What is wrong with modern Women?

>Single mother
Can anything stop the eternal roastie?

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no. thanks for her #.

Doing God's work, user-dude

>absolutely no skills
>high school education
>no job
>single mom
Disgusting honestly.

Plenty of fish is like a gathering place for this type of scum


>no blacks please

every time. stop kidnapping cute escorts, black america.

Here's another one for laughs.

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Fucking burger whores. BAHAHAHHA

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I don't think she liked this message.

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Here's a good classic one....,..,,

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I'm black and I get the whole "no blacks" thing when it comes to hookers. They have this policy because
>Blacks are more likely to live in crazy neighborhoods
>Blacks are more likely to make a game out of the whole thing (show up with 3 or 4 dudes and try to run train for the lulz)
>Blacks are more likely to be pimps themselves looking for a new bitch
>Blacks are more likely to demand the full hour as opposed to just letting the hooker leave after they finish
It's just a different culture. Going to a black neighborhood as a hooker is kind of like going to an ultra rowdy frat house or some biker bar. Unless you're a ghetto hooker from the block I can see why the situation would be way too intense. I wouldn't want to be walking into house with 4 drunk and rowdy young black bucks looking to fuck me either. Meeting some middle aged beta for 20 min at the Radisson hotel is a much easier way to earn that same $100.


cheap. also youre not a true john until you get her pimp/so jealous.

that he fucking calls you from her phone and asking you to drive down to where he is to "settle" it.

This one is super original.,.,...,,,.

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Well people need to have some remdeming qualties

Almost all hookers have a no black dudes policy. It isnt about racism per say since even the higher class black hookers have the same policy.


she's wholesome enough for me

how do we stop black thugs from terrorizing cute escorts? id be down.

>how do we stop black thugs from terrorizing cute escorts? id be down.
>trying to be captain save-a-hoe for a glorified hooker

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i know im pathetic. i have dreams about being friends with her son too.

weapnized autists vs black thugs for control over escorts who dont want to be controlled in the first place.

>Cornwall, ON

that explains a lot. It's not women that are the problem, its that you are looking for them in Cornwall.

Apparently being a 'sex worker' is a new tumblr fad or something.
I guess a white male authority figure said it was bad or something idk.

>Do you have children? No
>I have a son
The ride sure doesn't end

Modern women don't know struggle, not like a man does. Everything a guy does is in an effort to prove themselves to the world, women just are.


Hold the shit on there you bigot, you can't just call someone a racist because they have good taste, get real. Plus it's dangerous to be a hooker who takes on Blacks, Cubans and such-like.

Reminder: people are allowed to not be attracted to a species of human alright. Fuckinghell, I mean God damn it, I'm not attracted to certain species and I'm definitely not racist. So go fuck yourself man