Notice that women aren't as good at men at anything

>notice that women aren't as good at men at anything
>get scared
>men are better at literally EVERYTHING?
>try to think of anything women do better
>it's all related to their pussy, their sexuality, or their femininity
>not one skill/trade/discipline, it's all "giving birth" or "being desired by men"
>in ALL of HUMAN HISTORY, women have never ONCE been better at ANY ACTIVITY AT ALL than men?!?!
>ask my sister (a woman) about this
>"Ummmm lol that's dumb?? I'm much better than men at [all things involving having a pussy]"
>okay but what about stuff that doesn't revolve around having a pussy?
>"Ummm fuck you, you won't attract any pussy with that attitude!"
>mfw I realize why they never do anything except "have a pussy"

It's literally all they need. They just exist with a vagina, and the rest of their life sorts itself out. Their vagina is their greatest blessing and their greatest curse. No woman will ever become Einstein, because if you have a pussy you don't NEED to become Einstein.

Attached: trudeau.jpg (281x324, 45K)

Great job u figured it out

Exactly. Their pussy and sexuality is literally tied to every aspect of their life. Notice how we have to make distinctions like "strong female characters" in movies, because we're aware that normal female characters are just walking holes and nothing more. And even these strong female characters are only known because they're women in the first place. Their actual actions and motivations are secondary to the fact that they have pussies. This applies equally in real life too, in pretty much everything. That's why the sooner artificial wombs and sex dolls become mainstream, the better. We won't be deprived of sex and the species won't die, while these useless walking holes will have their rights and privileges revoked.

>we have to make distinctions like "strong female characters" in movies, because we're aware that normal female characters are just walking holes and nothing more. And even these strong female characters are only known because they're women in the first place. Their actual actions and motivations are secondary to the fact that they have pussies.




Just because women don't appear at the ends of the spectrum doesn't mean they're not needed.
Women are better at maintaining relationships within families.
They can spend more energy on others (especially their children) as they're more often caregiver-type people.
They tend to hold more nuanced and moderate views on things.
Maintaining relationships and raising children are extremely important to society.
We couldn't really function without it.
This is also why pushing women into careers and off-loading their children to daycare isn't good for anyone involved.

tbf they are 14% better than men at surviving gunshot wounds

>Women are better at maintaining relationships within families.
>They can spend more energy on others (especially their children) as they're more often caregiver-type people.
>They tend to hold more nuanced and moderate views on things.
Women aren't like this anymore. They're entitled whores who want everything given to them now.


Shit, I'm all for gender equality and all that stuff but you're not wrong

>men produce eggs better than women
are incels literally retarded

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I wrote women, not girls.
They change quite a bit with age.
And you shouldn't focus on the ones that don't.
There are still plenty who are more or less like how I described them.

That's still related to the pussy, roastie whore. I guess we're better at reading too.

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>Women are better at maintaining relationships within families.

>They can spend more energy on others (especially their children) as they're more often caregiver-type people.

>They tend to hold more nuanced and moderate views on things.

>Maintaining relationships and raising children are extremely important to society.
Men can't raise children?

>implying i read past the first line of your retarded post

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It's amazing how when you figure this out it feels like seeing for the first time. Now you're a man, congrats.

Life experience

Like I said, not anymore. They still remain spoiled princesses with no self-control or discipline well into adulthood. I'm aware there are those like you described, but they're much lesser in number now and what I described is becoming the norm.

what an original surprise.

except they tend to better in social services, nursing, beauty, fashion, etc. anything involving tending to humans and making them feel better about themselves is where they excel.

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welcome to misogyny try not to be too autismo in public, don't want to give us an even worse name do you?

I'm not even OP, dummy. I just find it hilarious that you proved OP right without even trying.

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This is too stupid to be real. Definitely b8

arent all the top fashion designers gay men

Yes, basically this.

