Easy, painless, non scary ways of suicide?

easy, painless, non scary ways of suicide?

>Non scary
as in no jumping in front of a train, or off a building
as in materials are easy to acquire, unfortunately guns are not an option.

Not looking for counseling, just answers.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>exit bag
>opiate overdose

I would LOVE to use an exit bag, but I'm not sure how to acquire or assemble one. Care to enlighten me?

hanging sounds absolutely terrifying to me. no thanks

Literally a trash bag. Helium is the yard part. Don't use the balloon time tanks since that's 20/80 air helium. You want pure helium. Should be available at a welding/gas supply store but its pricey.

Gun is still best method. Are you not in burgerland or are you underaged b&?

Its a slow induce unconsciousness method. You block the flow of your corotid and pass out then die assuming no interruptions.

im in America, but I just don't know to get a gun :(

Death, and by extension any form of suicide, is not scary, it's terrifying.

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All you have to do is walk into a gun store, and if you're 18, you can buy any rifle or shotgun they offer. You fill out a few forms, pay upfront, and boom. You're a gun owner.

Are u over 18 friend? Just go to Walmart and get the $200 mossberg

is it stupid to choose this way since full seems much more painful even though it is quick?

no, its just a wonderful endless dreamless sleep

Funny this thread came up, I was thinking of trying this tonight. The technique is to set it up so you lean in to it more once you start to go unconscious. I think this then stops the breathing completely too. As far as I can tell it doesn't sound too bad tbhfam

Nembutal or opiate overdose

Plenty of people die this way accidentally while fapping. Though I'd say its less reliable than a hanging that simply breaks your neck.

It's not dreamless sleep, it's oblivion.

I don't feel the same way, sounds comfy

is it viewed as less set on dying than the way shown in movies though where they kick a chair?

Then why are you still here?

>I-I still have things to do!
>I c-can wait until death comes by itself!
>I'm looking forward to an a-anime!

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Why do you care how it's viewed? Doing it for attention? If so don't fucking try hanging

Literally cross the street. You can find guns in every corner in this country.

If someone really wants to die they'll make it happen. If someone uses an unreliable method and consciously or unconsciously doesn't really want to die then they should just get psychiatric help

More like
>cause I'm a pussy and don't follow through
>have had it all set up 5 times now, never did it
I'm () btw

If a person is instinctively scared of dying a certain way (like jumping off a building), doesn't that mean the person doesn't actually want to die?

basically i just wanted to know if it makes any sense that even if someone wanted to die they choose to do it where they arent fully suspended simply because it is far less frightening

Maybe. I think its just a fear of pain and our survival instinct. Just takes a little extra willpower that's all

For real though, I can't do it until Re:Zero 3rd season.

Nobody is going to judge you for how you do it man.

Yes, but isn't it wrong to assume that our instincts aren't the "real" us. In a way instincts are even deeper than our logical thinking.

this wasnt original in any sort of way

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Instincts are just evolutionary muscle memory. There are plenty of situations where we ignore them in everyday life

I disagree. Instincts are common to every regular human, they don't compose "you" because that's not a unique trait from everyone else. It'd be the same thing as saying that having a nose is part of the "real" you, imo.

When you do this method make sure you call someone to let them know you're doing it. So that way once youve put together your cry for attention, someone can come save you.
Then you can show off to everyone how you've got an attempted suicide under your belt.

I'm drunk

>wrap towel around neck
>do squat
>breath in and out deep 20 times
>stand up really quick while tightening the towel
>post results

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This sounds tooo good to be true

>Implying I have $100

More like.
>stand on top of building
>do squat
>breath in and out deep 20 times
>stand up really quick while slightly leaning forward
>post results

do you have $towel?

Are you refering to this ?
That'll likely just give you brain damage.

carbon monoxide, dummy

Living a normal life and not investing in life extending technologies

idk this sounds pretty dangerous user

fuck a rostie so hard that you get hear attack from it

I would try this but it seems like life would be even worse if I was deaf


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hanging is the best youll get
easy rules out chemicals and guns

Another day, another failed hanging attempt.
I've thought of the exit bag but I can't even buy a helium tank without raising suspicion. Doesn't help that my parents knew I'm suicidal.

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how did it fail? also would you be afraid of fully hanging i would?

please dont kys though user

The rope just won't tighten hard enough so I guess the rope was of the wrong material. It only makes my head feel like it's gonna explode so I probably only blocked the veins going back into my heart.

did you pass out at all?

If I did, I would probably be dead already. I'm too much of a pussy to do full suspension.

