota milf fantasy