Let's get one of these threads going. Post yours and rate others.
Let's get one of these threads going. Post yours and rate others
Other urls found in this thread:
absolute pleb holy shit
Did you steal this from Reddit?
Gimmie a r8 frens
pretty shit but not outright alarming
forgot to organessonly say I'm male
Give template you fuck
I have this version
pretty good except for porn and superhero
How is Mudkip a superhero
give me the utmost shit please
see the above of what everyone else has said
breddy alrighd
seems fishy to me
fancy, also pretty alright
can i have a template pls
Filled one out awhile ago
This thread proves this board is mostly 15 and under kids.
>muh taste is le superior
autism confirmed
i hope this is a joke LOL xD
template pls
Not even that, all this posts are shit tier. It explains why everyone is so stupid.
post template OP or you your a faggot
Not op but here's the tempIate
You have terrible taste in everything. Did you make this to be deliberately pleb?
This is actually the oregano me
thank you so much user,all the others who asked are thankful as well!
Got this one so rate me guys
lazy bastards
I did it with the OP's picture
Why do people like xi jing ping around here?
actually meant to reply to:
Because he is my self insert. I think of what he would do if I'm ever feeling demotivated.
All things considered this is a pretty shitty reason to like a politician.
>this is how people pick their favorite politicians
Does anyone need anymore arguments against Democracy?
Shermans suck though, what do you like about it?
Deus Ex and New Vegas top tier games
That's a bad score.
Fuck yeah dude mantis shrimp are fucking right on.
I like him for more reasons too like his pragmatic policies and direction he's taking china but those were the main reasons.
ill shoot
i was originally going to put scalies for the porn
Big fan here.
prolly the last time I post in one of these
At first I thought you lived in Bermuda and then I realized you're just trying to avoid the leaf meme
Too memey, not enough real answers. 3/10.
Mostly fine, 5/10.
Meh. Too generic. 4/10
Bloodborne nice, the rest, meh. 5/10.
I could have put Dota2 as my favorite game after 3k hours, but stopped playing as it's too toxic lately.
>didnt rate mine
fuck you
When I was writing mine yours wasn't visible yet. But here you go:
Typical boring nerd/10
>didn't rate mine
go fuck yourself
fuck you,again
to me,there is no such thing as bad tastes
just personal preference
so i would give everyone no score
Just as I said, you are boring. Giving no score to anyone just means you have no opinion of any kind. You are empty, just like your answers. You copy what others like, just so you can fit in somewhere, yet you still can't even manage that.
Holy shit that faggot just got burned
>favorite game is Life is Strange
>feels like he's in a position to judge anyone
eat a dick user
How the hell am i copying others?
Those are the things i like,why do you have such a problem against them?
Also,just becuase i dont want to be some jerk and hand out bad and good scores doesnt mean i have no opinion;likewise me not beliving in the concept of bad or good tastes does not make me some boring nerd
you can have super weeb and m'lady fedora tier choices in the boxes but i would not critizise you for it
so dont be a dick user
yea,i like dicks
got a problem with that as well?
>all these people who don't read books
literal subhumans, all of you
wow, is there anything about you that isn't shit?
>favorite album
>Queen's greatest hits
The thing is, your answers are incredibly generic. Not sure what you don't understand about this.
But that's past the point. This is a thread about rating others' answers, yet you refuse to do that, as you "don't believe in ratings". If someone wants to be rated, they want to hear your opinion, as that's what rating is about.
Or, if they don't want to hear it, they just want confirmation what they like is approved by others. Either way, saying nothing doesn't help anyone, it just shows that you have no opinion.
It's not good for you to have no opinion in this world, you have to learn to speak up for yourself.
I usually do eat dick, do you want a taste as well?
