Is this an accurate view of Modern NEETs?

This is my image of a NEET, a hikikomori type who doesn't like to socialize and stays in their room playing video games or on the internet. So socially anxious or autistic or schizoid they never feel the need to socialize or make friends and the oversocialized workplace is hell to them. They live in their own imagination and create fictional fantasy worlds to live in.

Is this image of a NEET accurate or not? Can any NEETs tell me?.

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yeah that's accurate
pretty obvious right?

NEET just means that you don't work or go to school.

yeah i still have been friends with other neets, good point

>NEET just means that you don't work or go to school.

This a NEET can still go outside everyday and have a social life even though they don't work or go to school.

Pretty much. Feels bad man

hikkikomori would be rather accurate.

>as a NEET
All of the best parts of my life have been in NEETdom. I spent around 5 years doing it before I ran out of money and had to revert to wageslaving, now I'm always tired and feeling suicidal. With the sheer amount of content on the internet, I could keep myself entertained until the day I die, even if new content suddenly just stopped being made.

>showering daily

>hikikomori would be rather accurate.


I fit that description fairly well. But I'm not a true hikki because I do go outside sometimes.

>>showering daily

Top kek.

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>I'm not a true hikki because I do go outside sometimes.

Well a hikikomori can still go outside to buy food or to take a walk or go relax at the park at night Satou in N.H.K. before he met Misaki only went out to the park the store and when his mom would take him out for lunch.

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Yeah pretty accurate minus the part where we don't have friends or a social life. Just because I'm a NEET, doesn't mean I don't have friends.

>Yeah pretty accurate minus the part where we don't have friends or a social life. Just because I'm a NEET, doesn't mean I don't have friends.

If you're a Neet with a social life than this description doesn't fit you.

I'm a wagecuck with my own apartment but that is basically how I spend every weekend and any days off.

Fairly accurate of my Hikikomori NEET life except I don't shower everyday.

A NEET when being discussed in the context of r9k and being depicted by wojak or pepe does mean that they're pissbottling hikikomori.

No one here who's a NEET is also a cool dude who gets his dick sucked by mad bitches and breakdances with a crew or whatever the fantasy is supposed to be. People who go to uni and have jobs are barely able to keep their own shit together and they're surrounded by people all day everyday with all the opportunities to make friends and get their dick wet.

Yes it does.

I'll clarify, by social life I mean't talking to other people instead of absolutely nobody.

student here and that's how i'm slaving away too
consumerism paired with escapism is one hell of a drug


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i miss it when this kind of autism about definitions was only applied to "only the japanese can be hikikomori" rather than "if you don't work or study you're a neet shut-in even if you're otherwise a complete normalfag"

I generally go to sleep around 2am and wake up around 10 but it used to be going to bed at 12 at noon and waking up at 8ish around night, also I only shower maybe once a week or whenever my head gets too itchy to bear or my mom notices that I smell, which can be up to a month or so at times
otherwise, you're correct

yeah, I'm actually a hikikomori, haven't been outside in around 3 months and before that I was only going outside to hang out with my brother for a few hours because he wanted to play vidya, he lives 2 houses down the street, if that didn't count, I haven't been outside in a little over 2 years since I dropped out of school

>A NEET when being discussed in the context of r9k and being depicted by wojak or pepe does mean that they're pissbottling hikikomori.

>Implying all hikikomori are Neet
>Implying Hikikomori and Neet are the exact same thing.

>No one here who's a NEET is also a cool dude who gets his dick sucked by mad bitches and breakdances with a crew or whatever the fantasy is supposed to be. People who go to uni and have jobs are barely able to keep their own shit together and they're surrounded by people all day everyday with all the opportunities to make friends and get their dick wet.

Jow Forums /b/ and Jow Forums would disagree.

Yeah, this has been my life for the past 3 years, except I'm not depressed in the slightest. I could probably spend the rest of my life like this just enjoying my hobbies and spending time with my immediate family. A shame it won't last much longer.