I do think it's more accepted for women to act in ways that are not conducive to a functional society, but I don't see it becoming a huge problem in my country yet (NL).
Where do you live?

Proper Jow Forums sticky/wiki WHEN????? Imagine going on Jow Forums and being like
>Hey guys I found out this BRAND NEW CONCEPT, turns out if you lift heavy things and put them back down OVER AND OVER again your muscles grow
OP this is shit we have discussed on this board ad nauseam.

You must have meet some really shitty men, maybe it's your culture that's doomed or maybe it is me that knows great people.

women don't make me feel better about myself

>women not allowed to do anything except give birth and raise children for almost all of history
I hope this is bait.

The saddest thing is, your mother is the only woman that will ever make you feel good about yourself freely.
If your mother didn't loved you, you will never experience this, you will have to fight for someone to make you feel better or learn to make you give yourself approval.

>Where do you live?
Burgerland, the capital of degenerate roasties. Maybe it's different where you are, but men are getting cucked here day by day and this type of behavior for women is getting encouraged. It's generally the same for the rest of the west.

You need some history lessons.

Even now when they have rights and even advantages over men, they're still as inept as ever. Women are inferior in pretty much everything. Why do you think they weren't allowed to do anything except give birth and raise kids in the first place? Because that's all they were good at.

This is the only halfway intelligent post here.

You might have a warped view of women in your society due to (online) media.
I'm sure there are plenty of women who do act in such degenerative ways, but I'm also sure there are plenty of women that don't.
Try not focusing too much on the ones that do.

roasties are always such fucking terrible posters, stop posting from your phone and making vacuous "not all women are like that" arguments roastie cunt

Wew, you have no idea just how bad things are, nor can you grasp the implications of such an action as just silently accepting such acts.
Since weed was legalized here every girl around jumped into the wee wee cart, from there took the feminist pill and a lot of other useless stuff.
There is nothing of value to redeem from any girl I might meet at this point, only pussy.
I'm a different user btw.

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>how dare anyone not just blindly agree with my broad hug box generalizations

I mean, really, for a man that has a good house, job, car and few but close friends, what can a woman offer?
A child? I don't need a woman for that
A family? Not needed either

>Any generalizations at all are impossible because they make me feel bad! Groups can't be described in terms of their behaviors! You're mean!

You're the one who wants a hug box of never judging anybody for their behavior.

Women have extremely few achievements, as a group. They are also extremely treacherous, lazy, selfish, and parasitic, as a group. If you aren't those things, good for you. Most women are.

I'm posting this from my 8 year old laptop running linux.

Because I live somewhere else it is true that I can't grasp the way you perceive these problems to the same degree.
It's just hard for me to believe there isn't a single girl in your city that's reasonable and fun to hang out with.
Maybe you're looking in the wrong places?

I wrote what I think women can offer here

>A child? I don't need a woman for that
You're objectively wrong. I don't fucking women but you do need a woman to make kids.

>fucking like women
damn it

>but I'm also sure there are plenty of women that don't.
It's getting harder and harder to find them. And even when I do, it's a lot harder to trust or believe them seeing how the rest of their lot act. I know it's my own problem, but there's nothing lost by assuming every girl is a whore. It's not really a warped view from the media, I just think it's the truth and I've come to accept it.

The fact this has to be stated makes me facepalm.

Luckily you only have to find one good one.
If you like the woman you spend your time with, what do the other really matter?

there are a few top tier notable women in the world of fashion surely, but the vast majority of acclaimed designers are men

>reasonable and fun to hang out with.
That's what friends are for, i do have some girl friends, fun is not a valid reason to get into a relationship.
>better at maintaining relationships within families.
That depends on the individual, whenever or not he or she is a good mother or father.
>more often caregiver-type people.
I wish every woman was like that, but it's not all of them, this shows our growing social problem.
>hold more nuanced and moderate views on things.
Yes, they are more delicate as they are feminine, yet traps are quickly replacing them in this matter, again, showing us a crescent social problem.
Not really, you just need the uterus.
For now you need a woman, you can rent a belly if you want since we live in a capitalist society.
Either that or wait for the artificial wombs.

