What keeps you from ending it all Jow Forums?

what keeps you from ending it all Jow Forums?

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we're in the golden age of traps

>we're in the golden age of traps
should I get in to them?

Death is scary as shit.

I don't want to disappoint my parents.

im a pussy :( origonal

I want to see the ending to Berserk

and there are 3 book series i want to write

the thought that it wouldn't be the end anyway. it's kind of inevitable in the long run that life just exists. time's a hell of a drug

1. My sisters would be devastated
2. Have a suicide pact and if I kill myself, my friend might too
3. I'm kinda curious about the future
4. I really wanna play Cyberpunk 2077 and I'm pretty sure I'll need to live at least another ten years for that

anime, the bible, my hobbies, and the hopes that I'll get a cute gf who loves me someday, even though it won't happen

family, i wouldnt want to hurt them that bad

1. I don't want my little brother to have to grow up without his older brother to be there for him and help him through life and give him advice and shit on how not to fuck up in all the ways that I have.
2. I have a lot of shit that I promised someone that I'd do, and I can't do it all yet

Nothing. I'm just ending it this summer.

I honestly don't know.
I think about everyday. I don't have anyone holding me back.
If it was easier I'd be dead right away.

Not american.

Dunno how there are any americans even alive on here desu.

>what keeps you from ending it all Jow Forums?
a disappointing end

America is one of the most extroverted-oriented cultures out there, so it isn't surprising that introverted types who can't adapt eventually become/feel ostracized and end up as robots.

Killing yourself is a lot harder than it seems if you don't have a gun

This very image Ive wanked to it 4 times now

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family, plus i'm going to eventually die anyways, I might as well endure the suffering, something cool might happen.

Nothing really. Just waiting for the final straw one of these days.

stupid fucking phoneposter.

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My little sister said I was her favorite sibling and she wants to grow up to be just like me, so I stay. Hopefully I can be someone she can truly be proud of.

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>My little sister said I was her favorite sibling and she wants to grow up to be just like me, so I stay. Hopefully I can be someone she can truly be proud of.
What a very good boy.

Nothing just the false hope that one day i will find a girlfriend and actually be successful with lots of friends and family.

>no friends or family or a girlfriend so nothing holding me back

keep living for your little sis she needs you

nothing but fomo

what suicide methods are whole hearted attempts and what are light hearted attempts?

This. Hopefully it comes soon.

I want to be happy with my 2D lovers and have them happy with me, too. I have future milestones in mind, such as having a wedding and making 2D children with them, when I'm at greater levels of peace and enlightenment with it all, for motivation. This is what I live for.

Feeling pretty comfortable right now. Out of mary j for tomorrow though

These vines.

>what keeps you from ending it all Jow Forums?
I'm mentally stable

some kind of misguided idea that I will eventually get out of the NEET torture I'm currently in. The only real issue with it though the stigma behind it. If people didn't care about me being a NEET and would give me an adequate amount of resources to just exist, I probably wouldn't mind either. I feel like nothing else is worth doing because at the end of it all nothing matters.

dont fall for it dont fall for it originallyyy

Id be killing the person i love and theres no demons in hell that could keep me apart from her. I refuse to hurt her.

Too scared of failing my attempt. Have the noose tied and ready in my basement and everything, I'm just scared I'll wind up suffering more if I survive the attempt.

I'm too much of a pussy. Firearms are hard to get here and the remaining options all require a concerted effort and or pain. I can't find the courage to live and I can't find the courage to kill myself. Fuck me.

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How awful it would be to try and kill yourself only to maim or fuck yourself up bad enough that you can't attempt it again. Or god forbid you then find the will to live but too bad for you you're permanently fucked up.

>I had an epiphany about life and death a long time ago and I'm still satisfied with it, also life's always been good to me

The fact that I haven't actually tried to change yet, so that's what I'm doing, but each day I just find another little reason to add something to the "it's really not even worth it" list.

Exactly, just look up "shotgun suicide survivor" on google images and that is exactly what scares me into not attempting to kill myself

Wait what? How the fuck can you survive a shotgun blast to the head?

not having a gun

Few cases of absolute dumbasses that couldn't angle the gun right. I wish I had a shotgun or an active train track near me. There's no way you can fuck either of them if you have half a brain.

Using a gauge smaller than 12, and/or aiming under the chin instead of inside the mouth.

I have a set of train tracks directly across the street from me but the trains only go like 10km/h through town.

Video games and food.
and anime

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That must be such a fucking tease

Pro-Wrestling and video games.

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My dogs
Who would feed them, clean them and cuddle them during sleep?

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They can eat your dead body until the cops show up.

It's a little late for that, user.

They would be sad.

And then what? They would be thrown into a kennel and then shoahed or something.

I also live for eating, god fucking damn i love eating even though i am not fat i just fucking love to eat, nothing better than choking up on some delicious food , passing it with some coke (the drink ,not the drug) and then going to sleep with my mutts.

I have been a little poorfaggish lately but i dream of the day i will get some extra cash and fucking gobble down as much as i can.

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What are you, fucking gay?
I want to embarrass my parents, show them how great they could have made their lives.

my mom
waiting to get kicked out, I can't survive the real world

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I could be your mom.

Videogames and the Internet.
Take those away I'll probably just hang myself out of sheer boredom

thanks new mom

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>I could be your mom.
I want a mommy too.

okay now clean your room

only if you promise to be a good boy

fuck you internet dad

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I'll be your mom user

that's it, you're grounded

no shitposting for a week

Family n friends n shieet

also I figured that if life is meaningless and we all rot into nothingness, soon to be forgotten by the world, that its probably worth at least trying to do something productive or interesting before that happens

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I am not good.
>I'll be your mom user
Are you a girl?

Just that there would be people left behind who would mourn me and be genuinely miserable. They would all blame themselves, they would ask themselves every night, "what if I said this instead of that?" and "what if I just paid more attention?"

>tfw you know this better than most people because you had a friend kill himself
What's worse is that I found out from his obituary that we shared a birthday. Like, fuck, he was exactly one year older than me. Every year it's all I can fucking think about while everyone around me is saying "Happy Birthday user!" and wondering why the fuck I don't like my birthday anymore.

If I could just delete myself and make everyone forget that I ever existed then I would snap my own neck without a second thought, but as it is I don't want to put anyone else through that shit.

This and it gets easier to be alone when you give up hope.

is that remy sucking dick?

I wanna be rich someday. I wanna be able to wake up everyday without any cares or concerns or obligations. To be able to buy a house and make it super comfy. To be free to pursue all my stupid little personal projects. That's the dream that keeps me going. The Elite NEET dream.

I'm already dead.


I still have hopes to live up to friendly AGI development. If it happens it is possible that everyone including myself will be cured and will be able to pursue their dreams. I, for one, want to be a cuteboi.

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fear of hell


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I have this tiny ounce of hope that I'm only a failed normie and still have chance remaining in this shell of body

Biologically ingrained fear

Also i have a disabled brother that i need to take care of most days so id feel too bad to even bring myself to do it

why was i denied peace anons

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