After I caught a yeast infection between my balls and thigh last summer, I started showering everyday.

or at least every other day

I have a chronic weeping wound on the back of my neck for almost a year and I still don't shower every day.

I don't care what LARPers on a chinese calligraphy bulletin board try to say so that other people online think they're cool. Of course they say that they're Chad, no one is going to openly admit to being a loser. Even the permavirgins lie to themselves and others by saying that it's a choice.

I don't care about the back of my neck as much as I do about my fucking balls though

The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare defines hikikomori as a condition in which the affected individuals isolate themselves from society in their homes for a period exceeding six months.

To be considered hikikomori you have to stay in your bedroom for 6 months or longer a hikikomori is not a introvert hikikomori are self-loathing hermits.

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alright you fuck, I'm half way to being a hiki you specific cunt

What a complete waste of a life

i'm sorry what?

No need to get aggressive i'm just telling you facts plus there is a difference between being an actual hikikomori and having hikikomori like tendencies.

Anybody can become a Neet even a normalfag can a Neet is just someone who isn't working or getting an education and chooses not to contribute to society while hikikomori are self-loathing people who were dealt a shitty hand growing up which caused them to withdraw from the world or they suffer from some form of anxiety that's too strong for them to fight.

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>i'm sorry what?

Obviously you have never heard of a failed normalfag have you??.

>Anybody can become a Neet

Yeah I know there's millions of NEETs but my point was that when we talk about NEETs on Jow Forums, we're obviously not talking about cool dudes on welfare who sell drugs to finance their dream of making their own hip-hop album.

>while hikikomori are self-loathing people who were dealt a shitty hand growing up which caused them to withdraw from the world or they suffer from some form of anxiety that's too strong for them to fight.

sort of yeah but not exactly, that's a uniquely Japanese phenomenon.

>taking a shower every day
who the fuck does this?

>that's a uniquely Japanese phenomenon.

Not really there is a board that i know of where a bunch of hikkis from around the world hangout post blog post and their feels it is one of the most depressing places i've ever seen online but not gonna mention it here.

Also a hikikomori can take online classes from home or have a work from home job and hikikomori usually begins with refusing to go to work or school which is basically hikikomori in its early stage and early years of the withdrawal but at the school or work refusal stage they still aren't completely cut off from the world.

>(Chaos Head and Watamote).

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Would do pic related during the darkest part of winter. It was like living in perpetual night for several months straight. The feeling of isolation is overwhelming.

>who the fuck does this?

My mom does.

>Would do pic related during the darkest part of winter

Same here.

>What a complete waste of a life

Fuck off normalfag.

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>NEET just means that you don't work or go to school.


>when we talk about NEETs on Jow Forums, we're obviously not talking about cool dudes on welfare who sell drugs to finance their dream of making their own hip-hop album.

But you don't have to be a shut in to be a Neet so they should not overlap all the time not all Neets are hikikomori and not all hikikomori are hikkineets.

>Tfw I have a chance to escape my NEET life tomorrow but don't want to embarrass myself.
Fuck why do these shit hole minimum wage jobs have to ask behavioral questions?

>>Tfw I have a chance to escape my NEET life tomorrow but don't want to embarrass myself.

I don't blame you.

He said he doesnt shower everyday which makes him worse than OP's example. how does that make him a normalfag?

Not really, I spend a lot of time playing music and reading and enjoying nature and my pets
Only reason i'm depressed is that my music is so fucking good I can't wait until I release it any day down, should be by this month.
Girls get wet instantly whenever they hear it for the most part

If having a job is the only way you can find happiness and purpose then you really need to question and rethink your entire life. Serving other men is for betas, it's a tragedy when an alpha male is trapped in that life
I convinced the most hardworking guy I know to become a NEET pretty soon, pretty proud of that

What do you mean?
Not everyone lives in a country where it's easy to get on welfare.

>What do you mean?

I don't blame you for not want to go.

shut in is the western term.