In my point of view, women can offer us a sense of accomplishment that comes naturally when we set up a family.
And that is the problem we have today, we completely destroyed everything that made such a thing a possibility, and that is why women today have basically no value but for pussy.

Rome tried to let women be equal. But they fucked it up for themselves.
The wife of a then Roman General in 80 BC, Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix, repeatedly pestered the courts, committing Calumnia (malicious false accusation) against her husband, dubbed muliebris calumnia (women's calumnia), and forced the government to enact an edict outlawing all women from legally accusing people of crimes.

>That's what friends are for, i do have some girl friends, fun is not a valid reason to get into a relationship.
Wait, the original discussion was about what women offer besides their sexuality.
If you want to get into a relationship, the number one things that distinguishes it from a friend or family type relationship is sex and intimacy.
But this isn't any different than when a gay man "only offers his dick" to another gay man if he wants a relationship.
This has nothing inherently to do with women or pussies.
It's about the nature of relationships and sexuality.

>Proper Jow Forums sticky/... WHEN?

They would just point at us and call us "le incels xD"

It's better to leave things the way they are

Well I can get fun out of basically any human or non human being on the planet, we literally get fun out of strings of code.
I jumped into your discussion talking about relationships, socially, every human being is average unless proven otherwise, and the only judge for this is the one that's taking part into the interaction.

why do you care what people call you? Also you're an user, aren't you? You should doubly not give a shit.

Well, I was talking to another user specifically.
I didn't mean that everyone should try getting a girlfriend or even a girl friend because they can be fun to hang out with.
Men and women are pretty different, and it is more likely that a man's friends are mostly male.
But that doesn't mean there aren't girls that you can be friends with.
And it certainly doesn't mean women aren't a vital part of society.

>every culture disregards women for thousands of years and only uses their holes
>dur y they not good nothing

Op you are the king of bitter virgins. I'm literally cringing reading your shit.

If we're generalizing, women are much, much better at social engineering/networking

Read , dumb roastie.

That won't happen, instead the patriarchy will get re-instituted, even if by Islam (that women let in).

Attached: patriarchy is civilzation.jpg (2405x917, 762K)

>outlawing all women from legally accusing people of crimes.
That's a good fucking law right there

I only chase less attractive women because attractive ones will be how you described, and also they're unbearable in general. You're right, there are some women who are great at different fields, but there have never been any cases where the greatest X was a woman, partly due to the 'oppressive patriarchy', but moreso because women prefer to be submissive.

Of course this will all be fake news in a decade or so when more people start unironically believing that shakespeare was female as more evidence is 'found', hell, people are already believing the bullshit that einstein's wife did most of the work for general relativity.

Someone to share their life in a holistic and enlightening way

>A child? I don't need a woman for that
>A family? Not needed either
Of course you don't need these things, but they are wants that are wired into your brain. Maybe you don't want any of that, but most people do.

Women can preform just as well in the arts. Plenty of talented musicians, painters, sculptures, writers, and actresses out there. "The patriarchy" in the modern context is bullshit but historically there really weren't many women receiving higher education which accounts for the relative lack of famous female artists throughout history. The lens of time creates significant selection bias there. The issue with other no physical industries like business is just down to the fact women tend to be more passive and accommodating and that's not a trait conducive to sucess in any industy. It's not a reflection of actual talent or capability though.

OP all I can say at this point is that you found a nice related pic

In twenty years computers will make them almost completley obsolete in that regard.

not even trans but I absolutely hate being a woman. Everything I do is considered better because "oh its a woman doing x". I just want to be judged the same way others are, on merit rather than gender. I want a career in science but I don't want what I do to be considered revolutionary because i'm a "woman in science", I want to be considered revolutionary because I am actually contributing something new to knowledge.