What's life like as a manlet?
I can't even imagine
do you get bullied often?
how do girls usually treat you?
What's life like as a manlet?
Memes aside;
Can' reach the top shelf.
Guys don't really mess with you, height jokes are a thing but it' mostly just bantz.
Women are shit but women are shit to everyone.
Jow Forums blows it out of proportion. Just get a tall friend and you're golden.
her neck looks really stranglable
Whats unironically manlet? Dont bring up that chart either I want your guys opinions
I am 5 foot 10 btw
I'm 5'4" and nobody ever makes a joke about my height. You probably just look like a pussy that would take it.
I'd say anything under 5'8. 5'10 is fine.
Nah, it's my brothers who are all tall. Just turn around and make fun of them for hitting their head on the stairwell really. Stay moist user.
What the crap is "moist"
Are you fucking 14
people just don't want to make you feel bad
>What's life like as a manlet?
I use a steppy stool to reach the top shelf of the kitchen
I hide it when my friends come over
Nobody cares really.
Girls just ignore me
5'6 shitskin
oh that's just because you're a shitskin, not because your'e short user!
You don't seem very moist right now are you okay?
I can do plenty to make people feel bad too, but I don't normally do it.
neh im more likely to make fun of someone who can handle the banter rather than someone who looks like a pussy that would take it, thats probably also the case for you n this guy.
unless you're describing cake, moist isn't very cool.
the other day at the grocery store i was too short to reach something at the back of the top shelf and too embarrassed to ask for help
i went home without it
i'm 5'3"
So your thought process is, "Here's some dude that won't mind if I take a big fat shit on his face." Is that right?
Thats not very moist of you.
Dude, unless you're describing cake, moist isn't very cool.
I have stunted legs but not freakishly so, so I'm 5'8 with a torso for a 5'10. Probably not 'manlet'.
I dunno if having that extra two or three inches would have solved much as an adult. Could have used more height and confidence when I was younger.
I should lift.
eh met people like you before, some people enjoy banter and some don't, i guess you are of the latter but i'd hardly describe it as "taking a big fat shit on his face", more of playful fighting with words.
You want people to think that conversation is adversarial?
People don't usually make fun of me.
They'd have to see me first.
its more of like puppies "fighting" their siblings and parents, not "adversarial" more of preparation and training.
Preparation for what?
how tall are you op? i agree though i cant imagine life being short. height is my one redeeming trait
for life, believe it or not you will be better at handling conflict when you have experience in it.
I didnt even know I was "short" till I started browsing Jow Forums and Jow Forums recently. People still treat me with respect and call me sir and girls still smile at me so idgaf
I wanna kill myself but I haven't for some reason
If you can't pass off being 6ft to a female then you're a manlet. Not memeing either. I'd say 5'10" is the absolute tallest manlet, but you're in striking distance with the right shoes and good posture.
Geez user, rather dry today are we?
Cute!! want to be my sissy sex doll?
Why do you prioritize saving face in front of strangers over acquiring desired resources? That's not an effective way to live life.
Man I'm 5'12 and I still feel like a manlet.
god I love manlet threads. Thank god women don't view me as a non-sexual object
Got some worse news for you lad, you're a brainlet. That one isn't recoverable with tall shoes and good posture.
I am a brainlet but do you even meme?
I'm almost 100% sure you don't get made fun about your height because your 5'4 is because it's genuinely embarrassing. Rather than you know
5'8-5-11 people who are at that height where they are still taller than some women and still can get some. So it's ok because they don't have it that bad. But being 5'4 is like making fun of a handicapped person
yeah its like when someone thin ate a big meal and someone can say 'omg youre so fat' but if an actually fat person did that noone would say shit
user, i think you need a little moisture in your life.
5'9". I never get mocked by guys for being short, but my height definitely made it harder to get a girlfriend.
why dont you get a real stool? are you a baby faggot?
>how do girls usually treat you?
IDK, indifferently? Hard to tell without having been taller to draw a frame of reference from. But since people think about me a lot more than they interact with me in general and since people's thoughts reveal more about their core than their outward behavior, I'm far more interested in knowing what they think of me.
It's literally what's making me feel like shit like every girl I've talked to has at some point told me that I'm a great guy but because of my height (5;4) they don't want to go out with me. Because of this I've avoided relationships with women and I feel like I should try again but I'm scared of rejection
i don't even like making eye contact with strangers much less asking favors of them
only if you'll get me things from the top shelf and from the top of the fridge for me
>idc idc idc
This new dank twitter maymay where you pretend to be a child holding his ears and screaming something so that you can't hear the opposing point really gets the ol' noggin joggin.
I should add that I never interact with girls in the context of having or wanting a relationship.
So your confidence is shattered. Then if you happen to later end up in a situation where a girl chooses you despite your height, you two will have a relationship, but you will have that low confidence that those previous girls gave you constantly lingering in your head until she finally breaks up and blames you for being insecure and proceeds to tell everyone about how short guys can't get girls not because they are short but because they are insecure, all based on that one anecdote.
oof so you're saying I should toughen up?
Believe me I've tried
My fiance is around 5'8" and I prefer it. I can't stand dating tall men.
I'm 6'1", but all my friends are noticeably shorter than I am. I'd say my two best friends are around 5'7". One's married and the other is in a LTR, while I'm a near virgin (I've fucked prostitutes). So take that for what it's worth.
No. But I'll tell you what I think you should do. I think you should flat out avoid anyone who prefers the height of a man to be taller than your own height. That's my rule of thumb on the matter.
Unironically wouldn't want to have it any other way. Get buds who accept you as you are, and filters out unmotherly/unfeminine women. Feels good famalam.
Yeah I agree word-for-word. I'm . Also, the best women are of the mommy gf type, and they are typically the ones who do the approaching and initiating.
I'm 5'5" and get laid with good looking women , people don't really take you seriously in the work place but I don't really care since they have no expectations for me to break
But I'm 5'7 someone please lower the cutoff for me fuckkkkk
5'9 College Student
Am attractive so girls treat me great.
I've never been bullied in my life, tall people will make jokes but we're all friends, not bullying. People don't really bully as you get older user, it's like a childhood thing. I do MMA kickboxing and brazillian jiu jitsu anyway.
meh not bad regarding height
Ik I'll never be hot but I can definitely pass off as cute or sexy in the near future when I get this six pack right
it's all about how you present yourself. a manlet has to do more things to be noticed but fuck it if that's what you gotta do, you gotta do them.
>tall friends walk fast and leave me behind
>will be tossed aside for y'all CHAD but what else is new?
>probably will get fucked up in a real fight
>all these faggots want me to be their twink bf because of my long hair
>cuck eyes but that's my fault
>What's life like as a manlet?
5'11" so I cope fairly well
>do you get bullied often?
Nah, I can hold my own
>how do girls usually treat you?
I don't spend time with girls
>Thank god women don't view me as a non-sexual object
don't think they were going to even if you weren't a manlet
You guys are good guys. Stay moist
I'm 5'6" and I have never been made fun of because of my height. All my friends are around the same height maybe shorter or a bit taller so that might be why...
>why dont you get a real stool? are you a baby faggot?
I'm a manlet, who the fuck cares if I get a real stool? I'm not a real man.
You have it ez, user. It's nothing but a world of hurt down here, being 5'7" and all
rabbit piece of shit
5'9-5'11 isnt manlet no one thinks you are short unless you live in some Scandinavian country or some shit.
Girls always try to nurture me. My (girl) friend got drunk and started calling me her sweet wholesome little baby. It's kind of nice but idk, you know they'd never date you. I'm 5'5 with a baby face, and no I don't get bullied.