>2/10 looks
>shitty skin, acne, dandruff...
>dumb af
what the fuck where my parents thinking?
why did they have me?
2/10 looks
>Linda get over here
>I wanna squirt my pickle
That's how you were born user
>shitty skin, acne, dandruff...
these can both be fixed with a good enough hygiene and exercise regimen, mr user
>shitty skin
you did that to yourself buddy
take steroids and wash your hair, congrats, you made it
You change all those
i feel your pain, also a 2/10.
My dad is a literal Mental Case high school drop out. Why he tried having a family i will never know. My mom could of found a normie. Instead she hooks up with my mental case loser retard Dad.
And, here i am.
2/10 , ugly as fuck. horrible genetics, skinny fat, weak girlish frame. Too ugly for any in person jobs, to dumb for school shit to do Stem, to weak to do trades. Never had a girlfriend.
You on welfare?
i wish, i just had to go back to work after being a NEET. I have all kinds of mental problems, inherited from my moron dad. But, i seem normal so i couldnt get a penny of Neet'bux
Shave your head bald you dumb fuck. What? You think you can attract a woman if you had a good hair do? HAHAHAHA!
Go to the gym. Start running you fat fuck. Stop eating junk food and get on an all protien chicken diet. Its a no brainer you dumb fuck.
STOP putting products on your face. It makes your skin worse.
Get a job if you want money.
Dumb af? Embrace it you dumb fuck.
Your parentss were horny. So they fucked. Ok? They didn't fuck for a baby out of love. You were unplanned. Thats why they had you.
I'm basically the female version of you with the exceptions of fat, shitty skin, and acne. Feelsbadanon
>2/10 , ugly as fuck. horrible genetics, skinny fat, weak girlish frame. Too ugly for any in person jobs, to dumb for school shit to do Stem, to weak to do trades. Never had a girlfriend.
I know these too, especially the ugly part. Horse-faced, huge jew nose. I wish there was affirmative action for uglies.
guys like us are basically viewed as pest animals. They try to pretend we don't exist.
We're even too ugly for robot/incel groups unless they want to goof on us as the butt of some bottom tier meme for looks. And, we're supposed to keep our heads down about how bad our lives suck job wise. And, we are supposed to just swear off any kind of sexual feelings and become monks.
>I'm basically the female version
faggots everyone
user, lets get Jow Forums together.
Stop eating garbage, exercise.
>shitty skin
Use cream.
Proper hygiene, acne products.
T gel, tea tree oil.
Work and learn to budget.
>dumb af
Read books on subjects you're ignorant of.
Ultimately your problem is that you're lazy. Now fuck off.
Have fun being a fat retard your whole life you dumb useless grub.
Actually IQ can limit the amount of learning though, otherwise this advice would be sort of good
also forgot to mention lack of discipline/motivation and how hard it actually is to get a job without experience.
stop over-eating
>shitty skin, acne, dandruff...
go to a dermatologist
get a job
>dumb af
study. it won't fix your stupidity but it could reduce it significantly
>what the fuck were my parents thinking?
why did they have me?
I'll have to agree with you on this one. forcing a life of pain and misery onto a non-consenting being is selfish and inmoral