Why do men try to get rid of their nose hooks?

Why do men try to get rid of their nose hooks?
I think it's the sexiest nose shape for a guy, but apparently it's a popular procedure.

Shout out to all you robotic men with hooked noses, there are people who love a tall handsome nose so don't go changing it

Also this is my lame attempt to fish nose pictures from you guys, because I haven't had human contact in a long time so I can't see handsome faces in the wild

Attached: noooooooooooooo.jpg (376x251, 64K)

Ahem. heres the direction this thread will go.


Saved you 15 seconds.

>"y-y-yeah, dont you agree that the hook nose is attractive, right goy- er i mean guys"

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this is why i will never wife a bitch unless hes's been vetted for plastic surgery

Jews do this all the time to try and assimilate. They used to adopt local names. Thats Why you have so many jews that have polish, german and swedish last names.

Hooked noses look awful. Get that shit fixed by a surgeon ASAP

I always thought the jew nose is when the tip of the nose dips below the nostrils in a full curve, no a protruded nose bridge alone.

Attached: original[1].jpg (581x385, 102K)

Yup. If the nose looks like a six, its a jew. If its just crooked, MENA or south slav.

I'm a girl and i want mine gone bad. If it wasn't for my judgmental family i'd go spent the 6-8k and do it

I have a nose like this. I actually like it.

At least I have a jaw, chin, can grow facial hair, etc. Could be worse desu.

Jews don't typically have the comically large noses. It's the whole deformed package that makes them ugly

Attached: how to detect a jew.png (912x496, 32K)

>hook nose

I have an aquiline nose because I am "white"

Attached: BEAK CROP.jpg (1392x1392, 93K)

hey that's me


That's cool as fuck ugggh, white guys have the best noses

youd love the shit out of my jew nose then

Post snooter get rates

I never felt insecure about it, but that's nice to hear anyway, here's your prize

Attached: bumpy nose.jpg (262x358, 24K)

Irish nose

>be asian
>born with (asian) jew nose

Not all whites have the same nose because white isnt s race

Realized im a Jew today fuck

If youre american you probably are. Also, American (((whites))) almost always have Ashkenazi jew dna.

Don't you miss the 90's and early 2000's when you could just be white/black/asian/latino and it wasn't all complicated?
Thank for sharing, would boop/10

it's an identifiable subgroup of humans or you wouldn't be able to tell them apart

It has always been this complicated. White/black wasnt a thing before the 1800s.

I understand that I'm referring to a very brief period of time, but it was the time I was raised in and it was nice then.
I liked just being a "latino" now I have to pick "Hispanic" and then a race tag on top of it.
I just fill out "other" on forms now lol

I see. What forms require you to fill out ethnicity?


I unironically love small nose bumps in women. I hate perfectly straight, thin noses because most of the time they indicate the woman has undergone rhinoplasty.

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Throughout my school years it slowly changed to the ethnicity + race format, you'll also these questions on surveys and work applications
Nice smol bump, very healthy skin tone too.
While I'm not into chicks, I do think a more handsome nose can be cool on stylish girls

I meant, what forms do you have to fill out your race?
Is that an American or Mexican thing?

Step aside goyims, your nose bumps aint shit compared to mine

Attached: dsdsddsdsdsddsdsds.png (300x462, 139K)

I would much rather have a hooked nose than my crooked upturned snout.

It's an American thing for sure, not sure you see this in other countries.
This is the quality content I made this thread for 10/10 statuesque nose.

The chosen nose. Took 40 years to forge... it cost the life of 6 milion brave dwarven forgers... Now... It rules over all of Midgard.

Weird how america kinda is obsessed about race. I guess its for statistic collecting.

White as a concept has existed for a long time

pretty generic nose i think

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>no bump
bumplets OUT

No it definetly has not. It was british philosophy. Anglos were in the beggining the only whites according to them.

I have a slope, no bumperino.

Attached: 6F75A331-0E2F-4B28-B142-0B6B9372F0E2.jpg (606x918, 53K)

I have this nose. literally my only feminine feature. at least if I transitioned I'd have a feminine nose lmao.

And that concept exist long before 1800. Britian existed before 1800

Because they're retarded? A big non-Jewish nose (so Greek or Roman or otherwise European) is a very attractive facial feature.

The leading theory
Maybe they're half-trans or something

I mean even in the OP pic. The dude on the left (despite not being very attractive) looks distinguished and manly. The dude on the right just looks like a schlub.

I have something akin to the reverse of this going on, where the tip of my nose sticks out compared to the slope. I hate it.

>tfw jewwy nose but 100% not Jewish
What did I do to deserve this curse?

Attached: ????.jpg (640x480, 29K)

I'm almost entirely English and other British but my (((nose))) has always worried me.

Attached: (((nose)))..png (122x96, 21K)

I'm entirely english/scotish and have a similar nose. I don't think it's a jew trait

Pretty much this

What makes them ugly for the most part is that most of them are average and the average person is pretty ugly.

Not saying that they're good looking just that they aren't nessarily stand out insofar as being unpleasant to look at goes.

I see nothing wrong with it. I think you are stressing over nothing.

That's a Celtic nose retard.