Can anyone here redpill me on Steven Universe? A girl recommended it to me, but I've heard people call it "SJW"

Can anyone here redpill me on Steven Universe? A girl recommended it to me, but I've heard people call it "SJW"

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You're gonna want to stop posting here and go back.

trust your own opinion. if you're watching it and you're worried that what you're watching is something people would see as sjw and that's a bad thing, then you're doing it wrong.

if you actually think it's bad then that's a different story. if she asks what you think you can say "it was alright" and she'll get the message without being offended. or maybe you'll like it

abandon ship now

Even when you ignore the SJW undertones it's still an objectively shitty show. The art style is ass and the show was animated by korean slaves and there are no likable characters.

I don't really understand how it can be considered SJW. The whole show is about females ruining everything. Nearly every single developed female character in the show is neurotic, overly emotional and highly dependent on others. Steven somehow manages to be the most grounded, realistic and intelligent of his race, despite being 1/1000th the age and with minimal experience.

Watch it and decide for yourself. Don't just base your opinion on what other people say.

season 1 is pretty good if you skip to Bubble Buddies (?)
kind of trash afterwards

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It's great and I love it.
has the right idea, go into it with no preconceptions and form your own opinion.

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not that guy but I did that and just realized the writing sucks. pretty show though. its fun i guess. they cant write a moral lesson to save their life though- each time it just turned into "BECAUSE" *que manic group cry laughter.

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Yeah, I agree there. I think it's themes are a lot stronger than it's minute by minute writing and it does characters very well for the most part. Gives me a lot of feels, this show.

Main character is an actual soyboy.

rip off of adventure time and it is sjw

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Season 1's pretty good, but Houseki no Kuni does everything better.
>cuter gems
>better fights
>deeper feels
>greater mystery
>superior music
>no SJW stuff

>pic related: the patrician's Lapis Lazuli

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The biggest problem with Houseki no Kuni is there's too little of it.
It's a great show

Its fucking shit don't watch it, this show is basically gay propaganda trying to infect the minds of kids so they can become as degenerate as the developers of this trash show

basically if you're okay with an astronomical amount of filler then there is something to be enjoyed about Steven Universe, that being said you do have to invest a lot of time to get to the good parts, and much of the time you spend may not be rewarded

plus, steven universe doesnt have phos (bestgirl)

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Why did she have to cut her hair?
She lost so much of her besgirlness (deisignwise)

Don't worry user, she gets much worse as the series progresses.

It's for literal children.

I can't wait for season 2. I ended up reading the manga and now I'm even more excited to see what the later chapters will be like in motion.

That alone is reason enough to consider HnK superior.

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its just lesbian gemstone mothers with faggot child

Top Phos was with Lapis' head and long hair. She got ugly after it broke off. But hopefully we get to see Lapis with Phos' head soon.

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Does her haircut get better, though?
I'm fine with whatever bullshit they do with the rest of her body, I just need a not-garbage haircut.

>MC is an overweight jewish manlet
>"""gems""" are all various forms of tumblr
no thanks, i prefer japanese rocks

singing space lesbians with a fat kid and bad animation

Before watching it, I loved to shit on it for being tumblr tier faggotry. I watched E;R shit on it in a few videos and let it confirm my biases until I watched E;R shit the bed reviewing Bladerunner 2049. Turns out he's a blithering retard that misses pivotal plot points in favor of thinking of edgy Jow Forums memes to insert, so I gave SU a try.
I'm mostly through the first season and it's been fantastic so far.

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This but it's also fairly comfy when you're feeling bad.

oh mama
>inb4 404

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The show is heavily sjw, lot's of POC , fat, gay, tranny characters and shit like racemixing etc... solely to appeal to an sjw audience. I remember a few years back, there was a Jow Forums thread where someone made a steven universe edits tumblr and they just whitewashed all the POC characters and the fans went apeshit at all the racism. It was pretty funny to watch as an observer. (pic related)

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Warhammer 40k naturally appeals to rabid deus vult Jow Forumsfags, but that doesn't meant I can't enjoy that on its own merits.

I legitimately like it. I watched it blind and stay away from fandom (aside from fanart). The first couple eps are kinda meh, but the show and characters really grow on you. Just ignore any sociopolitical bullshit from the show/fandom and you should be able to enjoy it.

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That depends. Do you think Dorito crumbs are a good hair accessory?

>fat beta boy transforms into strong woman
How fucking dense are people

It can't be that bad is it really that bad?

I guess I didn't articulate myself well enough, the show seems to pander to its fanbase quite blatantly, it's probably the later seasons that do this after the writers saw where most of their money was coming from.

It has some good moments in season one but it kinda drops down after that, and the fan base is utter cancer stay away form them.

>You'll like it if you ignore everything that's bad about it
Really solid advice

If you like it you like it, my dude. It's a show about gay space rocks, if that's something that seems your speed then try to have fun with it.