>shut in is the western term.

There is no English term for hikikomori and
technically the word isn't so Japanese anymore since it was added to the English dictionary in 2010.

ye, except i workout between 3am and 5am

Yes Im schizoid
I feel no need for friends / socialize
im in school rn, just turn up for classes and go home
this is exactly what i do during summer breaks.

this is me. you just need to enjoy that everything is dog shit and will never get better be happy you are alive and get to do nothing all the time. you are but one man among a see of degenerate garbage so who gives a shit but if a time does come when you are called you should hesitate to join.

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>Going to work

Not a Neet

Whos watching you at 7?

a person

Whats his significance why does he only watch you at 7? Is he touching you on your privates?

Yeah you don't have one?

Not exactly. I sleep at 4 am and wake up at 2 pm so im on the computer for more hours. also you should add some plates and a bowl next to the computer

No as far as I know there isnt a man who watches me sleep and molests me, user. You should really do something about that, sorta fucked doncha think?

what is a recluse
a hermit
a solitaire

oh yes, of course, those aren't /exactly/ like a hikikomori therefore I am wrong

>lol I'm a neet but I have a social life and friends
Fuck all of you normalfags
Fuck off my board, I hope you all have aneurysms

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I agree with you. All of these are synonyms.

>I'm going to ignore what you are saying to critique your use of words
wow, I am defeated, dead, you proved me wrong, I will now accept my defeat and delete my computer

heres another synonym for you, cunt muffin

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>delete my computer
2017, what a time to be alive

Yes. I agree with you. There was another guy, retard.
Was a different person.

I have no idea what you're trying to imply here but I'm at least 90% sure you think it is currently 2017, I feel glad to inform you it is in fact, 2018
I feel like you might be mistaking me for a different user, I just wanted to point out that there is in fact a word for hikikomori originating in the english language

god I feel insufferable typing like this, can we all stop pretending to be retarded now

Schizophrenia makes keeping track of the day a hassle, thanks

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I know that feel, I can barely remember what I was talking about while talking about it nowadays
you're comment made me think I was in a schizophrenia/mental illness thread, thanks x2

>oh yes, of course, those aren't /exactly/ like a hikikomori therefore I am wrong

Yes you are.


There are many different kinds of reclusive people a recluse could even just be an introverted normalfag who likes to keep to themselves but still goes out most of the time.


When most people hear the word hermit they think of the monks living in the woods and the caves.


What the fuck is that??.

>Shut in

There are many different kinds of shut ins hikikomori is just one of them.also the term shut in has been been bastardised and ruined and normalfags are using it to mean introvert.


I already explained what it really means and how it's similar but different from the others also don't use wikipedia user my point is hikikomori has a very descriptive definition while those others would be any kind of reclusive person.

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My memory is getting worse I think, waking up dehydrated in a cold sweat hungover every other night. Fun stuff, keep fantasizing about homelessness.

and I used the wrong fucking version of your

to keep things on track
I'd say this image is about correct for the average neet give or take the showering, and usually NEETs aren't as sad as normies would like to think, I have anhedonia for example so I really don't show much of any emotion really, though every once in a while I will have an hour or so of extreme emotion such as sadness or happiness or whatever. this however isn't average NEET behavior

yeah, I can tell that my memory is deteriorating, I was talking with my mother and I was forgetting what I was saying mid conversation, she has to repeat herself like 5 times before it sticks with me. one fun thing is when I completely forget an entire gaming video and get to rewatch it over and over again.
about dehydration, you dont get an intense urge to drink things at all times of the day leading to you having to piss 24/7 and giving you runny shits? now that I think about it, I don't really get that anymore either, rather I end up forgetting to eat for a few days at a time, really my mother is the only thing that keeps me grounded anymore, she reminds me to eat and take my pills. I feel like I'm in the early stages of dementia or alzheimers, once she dies I'm going to be living in a fucking old people home but instead for the mentally ill. was supposed to go to one once I got out of the mental ward but I don't know what happened to that
why are you fantasizing about homelessness? does something with it appeal to you? I've never been homeless but I've been really close to it when I was younger.

