Fellow robots, give me the most emotionally crushing/depressing movie, book, album, video, video game, or picture you know of. I want to experience it all.
Fellow robots, give me the most emotionally crushing/depressing movie, book, album, video, video game...
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Kingdom hearts 1 ending.
LISA the painful
Ignore this faggot
Actually don't ignore me. Lisa is just undertale garbage shit anyways.
Devilman Crybaby
Miki best girl
Correct, but your suggestion was a little faggy
>Just remember user that she's always gonna want her first back, no matter what you do to make her happy or what he did to her. Part of her heart will want someone else with her. Or if you already fucked someone else she won't want you, you filthy experienced man whore.
>pic is drink of the day
what how
In what regard
Oyasumi Punpun
To the Moon
Nick Drake - Pink Moon. Well, it's not all doom and gloom, it's very melancholy, but as much as I love that album I avoid listening to it because it makes me even sadder.
Inside Llewyn Davis, where at the end nothing good ever really happens to Llewyn - leaving the whole plot really unresolved and having the character just go back to his life of meagerly surviving off the guitar but doesn't have the skills to be a talented and popular musician like he aspires to be (like Bob Dylan who is in the ending of the movie) but can never truly achieve this goal because of his only above-average skills.
Yeah well you are a big faggy.
If I gotta tell you you wouldn't understand.
Moral orel
Dark spring by Unica zurn
>moral orel
that "alone" episode
this. Also if you're any fan of folk music the soundtrack is fantastic
background is necessary
>left the RHCP and millions behind so he can be recluse and let his depression consume him
>fell into a heroin addiction
>already a depressed individual his whole life, this album capsulizes depression but adds a psychedelic pinch to it
>wanted to be the 'epitome of a loser'
Klass, story about school shooter in Estonia
I rarely read, but Lovecraft should be good for such purposes
Godspeed Emperor - F#A8
Not the most fepressing stuff, but there was a nice one about Ukrainian teenagers living homeless literally in commieblock' basements.
>video game
Saya no uta for me. Endings range from just saddening to really fucking depressing yet it has its own beauty and charm.
I have tons of sad webms and pics on PC. Have this greentext tho.
Doki Doki literature club
It looks like a weeb game but I think it is good and emotionally crushing at some parts. You need to read the first parts to understand it.
>good ratings on Steam
>I played it blindly
>first hour or so was boring, so I stopped
>a week passes
>decided to play it again
>still boring but continue playing
>weird shit happening
>thought it my computer
>no it was not
>keep playing
>I finally finished
>I close the game
>actually start crying because of a weeb game
>Im a bit off-topic now but its an emotional game
>mfw a weeb game taught me to be more compassionate
I thought the movie Funny Games was pretty bleak. The original 1997 version that is. Very violent. No hope to be found in this one.
poor tsar nikolai ii
book of disquiet
I consider that game minor to the doki doki rainclouds mod. It's ddlc in sayoris perspective.
When the Wind Blows and Hypernormalization
Bedwetter is fucking great. Haze of interference is the best song, lyrically, that Travis ever made.
>Part of me disinagrates, the only part I'm left with is the part I can't articulate
>The earth and how I see it are the rocks that I've been crushed between
>Your addicted to the madness, your treated like a muse, are you happy now Travis?
>What's underneath me? I think I'm on the way out
>Grass is Greener on the other side, how about nothing's green?
>When the Wind Blows
Kafka's metamorphosis
>wakes up as big
>so depressed answer is to go back to sleep and pretend it isn't real
Just like a real life robot would
I actually think him turning into a cockroach is a symbol for him becoming depressed.
I think you forgot to add a "bug" at the end there.
Also, it's been a while since I read it but wasn't it a big metaphor for depression?
If you have any history of alzheimers in your family, the Notebook will fuck your shit up.
happiness directed by Todd solondz
I think it's less a metaphor for depression and more a manifestation of Samsa's estrangement. He feels small and worthless and so he becomes something that IS small and worthless; a bug.
>at one point rolls his waste into a ball to play with
He even predicted poopoo peepee?!?
Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
Lisa, the series
i've heard fly me to the mmoon is good too
patrician taste my friend
i bawled when /spoiler/ the deer guy shot himself /spoiler/
Learn how spoiler.
>inb4 lack of memetic
>LISA is just undertale garbage shit
>LMAO did you know Cuphead is LITERALLY dark souls?!?!
>inb4 lurk moar
>he won't tell me how to
did you skip the homepage, you gay?
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, it's a depressing story, just ignore the last chapter which basically turns into socialist propaganda
raw emotion
Mgs2 is pretty depressing seeing radians world fall apart
Song is probably chamber of reflection or mgs2 soundtrack
Holla by GDP, give that a listen
Anything by Todd Solondz really
Nina Simmone - Four Women
Most epic movie Pusher. It's about mid level dealer and the worst week of his life. Ended up being a trilogy over a decade and all the ending are jarring as fuck! Second one takes place 8 years later when his friend gets out of prison. Shows the life of a low level dealer. 3rd one show the big time drug dealer and how he goes to NA for heroin.
I reccomed getting high and drinking to get full effect.
Imagine posting music and thinking it's anything but a normie way to feel emotion.
The awoken have transcended music for feelings.
Clannad after story, and Alice in Chains for an album.
There's a movie called Teddy Bear that's basically the life of Jow Forums.
Jar of Flies?
Nah the one with the dog.
Oh thats one of my favorites. Good taste user.
I'm surprised no one's brought up Hospice. It's about a guy losing his wife to cancer. It hit me pretty hard because I have a soft spot for cancer.
oh forgot this one. this one is so fucking depressing i bought it and read it to motivate me to cut
Take a listen to this, it's a moody Finnish folk album called "Folk Aesthetic."
Here's the song 'Frankie Teardrop' by the punk band 'Suicide.' It's about a wage slave who goes insane and murders his family before shooting himself.
I'd like to second this. The Pusher series is excellent, especially the second one where Mads Mikkelson is the lead. He brings so much pathos to the role.
Life is Strange
>tfw you will never have a fun loving goth best friend who wants to smoke pot and run on train tracks
>tfw you will never go to college and have fun as well and get into all sorts of trouble
>tfw you'll never get time travel powers
>tfw you cant save your best friend no matter how hard you try because she's literally destined to die.
Now and Then, Here and There. It's an anime about a young, idealistic man who gets transported to another world... full of slavery, death and war, and in the far future where the sun is about to swallow up half of the solar system. You can probably guess, it's depressing as fuck.
If I ever kill myself I'll listen to this song while I prep the needle.
Patrician music ITT
>Not the most fepressing stuff, but there was a nice one about Ukrainian teenagers living homeless literally in commieblock' basements.
Morbidly interested and I cant fund anything on this. Care to elaborate?
>Time powers are inconsistent mess that change its rules every 5 seconds and even ignoring that plenty of shit related to it are just plot holes that don't make a single bit of sense like literally no one questioning her literally fucking teleporting whenever she uses her time powers but at the same time it can't be ignored as a gameplay thing beacuse it is acknowledged by a character at ONE fucking point in it without really fucking questioning it
>Most characters are just painted black or white, game tells you which characters you're supposed to like and which you aren't no matter what those characters do
>Game pretty much screams at you to like Chloe despite her being a drug using cunt that literally doesn't do anything for you the entire game, makes you abuse your powers and acts like shit towards you many times
>"Your choices matter" being showed to you every five minutes despite the fact that it just changes one line of dialogue each time and there are only two endings that depend on the last choice
>Choice at the end is between killing one person that was a cunt pretty quickly or killing entire town of people, causing millions of dollars worth of damage so it can be just as well a question of "are you retarded or not?"
>20% of the game is a fucking filler that is literally forgotten the second it ends (the whole alternative reality with cripple Chloe episode)
>Game tries to be 2 deep 4 you at the end (though I still personally liked all that trippy shit)
That "game" is a pure fucking garbage in every way, I only played it beacuse I have a big boner for everything time travel related, it was fucking terrible although certain moments were pretty comfy.
