wtf do the NEETs on here even do all day? How do you manage not to off yourself out of boredom alone? I'm so bored guys, I don't know what to do.
Wtf do the NEETs on here even do all day? How do you manage not to off yourself out of boredom alone? I'm so bored guys...
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time to get some hobbies my nibba. Now that you have all your time to yourself, you can do anything.
Eh, reading alone can take up hours of time and you have literally a lifetime of great material
Anime and video games also just fucking around on the internet
I do some reading, work out, go out to movies and plays, go to meetups, hang out at the bar, shit like that.
>killing yourself because of boredom
Boredom is correlated with lower IQ. You are a brainlet if you can't find something interesting to do.
I lack the will to live but I also lack the will to die.
Neet only for a year but i can tell you i go out by myself a lot so I won't be insane in the membrane. Mostly just exercise and grocery shopping. If you stay in your room all day, eventually you'll be bored. I don't even play games or watch anime yet im not bored. Just cycle your days user with different activities.
find hobbies. if you can't be happy without being a slave I think it's time you reevaluate things
I'm not a NEET. Work full time and school part time. However, I've spent all day procrastinating school work doing fuck all. I'm so depressed, I just want more time to do nothing, but at the same time, I don't even know what this "nothing" is. No good anime and vidyas take too much time. I really want to find a small youtuber who just talks or does ASMR so I don't feel so lonely, but it's all too high-quality.
Been NEET for 15 years.
To me the days seem super fast, when you do the same thing for a long time time goes fast, same way it does for you wagecucks who work all the time, your work goes by quickly, just like my day of doing w/e I want goes by quickly.
It's the complete opposite for me. Work goes by so slow, and when I'm home alone staring at a wall time flies. I fucking hate myself.
My days for the past 7 months have been
>wake up between 12pm-1pm
>feed cats and myself
>play vidya
>browse /v/
>talk to my mate while he complains about work
>occasionally go to his house
>play music while stroking cat
>eat dinner
>sleep at 1am
Once a week go see the psychologist. Don't have to go to the jobcentre cos I was signed off of working for a year. It's actually a lot for me since my biggest issue is not doing anything.
For a while I couldn't make myself eat, drink, shower, turn on the ps4 etc.
I just did absolutely nothing.
It's the other way around, friend.
The more intelligent you are, the more difficult it is to find something that interests you.
i read, draw, paint, play music, sew, watch tv/movies, play video games.
I spend half my time job hunting but I never make it past the interview process.
DXM, it's the only thing i look forward to every weekend. also meditating sometimes helps with boredom. just as a way to relax and calm my mind.
That correlates boredom with education, not intelligence.
It's hard to be bored if you have no time for it because you follow a challenging bachelors or master degree and have to work besides it too.
browsing the internet, it's boring as hell.