This is a hikkimori, super low class trash that lives off benefits and petty crime also come under NEETs despite being almost a complete inverse of hikkimori

>extreme emotion
last December was rough.
>withdrawal from gabapentin
>ghosted by best girl ive known
>had been home alone for a week
>starting stressful new job
It was so quiet in the house, I would drown out the silence with gbc and just start bawling from time to time.

you got that?
MORI(more E)
its not that hard you faggot

I have trouble sleeping for more than 5 hours a day

you may have bipolar according to my doctor, which is what I was diagnosed as (or for that one faggot who bitched me out, I don't actually have bipolar, I have schizoaffective, which is just bipolar and schizophrenia)

Well mate, its just a fantasy of mine to be homeless, doing things on your own time getting drunk all day. Its not something I really want im a prude and hate filth. But its a common condition of schizophrenics to be homeless; something about avoiding societys constraints and not being able to cope/function properly obviously. Im not on any pills and ive been able to keep a retail job for almost a year now. Theres this look women give me sometimes like their terrified, maybe my stone face and jet black eyes. Wish my brain worked better, fuckin hate retail. Probably going to warehouse where ill end up abusing opioids or the like.

Maybe I do feel emotions deeply in general. As far as last year one of the symptoms of gaba withdrawal is great dispair and sadness. It was a bitch but luckily gaba has a short half life.

>tfw most of my time these days is spent on Jow Forums, even though I've gotten very bored of this site at this point

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Gonna go clean up. Ill be back

Pretty fucking accurate.
Nothing to add.

being homeless isn't all that great unless you find maybe an abandoned house to live in and some warm clothes, or you have a good skill that you can show
otherwise, you'll be cold and miserable and wont have the money for alcy, I can guarantee you that if you go into being homeless without any warm clothes, blankets, food, and money, every day will be spent looking for said things, unless your bat shit out of your mind, in which case, you'll probably think that god has sent you on a journey to fast and let the sun feed you and you will pretty much be at your minds mercy probably enjoying the experience. since you seem to be intelligible and logical, that's probably not the case
I have no fucking idea why you even thought the need to say this, but it gives me the impression that you are either very new here, treating it like a group chat, or very young, or both

>Is this image of a NEET accurate or not? Can any NEETs tell me?.
No, I used to be like that until gaming became boring. Now my day is filled with Pokemon GO which isn't really a game. I also draw and cycle, so on a warm day like yesterday I get home exhausted from all the outdoor stuff I do.


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Fuck off you autistic faggot almost everyone on Jow Forums now is a normalfag and and again for the over 9000 time you don't have to be a shut in to be a Neet its not a requirement.

How does it feel knowing that you are the reason that r9k went to shit?

My life has become this, the time i'm sleeping keeps getting later. Last night I went to sleep at 10am. I just like being tired.

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>How does it feel knowing that you are the reason that r9k went to shit?

Not your board retard i dont see anywhere in the rules where it says you must be a piss bottle-tier hikikineet to post on this board just because a Neet has a social life and friends that doesn't make them a normalfag you dumbass Jow Forums is for male virgins and im a virgin also sluts like eliza are the reason Jow Forums went to shit not people like me.

>Being this normie unironically


ITS NORMALFAG normie has been bastardised by normalfags.

I dont actually want to be homeless, I happen to work where a lot of them congregate and naturally my mind wonders what it would be like. My dream life I suppose is getting a job that pays twenty something an hour and I can come in fucked off my ass. It has a pension, I spend my off time eating fast food, getting high, shooting guns, shitposting etc. basically see if I live to cash in on my pension while trying to enjoy my youth. Whats left.

accurate, but i rarely shower tho

As a NEET I can confirm this is reality. However, the agies have it much worse. The wagies cannot even compete

How do I get out of this lifestyle?