>he starts by openly asking for a rating
>he gets a negative rating
>now all of a sudden he's against ratings in general
well i am very opinionated,i just dont care about what other people like and shit
hey,you like some band,good for you
oh,you like this animal,cool -_-
i dont like giving out my opinions often as i just start arguments and i dont like getting into them,i much prefer in life to just stay quiet and not voice myself at all
that way i can stay neutral
i have the same attitude switzerland has;neutral
i dont want to rate people here as i will most likley piss some user off and start a fight
fighting is literally the entire point of anonymous message boards
blah blah blah who the fuck cares what i do here on Jow Forums
if i piss people off and obtain a negative reputation here,big deal
You are on an "anonymous" site, nobody knows who you are (or you think so), so you can say whatever you want. If you are afraid of arguments, why the hell are you here?
This guy gets it.
rate me s'il vous plait
becuase i am soft-skinned and i do not take negative shit well
and im going to whine and complain about it because i can
ur gay and u like bad things
this thread is full of assblasted cunts who can't seem to respect i dont give out ratings nor voice my opinion
What's your MMR, pleb?
Well, at least you are honest. But still, it's pretty pathetic that you can't express your opinion...
Nobody will want to talk with you if you act that way IRL.
>not a single person with halfway decent taste
Sad tbqh
i can express my opinion,i just choose not too
i havent seen 99% of the movies/tv shows here,none of the bands/albums,i dont do drugs or alcohol,i dont watch anime
so yea,i cant even voice a opinion of most of the things here
the whole reason this argument between you and i is becuase i simply lack the perception of good and bad tastes
nothing somebody here puts down is good or bad
>i can express my opinion
>proceeds to explain why you can't
educate yourself and maybe you'll discover something you like or at least realize your current taste is maximum plebian
>educate yourself and maybe you'll discover something you like
*facepalm levels over 9000*
dude,are you actually blind?
everything i put down on my copy of the template is shit i like,unless you are going to use copout of me copying others
6.7k on main that i havent played since reset, 6.2k on the account im using now
the shitty free app I used kind of fucked the quality, but shrug emoticon oh well
Goddamn I really screwed the pooch on this on didn't I boys?
>All these plebs in here not having pokemon in the porn category
Holy shit dude you're an absolute pleb you should kil yourself soyboy
only doing people who took the time to comment on others
Not a politician though
my favorite anime is lain
this but unironically
best historic comrade
Goddamn shit taste matey watey
ayy you are seem like an alright dude 7/10
4/10 -3 for furry so a grand total of 1/10. Congratulations you played yourself
Goodie goodie gum drops taste. Konosuba is good show and Mantis Shrimp is god teir 8/10
Good taste, fag. 9/10
Can't tell if pretending to be this edgy or a legit edge lord, either way 2/10
Another member of the mantis shrimp master race. Don't even need to look at the rest of your list 10/10
seriously though, why does the robot even exist? the same shitty trap threads will appear anyways
tfw no interests, and those who are filled arent even fully decided
Heres mine, what do you think
original originolyyy
>Not a manchild
>reads Nietzsche
You can only have one, user
12.5% of the time
Silly billy, you can't say you aren't a manchild when you have the most childish and edgy taste in the thread so far. Silly boy hahahahaha
Found the guys with good taste.
link to the public fucking video?
website filled with popups though
ted kaczynski is not just a tranny
Fucking homo, kill yourself.
Took me forever boys
Jew user reporting in =^)
> xans
> jewish
I'm sorry about the retardation
t. mad about my superior jewish IQ
Harpsichord...bit exotic, but I can feel it.
Checks out.
Pretzels, root beer, and a Very Good Boy. Excellent choices, Shlomo.
>Christian who doesn't watch porn
Wow, wish there were more like you.
Nice, nice
Good, except weed
Event is top tier, but you like porn
Nice, revolver is aesthetic. Nietzsche is gay and a faggot. Birds are cool and VERY IMPORTANT
This is true
How dare you undermine the Christian evangelical values of the south you gay
Porn is bad for you
No porn no problem
Jews are ok I guess, as long as they don't commit usury
Ooh, and wanted to add this from another template.
damn this jew actually has kino tastes
wtf I love jews now