I'm a spaghetti/ pasta feind

>I'm a spaghetti/ pasta feind.
>TFW on my 3rd large bowl of pasta today
Why am I like this?

Attached: Pasta.png (503x282, 87K)

Are you very fat?

because this was god's plan for your life

NO! I am a pretty healthy boi, I just eat a lot of pasta.. I weigh 140 pounds.

>be italian
>tfw i have pasta every day

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I feel you brother, maybe there is still hope for us pasta feinds.

Why did he make pasta taste so good? I hate him. This is becoming a issue, I get constipated often..

I have the same issue user, there is little hope for our kind.

im a ramen feind...

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You are a asshole dumb shit mother fucker you know that?

pasta pasta yum yum in me tum

Can I fill your boy pussy full of cum?

I also wish to ejaculate into your butt.

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I own this exact silverware set.

Im a fiend fiend
this anonis right its spelt, f i e n d.

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This is now a gay porn thread

Attached: shame85_d3bff3.jpg (640x360, 38K)

No fuck you. Its a Caesar Legion thread.

Attached: download (11).jpg (242x208, 6K)

This is now snek porn thred

Attached: preview.mp4.jpg (320x240, 12K)

Acknowledged. Snek porn now.

Attached: 1237240928849.jpg (502x330, 28K)

Originally posted

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What in the fuck.....

Welp. Now iv seen a snek fuck a human

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and you have seen a human fucking a snek!

is the snake going to be ok?

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Makes you a badass athlete too cause all the carbs!