If you want a good video game that features time travel and feels then Ghost Trick exists.
>Alt girls are Goths
KYS for everything in your post you nigger.
I got the season for $10 and i felt it was worth it
>mrw you have to put other people down for their gaming preferences because you're an enormous faggot who can't respect that other people like what you don't.
I hate it beacuse it's filled with shit writing and literally lies in its advertising.
However I don't mind people liking it as long as they don't claim it's something objectively good, so I don't mind you liking it either.
What triggered me enough to write all of this was you mistaking something as shit as alt girls for something as pure as goth girls.
>frankie teardop
Holly shit I was just thinking of that one. Its crazy how ahead of its time it was, it was made in the late 70s and predicted a lot of the experimental stuff we have now
Another cool note is that how some of them can get money. They just go on those public "protests" and vouch for some fat-ass oligarch. Money, yielded from such thing is enough to buy some packs of instant noodles, to gain minimal levels of nutrition, because tomorrow you'll have to stay several hours again doing the same useless shit just to buy food. It doesnt matter whom to support, be it some Nazi, libshit or whatever, it matters only who pays more because all of them use the same strategy of enforcing their public support image. Hold tightly to your world, Amerifats, you can choose between sides deliberately. Those people have no choice, aside from starving to death somewhere within frozen streets of course.
Fate/zero is the worst I've seen. I think. I may have blocked out worse things. or failed to understand them
kana wakareno - trapped in the glass
nice album to put on as you fall asleep. she has a comfy voice but it makes you sad.
Deathconsciousness by Have a Nice Life. Post-punk album about killing yourself and it sounds great.
Reeee I can't play Lisa now
>______ is JUST LIKE dark souls except ________ !
saddest 3 min story ever
>If I gotta tell you you wouldn't understand
literally 10 year old level discussion
This song from an unfinished prison movie.
Synecdoche New York
Notes from Underground
Weighing Souls with Sand
Ladoni, or Palms. A 1994 movie. The saddest movie I've seen.
"My little son, it's me, your father..." The narrator tries to communicate with his unborn son and takes off on a journey were you see faces of apparitions of those outcasts, who find their solace of living only in the shadows; outside, but beside, the political and economical system; system that kills the individual and creates masses instead. These outcasts are bums, cripples, madmen, lunatics. They, in the eyes of the narrator, are the only ones, that know what it means to be human. They are not corrupt by the masses or the system; they are so overwhelmed by their madness or dreams, that they have lost the relationship with the world. They live in a world of their own, thus enabling freedom from the system. What they do, is wait. They quietly wait for the day the kingdom of God will descend upon earth.
Doesn't help that if I pursue my robot schizophrenic ideas I'll end up homeless and dead. If I pursue meth that is. Funner than suicide and pure satanic egoism.
the ending song makes me want to fucking kill myself
The bicycle thief. It's basically the story of a failed normie who gets turbo-shit on by all the other normies
When Nanako was revealed to be the true killer in Persona 4. BITCH I TRUSTED YOU
>young, idealistic man
It's a 12 year old who acts like an autist and somehow magically doesn't die through god knows how many deus ex machina situations with a bunch of shock sad thrown in.
but it was really sad
/mu/ here.
Okay uhhhhhhh
Existential depression: youtube.com
Actual suicide tier depression: youtube.com
Self loathing: youtube.com
Melancholy: youtube.com
Edgy emo "fuck god dude": youtube.com
Sorry the Have a Nice Life was meant to be posted by Existential and I misspelled Live the Dream
>tfw you didnt know just how depressed you were until identifying with all of those
user, wtf is wrong that you know those time of land is unironically hard af.
Finally... my moment has come. Two of the saddest fucking games I have ever played: To The Moon and Finding Paradise. Beautiful games, wonderful music, made me cry for fucking days... weeks....... months...... Good shit. 10/10 Emotional value, just takes ~5 hours of your time each.
Literally Tumblr: The Game
The fuck are you on about, user?
Lenin did nothing wrong. The Czar deserved worse.