Can you guys stop being overly sexual to femanons...

can you guys stop being overly sexual to femanons? i come on here to make friends and i get asked to show my tits within 10 minutes of talking to somebody

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Can't relate. Ive been talking to all types of people and never asked to show tits

l want to taste your little asshole

>Talking to sexually and socially repressed males
>Expecting them to not ask for nudes

What are you expecting to happen?
If you wanna make friends go to /soc/ or something.

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Youre trying to tell robots to not be sexual

Tits or gtfo, you stupid fucking cunt.

Show your tits or get out

>tfw you just relate better to women and have no interest in nudes or an e-relationship but wanting to talk to women specifically makes you seem like a thirstlord

But fembots are for breeding

Show tits thanks.
Also timestamp.

just do like me, roleplay as male.

And now I have a gf so guess what? Random girls send me their tits all the time.

There's no winning with girls.



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But "tits or gtfo" is a Jow Forums tradition...

Wrong website, chick. Why would you expect decency on an anonymous imageboard full of self-diagnosing neckbeards?

shut up and show me your tits slut



don't tell anyone that you're a female then you absolute mongrel

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Really guys? This is all? Also tits or gtfo

This might be very appropriate to your situation.

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>i come on here to get orbiters
FTFY, you roastie whore. now tits or gtfo

Y'all niggas be postin in a larp thread.

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>implying this board isn't 90% larp