Then you weren't even trying.

>wraps a string around neck
>look everyone, I'm killing myself!

If you do the ol' leanaroo do you need thick rope? Seems like it wouldn't ever really have that much weight on it. Also related to that, will there be enough weight on it to tighten the knot if I did 10 wraps? Quarter in. nylon so it kinda sticks to itself while tightening. Need to know because I won't be able to adjust after it's set obviously

I don't know, if you really want to do it, google how much weight the material of your rope can take, tie a noose with 13 loops and lower yourself from a tree.

people have already mentioned exit bag, that's pretty much your best bet, otherwise just save up and get a gun, it's easy if you're an amerimutt, also I won't try to stop you, if you really want to commit suicide you'll do it without fear of potential consequences, even if it does cause temporary pain and fear, because that's better than living this shitty life. good luck in your endeavors OP

pretty informative


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this might be what you'r actually looking for

hanging still doesn't look too bad
... unless you have some ACME TNT stowed away somewhere


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You are right, I'll have to try harder.

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Poppy seed tea. Make a very large batch and drink it all. You buy the you probably want to use 3 cups of seeds to make sure you die. Shake seeds in water or lemon juice for 5 min. Drink water. Flavor it with sugar or alcohol if you want. I mix mine with a little gin and actual tea.

Walmart raised the age to 21 for ammo and guns

>buy steak
>find rabid dog
>give dog steak
>try and take steak back, you will get bit at least once
>leave bite and ensuing rabies untreated
it can cause you to go insane so you might have some fun with this method.

AIDS genuinely seems like a better option tbqhwyf.

The easiest way to kill yourself is to continue living. It just takes time.

that could take decades to finish, rabies can kill you in less than a month. this is something one would want done in a relatively timely manner.

If hanging do long drop, short drop is extremely painful. But long drop won't hurt and is essentially instant

Why would you want to an hero? Life's great you stupid fuck.
Or are you one of those """""depressed""""" millennial faggots?
Just stop being being a sad fag and start having fun. It's not that hard.

Would a simple noose attached to a doorknob be painful?

Fuck you, not OP but suicide is the only logical answer to an illogical world

Do you just order poppy seeds online somewhere?

Only if you're a pantsy ass bitch. Seriously though, a healthy guy would take a lot more force to hang himself successfully that way.

Walmart or Amazon. The two popular brands for this are Sincerely Nuts and We Got Nuts.

Actually if you do it right, a short drop will induce unconsciousness in about 7 to 15 seconds. The key is to get the rope right under your chin as to compress the carotid and jugular, rather than to try to strangle yourself. By compressing those arteries and veins, you cut off the brain from getting enough oxygen via blood while you still can more or less breath.

Thats how I plan to an hero soon, anyways.

I've gotten the gist of what life in the modern world is like and I'm pretty sure it's not something for me. And I'm not particularly needed anywhere so I basically have the freedom to choose not to live and it would just be quicker to skip ahead to the end.

ty friend, I wish you success in life

>short drop is extremely painful
not really desu. would have followed trough if i had rope and not a belt of questionable strength
i give it a 7/10 overall

When I go I'm going to make a mass amount of anfo and head out in the woods and lay in it before I touch it off. Large blasts liquify everything in an instant. You won't even feel hitting the button

I know that, I've done the research, but you underestimate the pain and how tight it needs to be, I thought I had it tight enough, it was almost choking me without hanging yet but it wasn't tight enough, it also was extremely painful, any slightly sane person would have stopped it, and so did I because I had a position where i could pussy out and after a minute or so I couldn't take it anymore

Thank user, I'll be there with you soon.

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Maybe it was just how I did it but it hurt too much and I couldn't follow through

But that's besides the point, OP asked for painless methods and short drop is definitely not painless

>muh logic

if you're bitching out on methods you don't want to die

Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington did it. Stop complaining.

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How exactly where they complaining? They seemed to be just stating their experience

I (obviously) haven't tried this but I think a fork to the outlet should be pretty quick.

Guns are just as scary as jumping imo

You only got to be brave enough to flinch your finger.

That possibly won't kill and would hurt (ac hurts more than DC, and would take a bit) better to use a microwave transformer and touch both outputs at the same time, would most likely kill around instantly. Best with a dead man's switch so nobody else is in danger

it isn't. you'll just risk extreme discomfort and burns. you may also experience cola colored urine hours later which means you need to get your ass to the hospital so you wont lie for hours in agony because of liver and kidney failure.

Yeah you literally die by pressing a button essentially